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Posts posted by falkencreative

  1. If you would want to create the site from scratch, you'd need to know HTML, CSS (since all sites are based on that) and probably use PHP and MySQL for the dynamic/database side of the site. You'd only need one database, but you would need multiple tables -- probably a table for each main topic (items, armor, abilities, etc.) To access that data in the database, you'd need to understand PHP CRUD (Creating/Reading/Updating/Deleting records in a database), and ideally you'd probably want a login system of some sort that woud allow you to log into the backend of the site and make edits to the content that has been stored in the database. I'm sure you can find articles and tutorials on that, or you might check out my tutorial on "PHP Login Using OOP & MVC": http://www.killervideostore.com/video-courses/php-projects.php or the http://killersites.com/video-library/ within the PHP section. I would highly suggest you learn more about OOP and the MVC pattern, because it will make it much easier to structure and organize your application.


    One thing you might consider though... basically, it looks like you are wanting to build a wiki for your specific game. It might be worth looking into some open source wiki projects, in case they can be adapted for your needs, or even if Wordpress could be used. I imagine you could use a combination of custom post types and the Advanced Custom Fields plugin http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/ to do a lot of what you want to do, with much less effort than building entirely from scratch. Wordpress would be convenient in the sense that it would give you an easy way to make edits to the content of the site, and already has a lot of the functionality you need, like menus, search functionality, etc.

  2. Yes, header and nav tags will eliminate the need for those divs. I wouldn't say there's a big pro or con to either, since they ultimately do the same thing, but using the HTML5 elements makes your code a bit more semantic, and possibly cleaner since you can refer directly to the nav or header without the need for an id.


    As KevinC said above, make sure you include the HTML5 shiv to provide support for older browsers, and you should be fine.

  3. When you say "the data comes empty", what do you mean exactly? The form data isn't inserted into the database correctly? You get an error message? You get a blank page?


    The page you included above has the code that would insert the data into the database commented out, which would result in a blank page and nothing added to the database if you ran the code and filled out the form correctly. Did you do that purposely?

  4. OK,i agree with you that excess is bad,but a little bit here and there,just enough to give it that "out there" feeling,can't be that bad...

    Depends on the feel you are going for. Like I said, it has to be subtly used, and it can't distract from the purpose of the site. Overall, fancy effects and animations are better suited to personal, experimental sites rather than professional corporate sites.

  5. The main thing is that there are millions and millions of people using the web, and not everyone has the latest browsers that take advantage of the latest features. Not everyone is technically inclined, so there are a lot of people who have outdated browsers and don't want to be bothered to upgrade. Also, IE had definitely held progress -- they are only recently getting HTML5/CSS3 functionality that other browsers have had for a long time. Here's a pretty useful chart discussing browser support for various HTML5/CSS3 features: http://fmbip.com/litmus


    Secondly, just because there are fancy effects and animations doesn't mean that they are appropriate to use. It's a similar situation to the Geocities era -- just because you can have animated gifs, marquees and change the cursor doesn't mean it's a good idea. Animations and effects have to be done sparingly and with the user/user experience in mind. They have the potential to be distracting, look tacky and unprofessional.

  6. Yes, AJAX is a way to communicate with the server. For example, it can access a specific page on your server, retrieve the results of that page, and then insert those results into the current page -- all without a page refresh/reload.


    As far as I understand it, Javascript is the primary client side scripting language.


    PHP (and all server side languages, really) are best used on their own -- unless you have very specific needs, I doubt you'll see anyone combining multiple server side languages. However, you'll still be using things like HTML, CSS, Javascript, AJAX and accessing a database (MySQL) alongside PHP.


    Hope that helps?

  7. Scripting languages come in two types: client side scripting and server side scripting.


    Javascript is an example of client side scripting -- it works in the user's browser, and is best used for changes to the current page -- animations, effects, hiding and showing elements, etc. Because it is client side, the user has the ability to turn it off, meaning that you can't always guarantee it will be available (though it's usually enabled). For example, while using Javascript for form validation is convenient for the user, you shouldn't use it for something something that needs to be super reliable, since the user could turn it off.


    PHP (and other languages: ASP.NET, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, etc.) are server side -- they function on the server, outside of the reach of the user. The server side code gets processed by the server, and whatever HTML was generated then gets displayed in the browser. Since a user can't turn it off, it's much more secure. It also gives you a range of functionality that Javascript doesn't offer -- file uploading, user login systems, sending email, etc.


    There are a range of server side languages you could learn, but I'd suggest starting with PHP first, then learning more about MySQL (which you use to access a MySQL database), then AJAX (which combines Javascript with a server side script like PHP).


    The more experience you get, the easier it will be. Web development is a very broad topic, and you'll probably never be done learning. Technology is constantly changing, so you'll be constantly updating your skills.


    In regards to dealing with Internet Explorer, it has gotten easier over time -- you probably don't have to worry about IE6 now, which caused big problems, and IE has gotten better over time. I'd suggest learning about IE conditional comments (http://www.quirksmode.org/css/condcom.html) which allow you to target specific versions of IE. Also, while you're learning, I'd definitely suggest checking your HTML (http://validator.w3.org/) and CSS (http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/) code using a validator of some sort. In many cases, inconsistencies between browsers is caused by different browsers handling invalid code differently. Dealing with IE is something you'll get better at over time with more experiences.

  8. Not sure how you guys would (Or should!) handle this, but I have at least two websites that I am proud to have created, - but they are all gone bye-bye as businesses!! (Maybe they were not that great?)


    I use them in my website's portfolio (With the original owner's permission and with significant details omitted,) because I just like them!


    Good idea? or not?

    I don't see a problem with keeping them in your portfolio. You can always specify that they are no longer online, but still provide screenshots. A couple of items in my portfolio are that way.

  9. I am now at video 20 and have run into issues when trying to style the colorbox login form, it currently takes the index page's css properties.

    If you post a .zip of your code and a dump of your database (or email it to ben [at] falkencreative.com), I can take a look?

  10. You should be able to set up Drupal and install a theme without any PHP knowledge. However, if you want to customize the design or layout, PHP knowledge will be helpful. Personally, I would suggest learning a bit of PHP before getting into Drupal.

  11. I'm not really an expert on this, but my impression is that if you are simply redirecting one domain to another, it won't help you much from an SEO point of view. If the domain with a keyword in it was the primary domain, and it had a website/content associated with it, I think that would have SEO benefits, but not if you are just using it as a redirect.

  12. I've found that the more detailed you can be about the project, the more effective it will be. Simply linking to the site or providing screenshots isn't enough -- talk about the goals of the project, what technologies were used, any problems or issues you overcame, etc. If you can talk about results (increased sales, increased visitors, etc.) talk about that too.


    I would definitely use multiple screenshots rather than just linking to the site you built. As Stefan said, sites change over time as they are updated, and it's best to show them off based on your involvement, not after the fact when they have been updated in ways you can't control.

  13. I can really only speak for CodeIgniter, since that's the once I'm most familiar with. I imagine it is slightly different for other frameworks, so you'd need to research each framework individually to see what their best practices are.


    CodeIgniter comes with a couple main folders: "system", "application" and "public_html". Contents of the public_html folder needs to be publicly available, within your web hosts "public_html" folder or similar. "Application" and "system" can be stored "below" the public_html folder on the server, and that's actually considered a best practice so those files aren't publicly available online. For CodeIgniter, you can share the "system" folder between multiple sites on the domain, but you'd need separate "public_html" and "application" folders.


    Hope that helps?

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