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Oop Login Tutorial - Improving Security


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As the OOP login tutorial is using the unsafe MD5-algorithm (despite the salt), that is potentially prone to brute-force attacks, 

I would like to improve the code a bit using the crypt()-function with blowfish (most servers still don't run PHP 5.5 with the new password_hash()-function).


In the end of the day, it is probaly the best way to use a secure library, but for the sake of learning, I tried to proceed with the following:


So let's say for simplicity if we don't randomize the creation of a salt and just use a fixed value we would generate a hashed password according to the PHP-manual in the following way:

$password = 'admin'; // just an example password
$salt = '$2a$07$usesomesillystringforsalt$'; // our static salt

echo $hashed_password = crypt($password . $salt); 

// This will generate a random hashed password:
// e.g. '$6$cZ87nSyraocT$29HKRGHlIu3nDTKVtlGWBAHd5/DKw9ecwoohshkRT7yWrJosNNvIExnpOIUrd2tMCzvMoioACqha6sLisnyOC1'

Every time we run this setting with the above variables, we will get a different value for the $hashed_password, which we store once in the database as the password value.


The PHP-manual then recommends to validate user input and stored password in the following way:

if (crypt($user_input, $hashed_password) == $hashed_password) { // $user_input would be $password
   echo "Password verified!";
   echo "Error!";

If I am running this verification test, with the above variables, I am always getting the "Error!", i.e. the comparison test fails.


So I don't really see, how to include this in the existing validate_login-function within the authentication class (m_auth.php):

class Auth
	private $salt = '$2a$22$usesomesillystringforsalt$';
	function __construct() {}
	function validate_login($user, $pass)
		// access database

		global $Database;
		// create query

		if ($stmt = $Database->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ? AND password = ?"))
			$stmt->bind_param("ss", $user, md5($pass . $this->salt));
			// check for num rows

			if ($stmt->num_rows > 0) 
				// success

				return TRUE;
				// failure

				return FALSE;
			die("ERROR: Could not prepare MySQLi statement.");
	function login_status()
		if (isset($_SESSION['loggedin']))
			return TRUE;
			return FALSE;
	function logout()

I would appreciate your help on this.

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I found a solution, but I would appreciate your advise regarding security:


Without having to import the password_compat-library via Composer, you can obviously replicate the same hashing algorithm in PHP 5.3.7 with the following code:


$password = 'admin'; // sample password

$salt = mcrypt_create_iv(22, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
$salt = base64_encode($salt);
$salt = str_replace('+', '.', $salt); // Salt is stored in the authentication class

echo "</br>";
echo "</br>";

echo $hashed_password = crypt($password, '$2y$10$'.$salt.'$'); // This value is stored in the database.

You then safe the randomly generated $salt in the authentication class and change the validate_login-function from MD5() to crypt() as follows:


// create query

if ($stmt = $Database->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ? AND password = ?"))
$stmt->bind_param("ss", $user, crypt($pass, '$2y$10$'. $this->salt.'$'));


I would appreciate your feedback.


I will try as well to implement the password_compat-library.

Edited by Neo73
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