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Posts posted by newseed

  1. I didn't notice any white space. As for the footer, define a height for you #footer. On that note, you used an image for a background in your footer. Since they are just plain colors, you can set the dark green as background-color: #01928F; and then add a border-top: 10px solid #7DC9C5;

    thus you don't need the background image any more.


    Now I was going to stop there but when I clicked on your Design link. I am sure that you guys do great design print work but you website does not reflect that. In fact, it would probably hurt your image.


    If you are up to it, you should start asking questions, critiques, etc. here on this forum to help you improve the image of your business via website.


    On the positive note, at least you can pat yourself on the back for good coding!

  2. I don't think we have any Flash gurus here but if it helps any, when I have an image or an link tag defined but I don't want any of those little yellow popups I would just define the title or alt tag with just quotes only like this:






    Not sure if Flash handles something like this or maybe some other similar method.

  3. I've seen that effect before when searching for "jquery accordion".

    I think Susie hit the nail on the head. The one I used was called click toggle but I believe it falls under the category of 'accordion'.


    Thanks Susie.

  4. I have used something similar at: ch iccorpo rateapp arel.com/branding-boutiques.asp


    I don't recall where I got this one but I am sure the jquery site has a few which I believe correct search term to use is "toggle".

  5. Server Side Inlcudes using either PHP or ASP will be rendered when the visitor visits a page. So option 1 is the right choice because it will render just like option 2 as far as what google and yahoo sees.


    You can simply test this by display your web page with the php includes and then do a View Source via your browser. This is what search engines sees.

  6. It would seem that you are designing this site as you build it. Probably the most difficult way to design the site...graphically.


    You should have a complete mockup design of the site you would like to build. Once you are completely satisfied with the graphical design, you can then implement the design into html/css.


    And Thelma is right. Redo do the flash. What you have now will only hurt your business.

  7. If you use a software like content management systems, blogs, ecommerce and others, you might find yourself needing to update them. No problem right?


    Well, it's not a problem unless you do a lot of customization to the core files. Those updates will overwrite those custom files and your work is lost.


    To avoid this, you need to detect and merge the differences of each file, compare source code, compare program output, etc.


    Below are a few software that can do the job of comparing files side by side indicating which lines of codes have been changed or any code that you have customized vs the upgrade files.



    Compare and Merge


  8. will this run next to safari 3.x?

    I would think not but you might want to check before you do. IE seem to be the only one that wants to integrate their browser into their OS.


    As for Mac users, that I can't say.


    Otherwise, I don't mess with betas. I just so happened to find that the other day and thought I'd post it here.

  9. yeah, sorry. I been having a lot of trouble making this thing work right. was thinking of putting ddwrt on my router, but i not sure i could use dyndns then

    I can't recall off hand but there a few decent free web hosting around. There are a few that are dirt cheap. Give it some time and someone here will provide a link or two that you can use to upload your files so we can then review what you have.

  10. You didn't give us much to go on because we can't see the code for the 404 page.


    My bet is that you can just take one of your existing php page, save it as a 404.php and edit that page to conform to 404 details that you wish to display.

  11. Hi, ( Im a beginner ) if we have a non-frameset home page , say a welcome page index.html which opens up a frameset website by clicking on a link to enter, Will that be a solution to by pass the problem of search engines which might then look at the index.html page first? and miss the frame?

    If your site is in frames then you will need to take it out of frames. With frames, the only pages that your site will get indexed is the index.html (as you mentioned above) and the initial default frame page when you enter into a frame site.


    Frames are like multiple windows in the browser and the only page that gets indexed is the root frame that puts it all together. Go ahead and click on a few of your links and look at the url in the address bar of your browser and see if it changes to reflect the pages your are viewing.


    Server Side Includes is not like that. It will put your header/footer or whatever includes you want to use together with each of your content pages.

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