Just learning CSS and basic web design. I'm trying to understand POSITIONING of elements (divs for now) There are so many options BUT none of them make sense unless I know what the PROPER way to layout a page and the DIVS is.
I'm getting hung up on how (on a mac) COMMAND + or - option in a browser effects various different web pages and how it effects all the elements of the page. Sometimes elements move around and get bigger but don't block out other elements, sometimes the whole page gets bigger and stays intact. Whats the RIGHT way and how do I learn the techniques to place my divs to recreate that? I assume it has all to do with the "position" of the divs, margins, floats, static, relative etc ( basically all the stuff I have been TRYING to understand.) But it doesn't make sense until I know what my goal is.
In my mind( as a graphics person ) it seems logical (easiest) to give all my DIVS specific instructions i.e., pixel orientation on the page, and dimensions. If I was to do that, I assume things would stay right where I place them AND text/images would NEVER run outside those dimensions when someone uses the COMMAND + or - option in the browser. HOWEVER again, thats probbaly not a "flexible" web design. Or maybe it just doesn't work.
Thoughts or did my rambling not make sense?
I guess my question is what term do I look up to find these tutorials. "DIV positioning" only describes the different ways to position divs on the page and in relation to other divs. I don't really know what else to look up. "liquid" vs "fluid design" ???