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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/2020 in all areas

  1. It's good you asked as there had been something I couldn't quite put my finger on. I like the overall style and the footer is fine, but after a bright clear start with "Hi there, I'm Ryan Van Dyke" it's black all the way to the footer. It's too much darkness. I think keeping an eye on the times we live in is a good idea, and there's a lot of darkness and uncertainty in the air right now, and a lighter tone without being in your face might help to lift the mood. And you've almost got that. Context is important. I remember the old wild west days of the internet when black websites were in vogue and in hindsight they didn't really work, their message was lost in the gloom and they were unpleasant to read. Perhaps after "About me" in black you can alternate back to the colour scheme you use in the "Hi there..." introduction page for "Services" and "Projects". "About me" in black works well enough because you do want to highlight yourself to sell yourself, but "Services" and "Projects" feel a bit lost in the black. I'd switch back to the lighter introduction colour scheme to make what you're offering stand out more, oddly having the continuous black feels like you're only whispering about them. Not that you want to be shouting at people either. So after "About me" move to the light coloured background until the footer but keep your subject boxes in "Services" dark and maybe fill in the "Project" boxes and have a lighter shade of what you want the mouseover to reveal to avoid the anonymous empty boxes. Hope it helps, Jim. Edit: On reflection why not be kind to yourself and make the projects one row of 3 instead of 2 rows of 3, you won't feel under so much pressure to fill them all in and you can add more as they come.
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