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Posts posted by linlou

  1. i have discovered that i am missing an attribute.


    in my screen shots provided. it indicates that i do have the <object type=""> defined

    so it must be talking about the above <object classid="" that the validator is questioning.


    is i change the <object classid="".....to....<object data="what do i put here">

    where is it pulling the current clsid: "long number" from.


    appreciate your help!



    post-43838-046373500 1345237373_thumb.png

    post-43838-056397300 1345237412_thumb.png

  2. I do not even use tables for forms anymore <ul> is much easer. You solution to you problem is to put each line of text in a p tag and give both the img and p tag an id and then position them with margins. Or put one img and line of text in a div and position the div. I would probably use the second one and use id instead of class.

  3. The website selected font is NOT showing (reflecting) in the spry menu in DW.


    <??????> : Do i need to put the family web kit css on the spry style sheet at the top like on the stylesheet css? Or what am I doing wrong. I can see that its not being reflected there because the choosen font is condensed and the spry menu is picking the next best which would be verdana. eek!


    Thx for listening.

  4. I looked at Ben sample files on Ecommerce for Paypal. It looks easy and i'm familiar Eclispe.


    My question is it that I have Eclispe Helios installed from a previous Java Class. I noticed he installed Europa. Which version of Europa do I install.



    Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers, (N/A)



    Eclipse IDE for Java Developers, (N/A)



    Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers, (N/A)



    Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers, (N/A)

  5. I was looking for the slicker...already using the back and forth paypal. Just was looking for something to eliminate the back and forth and something that is capable with dreamweaver like, cartweaver and that's more productive and time management effective.


    Thx for your response.

  6. I have been searching for days trying to find the answer to NO tables in HTML5. Everything I've read says that it is not recommended. And offer no solution.


    If you want to put 3 images (horizontal-across) on the page with txt centered underneath each image..... and repeat these rows three more times. what is the recommended css for something like this that is so simple. Does it go in an <article> section?


    No one gives you a straight answer for its replacement.


    Is the a good reference book for html5 that I can purchase?




    post-43838-002694300 1343974369_thumb.png


    Going with the flow and putting in tables this is what I have so far.


    on the HTML DOC:

    <article class="content">

    <h1>4 images in a Row</h1>


    <div class="rows">

    <img src="images/accu_thumb.jpg" width="150" height="150" alt="accu_thumb">

    <img src="images/accu_thumb.jpg" width="150" height="150" alt="accu_thumb">

    <img src="images/accu_thumb.jpg" width="150" height="150" alt="accu_thumb">

    <img src="images/accu_thumb.jpg" width="150" height="150" alt="accu_thumb"><br>


    <div class="rows"></div>

    <table width="618" height="34" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" rules="none">


    <td width="146">Type Here</td>

    <td width="146">Type Here</td>

    <td width="146">Type Here</td>

    <td width="149">Type Here</td></table><br>


    <div class="rows">

    <img src="images/accu_thumb.jpg" width="150" height="150" alt="accu_thumb">

    <img src="images/accu_thumb.jpg" width="150" height="150" alt="accu_thumb">

    <img src="images/accu_thumb.jpg" width="150" height="150" alt="accu_thumb">

    <img src="images/accu_thumb.jpg" width="150" height="150" alt="accu_thumb"></div>

    <div class="rows"></div>

    <table width="618" height="34" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" rules="none">


    <td width="146">Type Here</td>

    <td width="146">Type Here</td>

    <td width="146">Type Here</td>

    <td width="149">Type Here</td></table>




    .content section .rows {

    font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;

    column-width: 610px;

    margin-right: 2px;

    margin-left: 2px;


    table {

    font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;

    text-align: center;

    display: table-row-group;

    margin-left: 80px;



    I can't seem to get things center and get about 2px between the images.


    Please let me know if i'm on the right track.

  7. I have been searching for days trying to find the answer to NO tables in HTML5. Everything I've read says that it is not recommended. And offer no solution.


    If you want to put 3 images (horizontal-across) on the page with txt centered underneath each image..... and repeat these rows three more times. what is the recommended css for something like this that is so simple. Does it go in an <article> section?


    No one gives you a straight answer for its replacement.


    Is the a good reference book for html5 that I can purchase?



  8. Another question.


    Do you have to be remote in order to see the changes?

    I did everything above and I don't see changes. Is that because I'm local and not remote.

  9. I did everything right...made a folder called fonts....experimented on the CSS document of placement.

    and the font is not showing up in the properties menu to select.


    Does the font have to be in your HD system folder/Fonts/.....I'm on a Mac.


    I want to use this:


    @font-face {

    font-family: 'LeagueGothicRegular';

    src: url('league_gothic-webfont.eot');

    src: url('league_gothic-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),

    url('league_gothic-webfont.woff') format('woff'),

    url('league_gothic-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),

    url('league_gothic-webfont.svg#LeagueGothicRegular') format('svg');

    font-weight: normal;

    font-style: normal;




    Can you tell me where to place it here in css doc below:




    @charset "UTF-8";



    body {

    font: 100%/1.4 Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

    background: #42413C;

    padding: 0px;

    color: #000;

    margin: 0;



    ul, ol, dl {

    padding: 0;

    text-align: right;

    margin: 0;


    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p {

    margin-top: 0;

    padding-right: 15px;

    padding-left: 15px;

    font-size: 11px;

    font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;

    font-style: normal;

    text-align: right;


    a img {

    border: none;

    margin-top: 30px;

    margin-left: 20px;


    Thank you ... and don't forget to tell me if I need the font in my system folder.

  10. I was looking for the slicker...already using the back and forth paypal. Just was looking for something to eliminate the back and forth and something that is capable with dreamweaver like, cartweaver and that's more productive and time management effective.


    Thx for your response.





    The easiest thing for NON programmers, would be to go with Paypal because they have a shopping cart that only requires you know HTML ... no programming required. From the Paypal website:




    You can learn about here:


    Paypal HTML only shopping cart.


    We have a shopping cart that works with PHP and uses Paypal to process the cards; the difference is that our version is more advanced and creates a slicker shopping experience since the shopping process doesn't require the user to jump to and from the painfully slow Paypal site with each item you add to the cart.


    PHP and Paypal shopping cart


    Of course, this is just one example where learning even a little PHP can come in super handy.



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