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  1. Hi there! Please can anyone reading this post who has a good understanding of Javascript/jQuery/Ajax etc. etc. explain whether it's possible to adapt the source code I have inserted below (which was working fine) to work with the Yahoo API (or Bing API - if they have one) instead of the now depreciated Google API. I have spent many hours researching the web for a solution to this problem - a solution that is simple for me to understand, but have (so far) been unable to find a fix. In addition to the source code inserted into my web page where the RSS Widget is to display, this plugin comes with tsc_vticker.js and tsc_rssfeed.js. I suspect the changes to which I refer need only to be made to tsc_rssfeed.js, but this is only a guess. Just to be on the safe side I'll post all other source code for reference purposes. I have a fair grasp of HTML, but no understanding of JS or jQuery (let alone Ajax) so please be aware that any explanation of how to adapt this code should be made as simple as possible and ideally include examples of the code before and after its alteration. A couple of other questions. When Google switched off the Feed API, would I have been able to keep my Widget working if I'd previously downloaded and hosted the API on my own server, as might be the case with externally hosted versus locally hosted Javascripts/jQuery, or is this not something that is possible with an API? Should Yahoo depreciate their RSS API, is there any other way to easily include multiple Widgets on my page/s without the need to rely on external services that limit the number of feeds I can display, charge for the service, or could shut it down at any time? From all of the above, you can probably see that my understanding of such matters is limited, so please excuse my ignorance. Nevertheless, any constructive replies on this topic would be greatly appreciated. TSC_RSSFEED.JS /** * Plugin: jquery.zRSSFeed * * Version: 1.1.5 * (c) Copyright 2010-2011, Zazar Ltd * * Description: jQuery plugin for display of RSS feeds via Google Feed API * (Based on original plugin jGFeed by jQuery HowTo. Filesize function by Cary Dunn.) * * History: * 1.1.5 - Target option now applies to all feed links * 1.1.4 - Added option to hide media and now compressed with Google Closure * 1.1.3 - Check for valid published date * 1.1.2 - Added user callback function due to issue with ajaxStop after jQuery 1.4.2 * 1.1.1 - Correction to null xml entries and support for media with jQuery < 1.5 * 1.1.0 - Added support for media in enclosure tags * 1.0.3 - Added feed link target * 1.0.2 - Fixed issue with GET parameters (Seb Dangerfield) and SSL option * 1.0.1 - Corrected issue with multiple instances * **/ (function($){ $.fn.rssfeed = function(url, options, fn) { // Set pluign defaults var defaults = { limit: 50, header: true, titletag: 'h4', date: true, content: true, snippet: true, media: true, showerror: true, errormsg: '', key: null, ssl: false, linktarget: '_blank' }; var options = $.extend(defaults, options); // Functions return this.each(function(i, e) { var $e = $(e); var s = ''; // Check for SSL protocol if (options.ssl) s = 's'; // Add feed class to user div if (!$e.hasClass('rssFeed')) $e.addClass('rssFeed'); // Check for valid url if(url == null) return false; // Create Google Feed API address var api = "http"+ s +"://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/feed/load?v=1.0&callback=?&q=" + encodeURIComponent(url); if (options.limit != null) api += "&num=" + options.limit; if (options.key != null) api += "&key=" + options.key; api += "&output=json_xml" // Send request $.getJSON(api, function(data){ // Check for error if (data.responseStatus == 200) { // Process the feeds _process(e, data.responseData, options); // Optional user callback function if ($.isFunction(fn)) fn.call(this,$e); } else { // Handle error if required if (options.showerror) if (options.errormsg != '') { var msg = options.errormsg; } else { var msg = data.responseDetails; }; $(e).html('<div class="rssError"><p>'+ msg +'</p></div>'); }; }); }); }; // Function to create HTML result var _process = function(e, data, options) { // Get JSON feed data var feeds = data.feed; if (!feeds) { return false; } var html = ''; var row = 'odd'; // Get XML data for media (parseXML not used as requires 1.5+) if (options.media) { var xml = getXMLDocument(data.xmlString); var xmlEntries = xml.getElementsByTagName('item'); } // Add header if required if (options.header) html += '<div class="rssHeader">' + '<a href="'+feeds.link+'" title="'+ feeds.description +'">'+ feeds.title +'</a>' + '</div>'; // Add body html += '<div class="rssBody">' + '<ul>'; // Add feeds for (var i=0; i<feeds.entries.length; i++) { // Get individual feed var entry = feeds.entries[i]; var pubDate; // Format published date if (entry.publishedDate) { var entryDate = new Date(entry.publishedDate); var pubDate = entryDate.toLocaleDateString() + ' ' + entryDate.toLocaleTimeString(); } // Add feed row html += '<li class="rssRow '+row+'">' + '<'+ options.titletag +'><a href="'+ entry.link +'" title="View this feed at '+ feeds.title +'">'+ entry.title +'</a></'+ options.titletag +'>' if (options.date && pubDate) html += '<div>'+ pubDate +'</div>' if (options.content) { // Use feed snippet if available and optioned if (options.snippet && entry.contentSnippet != '') { var content = entry.contentSnippet; } else { var content = entry.content; } html += '<p>'+ content +'</p>' } // Add any media if (options.media && xmlEntries.length > 0) { var xmlMedia = xmlEntries[i].getElementsByTagName('enclosure'); if (xmlMedia.length > 0) { html += '<div class="rssMedia"><div>Media files</div><ul>' for (var m=0; m<xmlMedia.length; m++) { var xmlUrl = xmlMedia[m].getAttribute("url"); var xmlType = xmlMedia[m].getAttribute("type"); var xmlSize = xmlMedia[m].getAttribute("length"); html += '<li><a href="'+ xmlUrl +'" title="Download this media">'+ xmlUrl.split('/').pop() +'</a> ('+ xmlType +', '+ formatFilesize(xmlSize) +')</li>'; } html += '</ul></div>' } html += '</li>'; } // Alternate row classes if (row == 'odd') { row = 'even'; } else { row = 'odd'; } } html += '</ul>' + '</div>' $(e).html(html); // Apply target to links $('a',e).attr('target',options.linktarget); }; function formatFilesize(bytes) { var s = ['bytes', 'kb', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB']; var e = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes)/Math.log(1024)); return (bytes/Math.pow(1024, Math.floor(e))).toFixed(2)+" "+s[e]; } function getXMLDocument(string) { var browser = navigator.appName; var xml; if (browser == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { xml = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM'); xml.async = 'false' xml.loadXML(string); } else { xml = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(string, 'text/xml'); } return xml; } })(jQuery); TSC_VTICKER.JS /* * Tadas Juozapaitis ( kasp3rito@gmail.com ) * Modifed by Zazar: * 24.06.2011 - Corrected pausing issue with multiple instances * */ (function($){ $.fn.vTicker = function(options) { var defaults = { speed: 300, pause: 6000, showItems: 3, animation: '', mousePause: true, isPaused: false }; var options = $.extend(defaults, options); moveUp = function(obj2, height, paused){ if(paused) return; var obj = obj2.children('ul'); first = obj.children('li:first').clone(true); obj.animate({top: '-=' + height + 'px'}, options.speed, function() { $(this).children('li:first').remove(); $(this).css('top', '0px'); }); if(options.animation == 'fade') { obj.children('li:first').fadeOut(options.speed); obj.children('li:last').hide().fadeIn(options.speed); } first.appendTo(obj); }; return this.each(function() { var obj = $(this); var maxHeight = 0; var itempause = options.isPaused; obj.css({overflow: 'hidden', position: 'relative'}) .children('ul').css({position: 'absolute', margin: 0, padding: 0}) .children('li').css({margin: 0, padding: 0}); obj.children('ul').children('li').each(function(){ if($(this).height() > maxHeight) { maxHeight = $(this).height(); } }); obj.children('ul').children('li').each(function() { $(this).height(maxHeight); }); obj.height(maxHeight * options.showItems); var interval = setInterval(function(){ moveUp(obj, maxHeight, itempause); }, options.pause); if (options.mousePause) { obj.bind("mouseenter",function() { itempause = true; }).bind("mouseleave",function() { itempause = false; }); } }); }; })(jQuery); SOURCE CODE INSERTED INTO PAGE WHERE TICKER TO APPEAR (Medical News Today RSS Feed inserted as an example) <head> <!-- DC RSS Feeds JS --> <script src="tsc_rssfeed.js"></script> <script src="tsc_vticker.js"></script> </head> <body> <body> <!-- DC RSS Feeds Start --> <div id="rss-ticker1" style="width:80%;"></div> <!-- DC RSS Feeds End --> <!-- Parameters: rssfeed ('enter-rss-url-here') showItems: x - Specify number of news items to show for more settings, edit tsc_vticker.js --> </div> </div> <div class="rss-container"><div class="rss-icon"><img src="../img/icons/rss-shadow.jpg" alt="rss icon"></div> <div class="rss-feed"> <!-- Medical News Today - Complementary Medicine - DC RSS Feeds Settings --> <script> $(document).ready(function () { $('#rss-ticker2').rssfeed('http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/rss/complementary_medicine.xml',{}, function(e) { $(e).find('div.rssBody').vTicker({ showItems: 1}); }); }); </script> </body> (source code posted is copyright of its respective owners)
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