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Posts posted by Susie

  1. Thanks for the help, Lynne. It looks like I'm in the minority here, so I will just go with it the way it is. I tried the fix in that thread, but it didn't change anything for me. As long as the majority can see it, we're cool. These videos will be posted privately for their individual customers to see the progress on their home. Should work fine. Thanks again!!

  2. I do web design (or any other computer related activity) from 4am to 6am and hit the gym from 6am to 7am and daycare from 7:30am to 5:30pm each day.


    I can relate. I've been up since 3am and worked until 6:30am. Then I am busy with my kids and their school throughout the day (while trying to sneak in some work here and there). Sometimes I can work at night, but am usually too sleepy by then. :)

  3. Hi Holly,


    You should be able to add this to your CSS and make it centered:


    #EmilyPictureBackground {

    margin: 0 auto;



    The first item (0) refers to the top and bottom margins. If you need some space, you can change that to any number. For example, 10px.


    The second item (auto) means that the left and right margins will be equal.


    Let us know if that doesn't do it. And if not, maybe you could post a link so we can check it out for you.

  4. It's nice to hear everyone's updates. :)


    Right now I'm working on a website for a church in North Carolina. Also, I'm working on a few WordPress themes and Ecommerce templates that I hope to sell on my site in the very near future. I just finished a redesign of my website to accommodate those additions.


    Other than that, I'm just busy being a mom and wife. My kids just finished spring break and are all in school at the moment. The silence is heavenly. B)

  5. I'll take your advice and give the new contractor some small things to do and then see how that goes. I do agree that something may be wrong with my current contractor, however, if he won't talk to me and it continues to hurt my business (i.e. 2.5 weeks late on a project) then I have to try someone else.


    Thanks much.


    I had an issue like that recently. The contractor was over a month late and my client was becoming increasingly frustrated and angry. We were so deep in the project that I couldn't really hire someone else without having to start all over again, too. Very frustrating!


    I do some contract work for a graphic designer (mostly coding and cms integration of her PSDs) and I have hired a few of the regulars here at Killersites for my overflow work. I've not had a problem with any of them here. Let us know if we can help! :)

  6. I just realized something I miss. Or maybe I'm just used to it from other forums I participate in and it was never here at KS. Anyway, is there a way you can add an icon to the space where our names show beside our posts that indicates whether or not we're online?

  7. I despise GoDaddy when using WordPress. DESPISE them. What type of server are you on? Windows or Linux? I can't imagine WP causing the problem. I've had clients purchase Windows hosting and I call GoDaddy to switch them to Linux because Windows causes so many issues.


    BTW, the site came up just fine for me.

  8. Are you aware of a Wordpress audio player that works on all browsers?


    I sure don't. I've not had a client make this request. Sorry about that.


    One other plugin suggestion is WordPress Database Backup. It's free to use. Now, however, I'm using BackupBuddy by iThemes. It's not free, but it's really awesome.

  9. I'm not in my home office right now, so I don't have my bookmarks, but you can probably search for these and find them. Here are a few that I always like to use:


    My Page Order

    Exclude Pages

    (both of the above might become unnecessary when WP 3.0 comes out because it will have an awesome menu management feature built right in)


    NextGen Gallery - this one is good if you need to include a rotating slideshow or photo galleries


    Contact 7 - contact forms that are pretty easy to work with


    When I get back home, I'll add to the list. :)

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