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Posts posted by Susie

  1. Here's the page I'm working on: aux ano crea tive.com/ bs si


    Here's the accessible popup generator I'm using: http://accessify.com/tools-and-wizards/accessibility-tools/pop-up-window-generator/default.php


    Click on Privacy Policy in the sidebar or on the Online Support button at the top of the page. All is fine in Fx, Opera, Safari, and IE 7. IE 6, however, is not playing nicely. I get a script error and the popup window doesn't show up.


    Can someone see my mistake? :/

  2. Yes, if you placed your myCSS.css file in a folder, you'll have to list the folder name in the link as well. Like this: "folder/myCSS.css".


    To make things easier while you're learning, I think I would create a general folder for your project and then place both the HTML and CSS inside that folder. That way you don't need to worry about this. You can just link straight to the file. Does that make sense?

  3. Yeah, I haven't gotten to IE6 yet.


    I've discovered that on my computer, only IE7 is making the dropdown text ugly. Hover over Our Company and look at the words About Us and Testimonials. Does the text look all jagged to you?


    Oops - forgot to mention that I was doing some googling earlier and now I think it's a Windows Vista issue. What OS are you on?

  4. I have a Blackberry Curve and I use the browser that is supplied with it. It does not translate websites very well, but the .mobi sites work great. I check Fox News and a local news channel everyday and they're both the .mobi versions of their sites. Basically, they are stripped of all styling and they give me a list of links to articles. Pretty straightforward. I like it. I would love an iPhone, but I have to use Verizon and as I'm sure you know, they do not have it. :(


    Anyway, when I visit sites like this one (KS) and others, I get frustrated because I have to scroll down through a bunch of styled divs just to get to the content.

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