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Posts posted by newseed

  1. Eric,


    Been there. Serious clients will be serious in their desires to get things done but sometimes they have other priorities that supercedes them in which this may be the case with you and your client.


    I'd say shake it off and find more clients. Give priority to those that are working with you or at least not holding you back. If you have a deposit for the job then don't fret unless you have done more work than the amount you collected. Just find another client or two.


    Meanwhile, you can careful state (via email or leave phone message) in your next attempt to contact the client by saying something that you have not received any response from him/her and that this will be your last attempt.


    Becareful how you word it because you don't want to come across as being pushy or desperate.

  2. I am not sure why you need all those position: relative but you should establish your bannercontainer to have a fixed height that will fit all those other child divs. This will then clear the bodycontainer thus pushing the sidebar down naturally.

  3. But still need to figure out how to get some dots to go across to the prices. I think it would look better that way.

    What you can do is use an image that has a few dots and have it repeated using the css background.


    Create the image.

    Add it to the dl selector in the css. Example: background: transparent url('image-filename.jpg) repeat-x;


    You will probably need to postion it from the top so that it aligns with the bottom of the text of the food item.


    Example: background: transparent url('image-filename.jpg) 0 10px repeat-x;


    10px will move it down from the top.


    Next you will need to add a background color to dt and to dd so that matches the same tannish/brown background color you have.


    Otherwise, tables will work nicely.


    Update: I have made some edits to this post that shorten and improved this method.

  4. You probably need a SSL certificate and the host requires a code to use with a IP and the CCBill needs to know what merchant you are using so you can use their built gateway to process payments.


    As for Frontpage, it's not the tool but it's coding that it produces. I've used FP for 2 years before upgrading to Expression Web and never had a problem with it because I understood html and css thus allows me to avoid using FP garbage coding such as webbots, font tags, etc.

  5. You should be coding for Firefox because it's a standard compliant browser whereas IE is not. If you get it right in Firefox then chances are IE will render it very close the same.


    The dirty fix is to add clear: both; to the following css:








    Using dl (dt, dd) is a bit tricky but you don't have to use it. Since your menu is displaying data it's ok to use tables instead of dl's.

  6. Here's what I do.


    Make a copy of onlinevoucher.html and name it onlinevoucher-test.html.


    Make a copy of styles.css and name it styles-test.css


    In the onlinevoucher-test.html page, look for this:



    Change the file path for the media css from /styles.css to styles-test.css and do the same thing for the second line that has print.css which now will be styles-test.css. (note: this is just to make it simple for testing purposes)


    Test in browser to make sure the page is displaying correctly.


    Now open your styles-test.css file and strip out all the properties (styles) but keep the selectors. Example of what it should look like after you strip them out:


    body {




    #wrap {




    ...and so on.


    Preview in your browsers. You should see everything but without the styling.


    Now add display: none; to all the css selectors that wish to hide such as the header, the right side column, the footer, etc. It should look like this:


    #header-wrap {

    display: none;



    Keep doing this until you get the desired results. Preview in browser often.


    Now once you have the text/images you wish to print, style it so that you get the desired visual look.


    In some cases, you will need to turn on a parent selector in order to see the child selector.


    Keep tweaking it to you get it right.


    Refresh your browser and do a Print Preview. If you have done it right there will be no extra blank page.


    Once you are satisfied, you can use this as your new print stylesheet.


    Tip: Make sure all margins and paddings for divs/tables are set to zero and the width are set to 100%. The user's default print setting for the browser will already have margins set and that you will also want to use the full width of the print area.

  7. You should have a good navigation structure so that it will make it easy for users to move around the site.


    Additional, you could use breadcrumbs so that users can see the levels they have gone and so all they have to do is click on the level they wish to get back to.




    Home > Our Products > Widgets > Texas Widgets> Blue > Texas Bluebonnet Widgets

  8. I've answered your question in this post. I think you are not grasping how css displays the content.


    By default, the html of your page will display. CSS just makes it pretty. If you don't want something to appear then you simply turn it off like a light switch by adding 'display: none'. You can easily critique what you are doing by doing a Print Preview that way you don't have keep printing pages.


    As I said in the other post, there is no sense in having a form printed nor the instructions. You just need the coupon image to print.

  9. You will need to set every instances within that #main div to display: none. Just hiding the div alone doesn't cut it.


    You don't need the form and so you should hide it. You don't need the instructions to that form and so you should hide it.


    Use 'display: none' to hide everything that appears. If you want to just have the coupon image to appear only, then you would just use one css to make it work:


    #main img {display: block;}


    Everything else you hide.

  10. Ben is correct. However, I think your question is how to get it to print a coupon only. What you will have to do if have a print stylesheet specifically for that coupon page and set everything to be 'display: none'. You would then just set the coupon only to show when printing by using 'display: block'.

  11. first:letter is not fully supported by most browser although some (such as Firefox) will render it just fine but in certain conditions it could render it useless.


    CSS Browser Support


    Browser standards are not laws in which broswer developers must comply to. However, it is a guideline (a standard) that must adapt to if they want to keep up with the competition and demand for good CSS support.


    In the mean time, you can use span tags to create something similar that will support in all browsers.

  12. Hey, love U're answers!



    What is and what is not?

    Most or every serious open CMS has some kind of step-by-step guide for implementing templates /themes. Unfortunately those instructions in most cases are hurt by:

    a) missing steps

    B) high level native (english or php, etc) expressions that make it impossible to understand

    c) so long and tedious that anyone or everyone get lost reading it.


    A small tutor on how to understand the generic process of setting ut a webpage would definitely help reading bad tutors for each CMS.

    You just can't do a 'generic' documentation on how to implement a template to a CMS because each CMS is different on how a template is implemented. For example: Joomla template implementation is different from CMS Made Simple. Also, both are coded differently if you were to incorporated one of your own personal design and so you have to take totally different approah for each one.



    All CMS's are NOT different. :rolleyes: At a micro level naturally every cms is different, they are nor compatible or clones... But at a task oriented level they all do the same things like integrating a HTML code and CSS formate etc into publishing a content and members /community administration center. Yes they use slightly different approaches to do this but the main task, which is close related to the generic principles still remains.

    This type of 'generic' documentation will end up being more confusing than each of the original software documentation.


    Since you have so much passion for this, why don't you take a crack at it yourself and provide the 'generic' documentation for review?



    For short

    One could say that that a generic cms principles walkthrough should be used for pre understanding before reading any of the established cms's webpage implementation instructions to read them with more "understanding eyes" so to say.


    Get us started by providing 3-4 examples and we will test them by applying them to our favorite CMS.

  13. ok thanks..

    now i added media="screen" to my styles.css and now it prints on one page but its leaving out some of the bold for the questions.


    do i need that in my styles.css?


    IN other words,

    my #main will have two diff styles....One in the print and one in the regular styles.....This wont affect anything will it?


    As long as you define which stylesheet is the media and the print versions then you can style them independently from each other.

  14. another question.

    I now got it all on one page, but it still printing a second BLANK page....grrr


    any help with this one?


    I just checked in FF3.0 and it works great on one page but internet explorer 6.0 it prints out two pages and the second page being blank. IE 7.0 it works fine.


    I hate all these different standards for browsers!!

    More than likely this is due to IE6's default print settings which you really don't have much control over when it comes to someone's browser's print settings.


    I like to add that you can set a new class in the print.css file to give a page break where you desire.


    Add this to the html where you think it should have a page break:



    CSS: (add it to the print.css file only)


    .page-break { display:block; page-break-before:always; }


    If by chance that the page is is causing problems when viewing the web page itself, then you can just add this to your media css file:


    .page-break { display:none; }

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