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Posts posted by debsten

  1. Wickham,


    Thank you so much, I ended up doing the span class, I had tried some of the other things you mentioned but no luck. The background was only the same as a test, I was just seing if anything was working, when I viewed it the red background came up but it still had a different color font even though I had it set for red.


    Doing the span tag worked, still has underline for some reason, but this is something that only needs to be on the page for a month or so, so will leave it as that instead of trying to figure out what I am missing.


    Thanks again for the fast response and your help, greatly appreciate it.

  2. Hi,


    I am trying to work with a link in a page on a site where I want to override the css on only 1 link within the page. I created a new css rule and put it in, problem is I can't get the font color to change on the link, if I put a background color in the rule it will change that but not the text color.


    Here is the code on the page, the part in red is the where I am having problems. I want the "Red Hot Offer" line to always stay red. But can't get it to work. I know I must be missing something simple but can't seem to find what.


    Any help would be much appreciated.







    Bedroom Townhouse






    This is the css


    body {
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