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Posts posted by gingermonkey17

  1. Hello,


    I'm new to web design and have an opportunity to create a website for my company, things started off well but internet explorer is mucking things up for me, I'm hopeful that someone can point me in the right direction.


    I think it would be easier if I just post a screenshot and the accompanying code and someone might see the obvious that is avoiding me.


    This is how all the other browsers look:




    This is what IE does:




    And this is my CSS code:


    #header #logo {

    width: 346px;

    height: 110px;




    #header #navbar {

    width:560px; /*Sets the overall width of the navbar*/





    #header #navbar #holder {

    height:42px; /*Sets the height of the navbar*/

    width: 560px; /*Sets width of holder div*/



    #header #navbar #holder ul {

    list-style:none; /*By setting to none gets rid of the bullet points*/

    margin:0; /*Makes the horizontal menu flush with the side of the holder div*/

    padding:0; /*Makes the horizontal menu flush with the side of the holder div*/



    #header #navbar #holder ul li a {



    margin-right:5px; /*Creates space between the links*/


    font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; /*Sets the font to be used*/

    color:#000; /*Colour of the font*/

    border:1px solid #000; /*Sets a border around each list item*/

    border-bottom:none; /*Removes the bottom portion of the border*/

    padding:15px; /*Inflates the tabs all around the links*/

    width:75px; /*Sets standard width of link to 75 pixels*/

    text-align:center; /*Link alignement to centre of tab*/

    display:block; /*Allows rollover link to cover the hold tab not just the text*/

    background:#069; /*Sets background colour of the tab*/



    Thanks in advance!

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