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Posts posted by rande

  1. Hi,

    Can someone tell me the best way to do a shopping cart?

    I want to build a simple site promoting my retail store.

    I'd rather not try to write the shopping cart code myself.

    So the best and free; certain software? Script?


    thanks for any help.

  2. What have you currently done, and what issues are you having?



    I've tried everything I can think of.


    I have a script that I'm trying to plug in to work on three boxes, with different groups of images.

    Only the first was working. I could link to the current image on the others

    but the script wasn't working.

    I kept messing with it and for some reason, and I don't how, but the third one

    started working but not the first, and I can't get it back to the first or figure out why it did that.

    I just tested and found out that the other image folders were't being accessed

    by the other two; imagesSlideShow1, imagesSlideShow2, imagesSlideShow3.

    They all accessed the Show1.

    I've tried isolating them, but not sure how to get it to work.

    I'm not sure how to call up or link to a specific area.

    One thing I tried was making separate .js labeling 1. 2. 3.

    I lost my image links when I was figuring that out, and can't get back to them so far.


    thanks for the response, hope you can help

    I've been trying for hours now.

  3. Hi,

    I'm trying to dupe a script.

    It seemed very simple. I want the same script in two different positions.

    Can anyone give me an idea?






    var images = ["images/bull.jpg",






    var currentImage = 0; //index into the images array (0 to 4)

    var timer;


    function $(id) {

    return document.getElementById(id);



    function previous() {

    //currentImage = currentImage -1;

    currentImage--; //shortcut to subtract one

    //currentImage = currentImage - 1;

    if (currentImage == -1) {

    currentImage = 4;

    }//an asignment

    $("slide").src = images[currentImage];

    clearInterval(timer);//name doesn't matter;

    timer = setInterval(previous, 3000);


    //this reps .img; dot. src; what the image points to.


    function next() {

    //currentImage = currentImage + 1;


    if (currentImage == 5) {

    currentImage = 0;


    //an asignment

    $("slide").src = images[currentImage];


    timer = setInterval(next, 3000);



    window.onload = function() {


    $("previous").onclick = previous;//normally function have (); its a callback

    $("next").onclick = next;

    //start the timer

    timer = setInterval(next, 3000); //timer is called a handle here.







    <div id="1">

    <img id="slide" src="images/bull.jpg" width="400" height="300" />



    <input type="button" name="" id="previous" value="Prev" />

    <input type="button" name="" id="next" value="Next" />




    <div id="1">

    <img id="slide" src="images/bull.jpg" width="400" height="300" />



    <input type="button" name="" id="previous" value="Prev" />

    <input type="button" name="" id="next" value="Next" />





  4. I will highlight what I added/changed in your code. If any questions just ask.

    @charset "UTF-8";



    #nav {

    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

    position: relative;


    height: 35px;

    font-size: 14px;

    font-color: #090;

    background-color: #33C;

    clear: both;

    float: none;

    margin-top: 120px;


    /*margin-top: 150px;

    margin-right: 0px;

    margin-bottom: 0px;

    margin-left: 0px;

    padding: 0px;



    #nav ul {

    list-style-type: none;

    position: absolute;

    margin-bottom: 0px;

    margin-top: 0px;

    line-height: 0px;


    #nav ul li {

    float: left;

    position: relative;

    background-color: #F00;

    height: 15px;

    margin-right: 0px;

    margin-left: 100px;

    padding-top: 10px;

    width: 75px;

    margin-top: 5px;



    #nav ul li a {

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    padding: 1px;

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    #nav ul li ul {

    display: none;

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    margin: 0px;*/




    #nav ul li:hover ul {

    display: block;

    position: relative;



    background-color: #0F0;




    /*padding: 0px;

    margin-top: 20px;

    margin-right: 0px;

    margin-bottom: 0px;

    margin-left: 0px;*/



    #nav ul li ul li {margin-top: 0px;}

    #nav ul li: hover ul li a {

    display: block;

    width: 200px;



    /*font-size: 14px;*/




    #nav ul li: hover ul li a:hover{

    margin-left: 0px;

    padding-left: 0px;



  5. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

    <title>Untitled Document</title>


    <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/slideShow2.js"></script>




    <link href="CSS/twoColFixLt4.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />






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    <div id="newest">

    <!--<h2> newest properties for sale

    <SPAN style="float: right:">Latest properties to rent</h2>-->


    <P>newest properties for sale<SPAN style="float: right">Latest properties to rent</SPAN></P>








    <!--<div id="navBarContainer">-->


    <div id="nav">


    <li class="first"><a href="#">Item one</b></a>

    <ul> <!--submenu-->

    <li><a href="#">Sub One A</a></li>

    <li><a href="#">Sub One B</a></li>





    <li><a href="#">Item two</a>

    <ul> <!--submenu-->

    <li><a href="#">Sub Two A</a></li>

    <li><a href="#">Sub Two B</a></li>






    <li><a href="#">Item three</a>

    <ul> <!--submenu-->

    <li><a href="#">Sub Three A</a></li>

    <li><a href="#">Sub Three B</a></li>





    <li><a href="#">Item four</a>

    <ul> <!--submenu-->

    <li><a href="#">Sub four A</a></li>

    <li><a href="#">Sub four B</a></li>






    <li><a href="#">Item five</a>

    <ul> <!--submenu-->

    <li><a href="#">Sub five A</a></li>

    <li><a href="#">Sub five B</a></li>







    <div class="containerSidebars">


    <div class="sidebar1">

    <h1> sidebar1</h1>

    <img id="slide1" src="imagesSlideShow/01.jpg" width="200" height="200" />





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    <input type="button" name="" id="next" value="Next" />

    </div><!-- end .sidebar1 -->



    <div class="sidebar2">


    <h1> sidebar2</h1>

    <img id="slide2" src="imagesSlideShow/01.jpg" width="200" height="200" />





    <input type="button" name="" id="previous" value="Prev" />

    <input type="button" name="" id="next" value="Next" />

    </div><!-- end .sidebar2 -->



    <div class="sidebar3">

    <h1> sidebar3</h1>

    <img id="slide3" src="imagesSlideShow/01.jpg" width="200" height="200" />





    <input type="button" name="" id="previous" value="Prev" />

    <input type="button" name="" id="next" value="Next" />

    </div><!-- end .sidebar3 -->



    </div><!--<div class="containerSidebars">-->



    <!--<div class="content">




    </div><!-- end .content -->


    <!--</div><!-- end .header-->

    <!--</div><!-- end .logo-->



    <div><!--end .containerOutside -->



    <div class="footer">

    <h3>This would be the foot</h3></div>









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    background-color: #6FC;

    height: 65px;

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    padding-bottom: 1px;


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    font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;

    color: #666;

    background-color: #39F;

    font-size: 10px;

    float: none;

    text-align: left;

    position: relative;

    height: 20px;

    width: 1500px;

    clear: both;








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    clear: both;

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    padding: 1px;

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    clear: none;

    white-space: nowrap;*/



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    display: none;

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    margin: 0px;*/




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    display: block;

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    .containerSidebars {

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    margin: 0px;



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    padding: 0px;




    .footer {


    color: black;




  6. Okay, thanks Eddie.

    I have another question.

    I have a dropdown menu. I have spaced out the ul so it spans the width of the page, it throws off my drop downs.

    I don't see were I have control of the drop downs.

    Is there a better way to do that?


    thanks for the response

  7. I got laid off Jan. Been in the print industry for 25 yrs. 50 yrs old.

    Everything seems to be going to the web, except flexo and novelties items.

    I've been working with all the Adobe software for 20 yrs.

    I tried to learn web design online. 2 yrs ago but dropped it.

    A couple of months ago started a web design certificate program, and

    in a couple weeks will start a web development certificate program.

    These are just basic courses, not like an Associates Degree.

    My instructor said certificates are the way to go, and some people are making

    money soon after. But are they making a living?

    Having said all this, you who have been in this for a while, in your opinions

    What are the chances, and what are my chances.

    Is it saturated? The site seem easy for anyone to get or build.

    Should I get graphic design instruction? I know how to use all the programs but coming

    up with concepts would be my bottleneck.

    Are any of you involved in client research, content or anything to help them?

    Are there any opportunities on the fringe of the web design? That knowing web design is

    helpful but not the main thing?

    Anything else I should know?


    Thanks for any opinions.


  8. Can anyone tell me why things keep getting kicked out?

    This keeps happening. It seems in order in the HTML.

    I thought these aren't positioned to an area of the page?

    Attached is where I started. I had an image in the head but changed that to

    put another div in.







    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />


    <link href="styles/globalstyles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />




    <div id="outer">

    <div id="headerLeft">Header


    <div id="headerRight">Header



    <div id="nav">


    <li class="first"><a href="#">Home</a></li>

    <li><a href="#">About Me</a></li>

    <li><a href="#">Portfolio</a>


    <li><a href="#">Web</a></li>

    <li><a href="#">Print</a></li>

    <li><a href="#">Photos</a></li>



    <li><a href="#">Contact Me</a></li>



    <!--<div id="spaceInsert"></div>-->



    <img src="images/leftSide.jpg" width="500" height="600" alt="leftSide" /><img src="images/rightSide.jpg" width="500" height="600" alt="leftSide" />


    <div id="footer"><img src="images/footer.jpg" width="1000" height="100" alt="footer" /></div>









    @charset "UTF-8";

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    font-size: 24px;


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    margin-right: auto;

    margin-bottom: 0px;

    margin-left: auto;

    background-color: #FF0;


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    float: left;

    width: 600px;

    border: 3px solid #009;

    height: 100px;

    background-color: #000;

    margin: 0px;

    padding: 0px;

    color: #0F0;


    #headerRight {

    float: left;

    width: 380px;

    border: 3px solid #009;

    height: 100px;

    background-color: #000;

    margin: 0px;

    padding: 0px;

    color: #0F0;


    *{ margin:0px; padding: 0px; }


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    font-family: arial, sans-serif;

    position: absolute;

    width: 1000px;

    height: 50px;







    #nav ul {

    list-style-type: none;




    #nav ul li {

    position: relative;

    float: left;

    vertical-align: middle;

    text-align: center;

    margin-left: 22px;

    padding-top: 0px;

    padding-right: 20px;

    padding-bottom: 0px;

    padding-left: 21px;

    border: 2px solid #000;

    width: 180px;



    #nav ul li a {

    text-align: center;





    border: 1px solid #F00;



    #nav ul li ul {

    display: none



    #nav ul li:hover ul {

    display: block;

    position: absolute;



    #nav ul li:hover ul li a {




    width: 110px;

    text-align: center;

    border-bottom: 1px solid #f2f2f2;

    border-right: none;



    #nav ul li:hover ul li a:hover {






    #spaceInsert {

    background-color: #900;

    float: left;

    height: 100px;

    width: 1000px;

    margin-top: 22px;

    margin-right: 22px;

    margin-bottom: 22px;

    margin-left: 22px;

    padding-top: 100px;

    padding-right: 20px;

    padding-bottom: 100px;

    padding-left: 21px;

    border: 2px solid #000;



    #spaceInsert2 {

    background-color: #900;

    float: left;

    height: 100px;

    width: 1000px;

    margin-top: 22px;

    margin-right: 22px;

    margin-bottom: 22px;

    margin-left: 22px;

    padding-top: 100px;

    padding-right: 20px;

    padding-bottom: 100px;

    padding-left: 21px;

    border: 2px solid #000;



    post-20002-039956300 1312393883_thumb.png

    post-20002-087439900 1312393894_thumb.png

  9. I just can't get the drop down to work.

    I've been struggling with these navbars for a while now.

    I'm curious what everyone else is doing?

    The spry bars are easy but haven't had luck manipulating them

    the way I want. I want them to center and separated from each other.

    I'm going to work on that today. I loaded a plug-in to help manipulate

    spry bars I guess I'll go back to that, unless someone else has a better idea.

  10. I got this from the net.

    Can anyone tell me why it isn't working?



    <div id=”nav”>


    <li class=”first”><a href=”#”>Home</a></li>

    <li><a href=”#”>About Me</a></li>

    <li><a href=”#”>Portfolio</a>


    <li><a href=”#”>Web</a></li>

    <li><a href=”#”>Print</a></li>

    <li><a href=”#”>Photos</a></li>



    <li><a href=”#”>Contact Me</a></li>







    *{ margin:0px; padding: 0px; }


    #nav {

    font-family: arial, sans-serif;

    position: relative;

    width: 390px;




    margin: 0px auto;



    #nav ul {

    list-style-type: none;



    #nav ul li {

    float: left;

    position: relative;



    #nav ul li a {

    text-align: center;

    border-right:1px solid #e9e9e9;







    #nav ul li ul {

    display: none



    #nav ul li:hover ul {

    display: block;

    position: absolute;



    #nav ul li:hover ul li a {




    width: 110px;

    text-align: center;

    border-bottom: 1px solid #f2f2f2;

    border-right: none;



    #nav ul li:hover ul li a:hover {



  11. I can't find a list of id/class definitions.

    I copied some code and it has <li id="active"><a href="#" id="current">.


    i'm just wondering what the active and current does.

    And I'm looking for a reference for other questions.


    Can anyone help?



  12. Thanks, that worked.

    My initial problem was I wanted more space between the words.

    How do you do that?

    Now my problem is its shifting everything to the upper right and

    I can't seem to bring up my type to be in the black box.



    for the response

    post-20002-008096200 1311778019_thumb.png

  13. Hi,

    I just took some courses and still having problems.

    I instructor in my DW cs5 class said not to use tables. But I'm having problems. Can anyone help or direct me somewhere that will explain it.

    I've been all over the web for days and can't get this.


    thanks, if you can help.

    I have other questions at the bottom.


    This is what I have and I'll attach, what I'm getting. The "us" is having a problem. If I take out the space it works fine.


    <div id="navbar">


    <li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>

    <li><a href="htmldocs/aboutus.html">About Us</a></li>

    <li><a href="htdocs/locations.html">Locations</a></li>

    <li><a href="htdocs/products.html">Services</a></li>

    <li><a href="htmldocs/contactus.html">ContactUs</a></li>




    #navbar {

    background-color: #000;

    float: left;

    width: 1000px;

    list-style-type: none;


    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

    color: #0CC;

    height: 20px;

    margin: 0px;

    border-top-width: 1px;

    border-right-width: 1px;

    border-bottom-width: 1px;

    border-left-width: 1px;

    font-size: large;

    padding: 0px;

    display: inline;

    word-spacing: 30px;

    text-align: center;


    #navbar ul {


    text-decoration: none;


    #navbar ul li {




    text-decoration: none;

    word-spacing: 100em;


    #navbar ul li a:link {


    text-decoration: none;


    #contents {

    float: left;

    height: 10px;

    width: 1000px;

    padding: 5px;

    background-color: #0F0;




    And how many ways are there to make a nav bar?

    What is the most popular and/or best way?

    I might be missing the initial setup.

    The instructor had body id's in some but not others.

    What is the right structure?

    I missed why we shouldn't use tables. He did use some little ones in

    part of it tho.

    post-20002-021058600 1311775874_thumb.png

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