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Posts posted by falkencreative

  1. thanks andrea,

    the link you gave me is amazing, now i'm baffled about the tables, no <tr>!

    I think you might be confused about that. Can you point to the spot in the article where it says it has been depreciated?

  2. You're getting errors because that's not the right form. A valid break tag looks like this:



    <br />


    As far as I can tell, when using HTML5, "<br>" is the right way to do it.

    • Upvote 1
  3. ..and what code exactly do you feel is great? Why would you put that in a title of your own post? Your code great? I see something like that it makes me think spam right off the top.

    I'm assuming it's "great code" in the sense that he's thanking me for the code that I provided in my tutorial, which this is based on.

  4. Hello,


    This is good lesson! THank you!


    But I have some problem.


    CREATE TABLE `players` (

    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, --> ID is INTERGER.

    `firstname` varchar(32) NOT NULL,

    `lastname` varchar(32) NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)



    In my database, ID is VARCHAR, so with ID is character, this applicaiton is not woork.

    How I fix it?


    Thank you!


    If you are going to use the auto_increment feature, you need to use an INT. It can't be a VARCHAR. I don't know how you've built your application, but if you want to use auto_increment, you'll have to change the database, and potentially how your application works.

  5. Personally, I would approach this from a different angle. Rather than storing the image directly in the database, which is going to significantly increase your database size over time, I would suggest simply storing the image in a specific location (say, and "uploads" folder) and simply saving the path to the image in the database. I personally haven't ever used blobs for image storing -- this is the way I usually approach it.


    That said, you might look here for help with the blob issue: http://www.phpro.org/tutorials/Storing-Images-in-MySQL-with-PHP.html. I believe you can ignore the PDO portions -- as long as you can access the database and retrieve the data, exactly how you do that (MySQL, MySQLi, PDO, etc.) doesn't specifically matter.

  6. By mobile design do you mean responsive web design? Building websites that adapt to the device? Or mobile design as in design for iOS or Android? Pretty much all of the same tools apply -- Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. For interface design, you're going to need a pixel-based tool (Photoshop, the GIMP, etc.). For icon design, you'd likely want a vector tool (Illustrator, etc.), to create icons that scale to different sizes easily, then do a touchup once they are at their final size in Photoshop or similar.

  7. The short answer is this -- an API is a way for an external person/machine to access a database and retrieve information from it. Usually, you'd ask for information using a specific URL, and you'd get the data you need in some sort of structured format -- either JSON or XML usually (this particular response returns XML). You'd then use PHP to parse that result and use the data however you needed. I'd suggest doing a search for tutorials on building a basic API to understand how it works, and specifically how to process the XML returned from an API request.

  8. Originally, the course was intended to be two parts, but I'm currently working on other things at the moment. If you definitely want to see the backend section, I'd suggest emailing Stefan directly (stefan [at] killersites.com), since he's the one who decides what I work on. Thanks for your interest, and I hope the course was useful!

  9. @cygnet - a CSS change won't fix it.


    @Rwaller - You'd need to modify the render_products() function within /functions/templates.php to add support for individual rows within the product table. Within the foreach loop that loops through each product, you'd need to add a counter that tracked which column the product belonged in. So, for example, the first product would be product 1, the second would be 2, etc. If the counter is 1, you know to start a new row and insert a "<tr>" tag. If it is 3 (assuming you want three products per row), after the product has been added to the output variable, you'd need to insert a closing "</tr>" and reset the value of the counter back to 1.


    Hope that makes sense?

  10. Thanks for letting us know. I've passed along your message to the person who usually handles the Video Library, and hopefully that will be fixed in a day or so.

  11. Yeah, I think it's a similar issue to what happens to text copied and pasted from Word sometimes -- If you copy/paste text from Word into a WYSIWYG field (for example, say a textarea when you are editing a Wordpress page) you'll often get junk spans and CSS classes included as well. I would bet that if the code is pasted into a plain text editor like Notepad, then copied/pasted from Notepad to the forum, it will be fine. I don't think there's an easy way to fix it, and I would bet that other forums have the same sort of issue unless they are using only plain text or markdown to enter comments.

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