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Posts posted by cugopob.vlad

  1. Hello everyone, i have a question.....


    this might sound like a dumb question but i am working on a wordpress theme and i want to concatenate using the following....


    <?php bloginfo('url'); ?>


    i want this to do this but it's not working.....


      $path = 'test/test_path/file.php';
      include(bloginfo('url') . $path);


    can someone please help me :)



    Im not exactly sure that this will work, as I havent done anything with wordpress in a while, but from what they have on the wordpress functions info at http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/bloginfo

    <?php bloginfo('url');

    would return http://example/home, so im assuming that you are just missing a backslash in you $path variable. It should look like

    <?php $path = '/test/test_path/file.php';

  2. Not sure if its been posted before, i tried searching but couldnt really find anything similar to this. Anyway, i put together a little php script that includes all files within the same directory. The purpose of this? Well, if you have a library folder or something similar where you keep all your php scripts, instead of including every single page, you could just include one that would automatically include the rest of them. Now, if you just wanted to include a few select scripts, this obviously wont do you any help. It will also include all files in sub folders. Oh, i forgot to mention that this page would have to be at the root of you php library. If you see any improvements that could be made, please let me know. Thanks! Here's the code:


    $thisFileFull = __FILE__;
    $thisFile = basename($thisFileFull);
    $thisDir = dirname($thisFileFull).'/';
    $folders = array();
    $files = array();
    *	Scanner:
    *	Scan the directory and store its contents in appropriate arrays
    *	If a file is found, store in $files array 
    *	If a directory is found, store in the $folders array
    function scanner($folder)
    global $folders,$files,$thisFile;
    if($_contents = opendir($folder))	//open the directory
    	while(false !== ($file = readdir($_contents)))	//loop through the contents of the directory
    		if($file == "." || $file == ".."){}else
    			if(is_dir($folder.$file))	//only processes folders 
    				if(!in_array($folder.$file,$folders))array_push($folders,$folder.$file);	//add the folder to folders array if it doesnt already exists
    			elseif(is_file($folder.$file) && $file != $thisFile)	//only processes files and make sure not to include this file, otherwise you'd be in an infinite loop
    				if(!in_array($folder.$file,$files))array_push($files,$folder.$file);	//add the file to files array if it doesnt already exists
    *	Cleaner:
    *	"Cleans" the folders array 
    function clean()
    global $folders;
    foreach($folders as $key => $newFolder)	//loop through the folders array
    	scanner($newFolder.'/');	//send all the results to be rescanned, 
    	unset($folders[$key]);	//after scanning remove the folder from the array
    *	Scan through the root and return ALL of the results
    function scan()
    global $folders,$thisDir,$files;
    if(!is_dir($thisDir))	//check to see if the directory is valid before continuing
    	return false;	
    elseif(isset($thisDir))	//check to see if the root directory is set
    	scanner($thisDir);	//initial scan of the root directory
    	while(!empty($folders))	//loop through to check if there are any folders in the root directory
    		clean();	//rescan all folders in the root directory
    	if(empty($folders))	//checks to see that there are no more folders
    		return $files;	//returns the results(the entire url leading to the file) ex. /var/www/index.php instead of index.php
    foreach(scan() as $key => $value)

  3. Send us your feed back:




    if ($_POST && isset($missing) && !empty($missing)) {


    Please complete the missing item(s) indicated.



    elseif ($_POST && $mailsent = false) {


    Sorry, there was a problem sending your message.

    Please try later.



    elseif ($_POST && $mailsent = true) {



    Your message has been sent. Thank you for your feedback.

    <?php } ?>




    <?php if(isset($missing) && in_array('name', $missing)) { ?> :Please enter your name <?php }?>



    <?php if(isset($missing) && in_array('email', $missing)) { ?> :Please enter your email <?php }?>


    <?php if(isset($missing) && in_array('message', $missing)) { ?> Please enter your Message: <?php }?>


    if (isset($missing)) {

    echo htmlentities($_POST['message']);

    } ?>


  4. 1. When I go to this page, an email is automatically sent to my inbox.

    here i would use the conditional statement after you validate all the user input, for example:



    mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);



    this way it only sends the message when you push the send button


    2. I write the email address in ?Email? box, but it not appears in the email received, it just says ?From: "$_POST@yahoo.com" <$_POST@yahoo.com>".


    and here what i would do is put the

    elements into the html. such as

    and then assign the user input in email the the variable $email like this





    $to = 'nobody@example.com';

    $subject = 'the subject';

    $message = 'hello';

    $headers = "From: $email" . "\r\n" .

    'Reply-To: webmaster@example.com' . "\r\n" .

    'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();

  5. Is it possible to include php within php? for example, have a function that returns some html code that you want but have php within the html code so that the function would return the html and the php.

  6. sorry i forgot to tell you the css is an external document linked to the html page so there is no html here.

  7. can see the code.
    Well here is what i got so far for the menu




    position: absolute;

    width: 784px;

    top: 220px;

    left: 26px;





    display: block;

    background-image: url(images/Menu_Tabs/tabs3.png);

    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    color: #000;





    color: #000;





    text-decoration: none;

    width: 162px;

    height: 40px;


    padding-top: 10px;





    background-position: right top;

    color: #fff;





    background-image: url(images/Menu_Tabs/tabs2.png);

    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    color: #000;





    text-decoration: none;

    list-style-type: none;







  8. hey im making a website with tabs and im checking it on both IE and Opera. the first time i tried it in IE the tabs were positioned on relative and i ajusted the way i needed it. but then i tried the page in Opera and the tabs ended under the body and you couldnt see it. then i tried fixing it so it would work with Opera and then in IE it got messed up. So finally i decided to position the tabs on absolute and i got it the way i wanted and it works in all browsers but they ended up in the background i think because when you move your mouse over it, it doesnt change the color the way its suppose to. Can anybody help me? Thanks.

  9. hi i was wondering since i now how to make a form in html i wanted to include an attach file input. thats the easy part. how do i put the php in so that it sends the attached file to my email. Thanks for any help.

  10. ok i guess i dont need javascript then. by the way i heard some good things about css mastery for learning css. Would you agree with that or would you recomend any books for css then. Thanks.

  11. Sorry im really new to web design or other wise a super noob. i read an html book which i learned html from and in it i saw some javascript programing. also i been on many sites and when i look at the source i see a lot of javascript programing. im really intrested in javascript and think its pretty cool but i have no clue where to start. Does anybody know any good books that i would be able to learn from the very start. Thanks in advance for any of your help or suggestions. Thank You.




    include ("contact.php");


    $name = $_REQUEST['yourname'];

    $email = $_REQUEST['email'];

    $comments= $_REQUEST['feedback'];

    $email_message = "name: {$name} with the email of: {$email} .



    $at = "a";

    //$check = stripos($email, $at);



    if ($name == "") {


    echo "Sorry but you need to put your name in.";


    } elseif ($email == "") {


    echo "Sorry but we need your name and email address to get back to you";


    } elseif ($comments == "")



    echo "Dont You Have Any Comments or Questions?";


    } else {


    print "

    sorry but our form is down right now please check by later. thanks.






    //elseif ($check){


    //mail('cugopob.vlad@vladsandjosestimeline.com','Form Response ', $email_message . " " . $comments );


    //print "We thank you for your comments and be sure to check out the rest of the site.";






    // else {


    //echo "Please put a real email address.";








  13. can somebody please help me im trying to use stripos in my site but it keeps giving me an error message which says:


    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: stripos() in /hermes/bosweb/web177/b1777/sl.cugopobvlad5/public_html/frames/processing.php on line 15.


    heres what i got on line 15 :


    $check = stripos($email, $at);


    can you tell me what im doing wrong. thanks

  14. hi i was working on a page in my site that includes the php if statement and i want to make it so that if the statement is false it sends it to another page. could anybody tell me how to do that thanks.

  15. hi my name is vlad and i wanted to start learning php. does anybody have any good suggestions on a good book that i could learn from. thanks:D

  16. hi im super new to web design and im still learning html. i was working on my website and decided to put a form in it so i did but the problem im having with is the cgi file. i have no clue how to program at all except html which im still learning and i need help making a cgi file. :|:o

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