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Posts posted by falkencreative

  1. OK, leave the username/password alone then -- sounds like you have that part correct. 


    I double checked, and for the validateLogin() method in m_auth.php, it seems like doesn't match up with my code, which is:


    function validateLogin($user, $pass)
    // access db
    global $FP; 
    // create query
    if ($stmt = $FP->Database->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ? AND password = ?"))
    See how there is a global $FP object that is accessed, that stores the database, authorization object, etc? Are you following my tutorial? Or are you building things on your own on top of it? I'm pretty sure I didn't demonstrate the code you are using in the validateLogin() method. Or maybe that code was left over from earlier in the course, when I was integrating the login, and either you missed editing it to add the $FP, or you haven't gotten there yet in the videos? I'm not sure.
  2. You can't testing prepared statements in PHPMyAdmin -- you will get errors. That line is perfectly fine, valid SQL (well, it is if the "?" are properly filled in with the data.) Again, this usually comes down to an incorrect username and password. For XAMPP, I believe the username should be "root" and the password is blank ("").

  3. For the noConflict, I believe that line should be this:

    <script type="text/javascript">$.noConflict();</script>

    You have the period at the end, whereas there should be a period between the "$" and the "noConflict"

  4. Can you post your database connection details section of your wp_config.php file? (if this is only running on your local computer, there should be no problem regarding security or privacy -- just don't post the database details of the live website). Are you sure the name of the database is accurate? And the server value listed is "localhost"? And of course that the server and MySQL is running?


    If you are getting a database error, it won't be a path issue. But that will likely be an issue after you fix your database connection. Wordpress stores the path to the website in two spots in the options table in the database, that will need to be updated. In addition, any links to resources (images, downloads, etc.) will often refer back to the old site. To fix this, I've used both https://interconnectit.com/products/search-and-replace-for-wordpress-databases/ (free) or https://deliciousbrains.com/wp-migrate-db-pro/ (paid) in the past.

  5. I responded in your other topic about your Javascript issues. As for the "non-object" issue, that's usually due to incorrect database login info -- where your database username or password is incorrect. Make sure to double check that, and check the default mysql username for whatever program you are using to run MySQL (MAMP, WAMP, etc.)

  6. Why are there so many random spaces in your code? Before and after "/", and "="? After the "$" in "$noConflict()" and before the "()"? These sort of things cause problems and unexpected behavior. Make sure you're following my code regarding formatting. Also, though I'm not really sure if this would cause a problem or not (may depend on the browser), stick to all lower case for <script> and <link> opening/closing tags.


    For the noconflict, make sure you're formatting the line based on my example. You can't have spaces after the "$" or before the "()" and expect it to work properly. If you're still having trouble, see http://api.jquery.com/jquery.noconflict/.


    As for the Colorbox issue -- assuming here that you fix the above issues -- if it still isn't working, you'll need to see the videos near the end of the course where I update ColorBox and the TinyMCE scripts. Unfortunately, updates to those scripts since I originally recorded the series have caused problems.

  7. Everyone tends to have their own opinion about hosting. I've had good experiences with HostGator -- never really had a problem with down time, and their support has been helpful when I've ever needed it. Their basic plans run in the $5-$10 per month range. Stay away from GoDaddy for hosting. They are cheap, but you get what you pay for. 

  8. OK, got it. On line 65 in register.php, add the missing ">" at the end of the line, so the </option> tag completely closes, like this:

    $select = '<option value="">Select an option</option>';

    Do the same thing on line 73:

    $select .= ">" . $name . "</option>";
  9. I've looked over the files, but as far as I can tell, they seem fine. Can you explain in more detail what the issues is? I'm not sure what you mean by "gets disarranged". What are you doing, what are you expecting, and how is the system not working the way you are expecting? Are you getting any specific error messages?

  10. Is the regular text-align:justify property not working?


    As for special characters, you'd enter those as normal on your keyboard (as far as I understand it, anyway...). I don't think there is anything special you need to do to the textbox itself.

  11. Tackling the first problem... I had to work with Composer recently for the PayPal course I did for KillerSites, and while it was fiddly at first, didn't really have any problems. Most modern frameworks do seem to require Composer, so I'd definitely try to get that to work.


    I'm assuming you are running Windows? And following the instructions here: https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md#installation-windows ? If you are trying the Composer-Setup.exe, what specific errors are you running into? Have you tried doing a search to see if others are running into the same problems?


    Git knowledge is helpful, but not really required, as far as I know. If you are going to be doing a serious project (not just playing around with a framework), I'd definitely suggest using Git to keep track of changes. I'd take a look at https://try.github.io/levels/1/challenges/1 if you are interested in learning. GitHub (github.com) makes it a bit easier to work with Git, especially their tool, which means you don't need/have less need to use the command line. https://windows.github.com/

  12. I can't really comment a whole lot, since I haven't personally used AngularJS, and as far as I know, KillerSites doesn't offer any tutorials on it. This seems to be a pretty good overview: http://www.toptal.com/angular-js/a-step-by-step-guide-to-your-first-angularjs-app


    To get some intro knowledge, you might check out the free interactive Angular course that CodeSchool offers: https://www.codeschool.com/courses/shaping-up-with-angular-js. I've used CodeSchool in the past, and they consistently offer high quality content that is worth watching.

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