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Found 2 results

  1. Hi there, not sure if this is the right module, but there it goes... I want to use social login in my website (i.e., visitors will login with their Facebook Twitter Instagram or Linkedin accounts, with pending confirmation from me/Admin), and the one I came up from my search was SUPER SOCIALIZER. For each login type I need to register for an API KEY. The process of getting this api seems quite cumbersome (here: http://support.heateor.com/how-to-get-facebook-app-id/) I wonder what would be your advice, according to your own experience. Should I go for it, and try another plugin, simpler and more user-friendly to set up? Txs for reading F
  2. Good day Admins, I have now variables $learner_id $student_pasword $student_id The learner_id and student_password are being used as their log in accounts. While the student_id is being used as their unique id and it is auto-incremented. Here are my codes. Student_login_handler.php <?php session_start(); include 'Connect.php'; $flag = ""; $learner_id = $_POST['learner_id']; $student_password = $_POST['student_password']; $query = "select last_login_date from student_information where learner_id='$learner_id' and student_password='$student_password'"; $result = mysql_query($query,$link_id); if(mysql_error() != null){ die(mysql_error()); } if($date = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $lastdate = $date['last_login_date']; $date2 = date("d-m-Y h:i A",strtotime($lastdate)); $_SESSION["user_id"] = $_POST["student_id"]; $_SESSION["lastlogin"] =$date2; $_SESSION["type"] = "Student"; mysql_query("UPDATE student_information SET last_login_date=now() where student_id='$GET[id]'",$link_id); if(mysql_error() != null){ die(mysql_error()); } header("location: Student_Home.php?id={$student_id}"); die(); } else { $flag = "invalid"; header("location:Student_login.php?flag=$flag"); die(); } ?> This is so far what i've got and it's wrong. Help me to modify this gentlemen to achieve the objectives given above. It directs me to URL http://localhost/a/Student_Home.php?id= which i expect to be http://localhost/a/Student_Home.php?id=51 (51 is the auto-incremented student_id, bears unique id of student)
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