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Posts posted by Andrea

  1. Nice work, considering you just started. Here is my list of suggestions:


    Ditch the XHTML doctype and go with HTML - for an explanation, read the sticky in the HTML/XHTML forum here.


    'click here' is kind of so 90s --- most folks nowadays know what to do when they see an underline


    s are meant to be used in order of importance - so you make your most important title on your page

    , the second most important

    and so on - you jump from



    Don't use

    s inside

    s -

    is only for a line break - enclose every paragraph in

    tags, and use your CSS to add spaced between the paragraphs.


    Don't do

    - make is

    and then style that in your CSS.


    Avoid inline styling - unless it's really something that will only happen one time on your entire site.


    Drop the hit counter, too - it's amateurish.


    And whatever LSW said - btw, I'm not colorblind, but that red on black is kind of hard on my eyes, too.


    You have a few empty divisions - what's the point of those?



    But other than that, VERY nice work for a first.

  2. There are several different ways to specify color values in CSS, the best known are with color names and color numerical values.
    Using color names may be well-known, but is not the ideal solution - and limiting. Hex colors and/or RPG Colors are the most useful.
    Many Web designers have been building pages for years, either by hand or with an editor, and the idea of converting their site(s) to XHTML+CSS is daunting at best.
    I would hope that any webdesigner who has been building sites for years has been using CSS for years. What baffles me is that there are still so many out there who believe that XHTML is some new standards -it's not. For a regular website, HTML4.01 strict is the ideal doctype - Read up on it in one of our stickies: HTML or XHTML
  3. Does your firm have an Intranet - or simply, just shared drives that are accessible to everyone? Put the site there.

    Therefore, I need to know how I can achieve this, without uploading the files to the server and risking it screwing up the site.
    Uploading files to a server does not screw things up - if things appear screwed up after they've been uploaded, then either one forgot to upload all the parts, and/or the site wasn't done right to begin with.
  4. Wickham gave you a validating solution in his link a couple posts up.


    What I was referring to is this - and maybe I have it wrong:

    <table width="100%" style="border:0;background:#f5f5f5;">
    Hand Tied Bouquets start from £40
       Flower :
    Quantity : 

    I was thinking that having the table start and end inside the form tags was incorrect - but I may have been thinking wrong - someone enlighten me, please

  5. Does the border have to be limited to 10px? And if so, what is supposed to be on the outside of the border? If the 10px aren't a must, just create a wrapper at a width of 1024 px and color the body for the 'border'. However, if you design for a width of 1024, than anything viewed with a resolution of 1024 AND less will have a horizontal scroll bar.

  6. whereas just "#links a" could refer to any "a" element within an element with an id of "links":



    But considering that an ID is supposed to be used only once on any given page, that kind of seems redundant - not wrong, but overkill. Or not? However, for a class, it makes perfect sense to me.
  7. It's a whopping 25 in Indiana right now with the forecast of 4 for the rest of the week.
    Which is just one of the many reasons I am sooooooo happy not to be living in Indiana any more - or Germany for that matter, their weather isn't any better, either.
  8. I cannot even imagine.


    Fuinny so, the natives in San Antonio wear heavy parkas, earmuffs, and mittens when the harsh Texas winter's hit and the temperatures drop to a frigid 40?F.... We really laughed at them during our first winter here - even so my toes sometimes got a little cold in my sandels in the early hours.

  9. Graeme, you've been a Killersites member long enough to know about coding errors and the need to validate :)


    Close your form where it needs to be closed (right after the form code, not at the bottom of your tables) and then close the twoCol division BEFORE your clearing division, not after.


    And there is no need at all to start any HTML with a clearing division on top- what are you clearing?

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