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Posts posted by SubhanUllah


    Curly braces are used for initialization of objects. If the object supports it the members (storage) of the object will be directly assigned to the values in the braces.

    std::string s{"a string"}; 
    int a[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 20 }; 
    struct X 
     int x; 
     int y; 
     int z; 
    X x{ 1, 3, 5}; 
    X y =  { 4, 5, 6}; 
    This is called Unified Initialization, so that there is a consistent syntax, based around curly braces:
    int i{};     // initialized built-in type, equals to int i{0}; 
    int j{10};  // initialized built-in type 
    int a[]{1, 2, 3, 4} // Aggregate initialization 
    X x1{};    // default constructor 
    X x2{1};   // Parameterized constructor; 
    X x4{x3}; // copy-constructor 
    int* arr = new int[5]{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };  //dynamic allocation with initialization 


  2. Here is how to reverse a string without a function:
    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstring>
    using namespace std;
    int main() {
    int i, n = 123456789, j, k, l, strlen;
    char str[10*(sizeof(char))];
    char newstr[sizeof(str)];
    bool is_positive = true;
    if (k < 0 ) {
    is_positive = false;
    if (k < 0 )
    is_positive = false;
    //converts to decimal base.
    cout << " k is " << k << " str is " << str << endl;
    if (!is_positive)
    j = 0;
    l = k-2;
    i = 0;
    while(i++ <= k){
    /*cout << "newstr[" << j << "] is " << newstr[j]
    << " str[" << l << "] is " << str[l] << endl;
    newstr[j++] = str[l--];
    cout << "newstr is " << newstr << endl;
    return 0;
    k is 10 str is 123456789
    newstr is 987654321
    Without using reverse of swap functions.


  3. Add options to a select box in JavaScript:
    1) Using the Option constructor and add() method:
    First, use the Option constructor to create a new option with the specified option text and value:
    let newOption = new Option('Option Text','Option Value'); 
    Then, call the add() method of the HTMLSelectElement element:
    const select = document.querySelector('select');  
    2) Using the DOM methods
    First, construct a new option using DOM methods:
    // create option using DOM 
    const newOption = document.createElement('option'); 
    const optionText = document.createTextNode('Option Text'); 
    // set option text 
    // and option value 
    newOption.setAttribute('value','Option Value'); 
    Second, add the new option to the select element using the appendChild() method:
    const select = document.querySelector('select');  


  4. Assuming each URL is a .php file then set the PHP file yo:
    header (‘Location: /path/to/newUrl.php');
    If you have one PHP script with different get data:
    # this is index.php. you call it with
    # index.php?page=1
    # to
    # index.php?page=4
    # you should do this with case, but this works.
    If ($_GET[‘page']==1)
    header (‘Location: /path/page1.php');
    exit ();
    If ($_GET[‘page']==2)
    header (‘Location: /path/page2.htm');
    exit ();
    If ($_GET[‘page']==3)
    header (‘Location: /path/page3.html');
    exit ();
    If ($_GET[‘page']==4)
    header (‘Location: https://new.domain. com');
    exit ();


  5. XML doesn’t tolerate syntax errors. HTML does, with specifications on to correct them.

    XML tags have to be closed. They can auto-close, like <stuff/> which is equivalent to <stuff></stuff>. HTML tags that are meant to be empty, don’t need a syntax that closes them.

    XML tags’ attribute values have to be quote. It’s <a thing="stuff"> or <a thing='stuff'> but not <a thing=stuff>

    XML tags don’t tolerate < other than to open a tag. If you want the text < in XML you need &lt; . In HTML you can use < if it doesn’t look like a correct tag opening.

    That’s just the obvious. There are many others.

  6. Randint() and shuffle are your friends here.
    import random 
    test_list = [random.randint(-100000, 100000) for i in range(300)] 
    print(f"300 Random Ints \n{test_list}") 
    # shuffle() mixes the list in place  
    second_list = list(range(40)) 
    print(f"First 40 Ints shuffled \n{second_list}") 
    # sample returns a new list and leaves the old one alone 
    string_list = "Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.  Benjamin Franklin".split() 
    shuffled_words = random.sample(string_list,len(string_list)) 
    print(f"Original words \n{string_list}") 
    print(f"And sample() to shuffle\n{shuffled_words}") 
    The random.randint() and range() creates a list of 300 numbers selected randomly, from -100,000 to 100,000. Just change the parameters to get what you want. The second shuffles any list not just Integers. Sample() also shuffles and existing list, but creates a new list.



    I would use a function But you can just put the code anywhere

    def get_pos_int(prompt='Please enter a positive Integer:'): 
        while True: 
            inp = input(prompt) 
                num = int(inp) 
            except ValueError: 
                print(f"{inp} was not an Integer") 
                if num < 0: 
                    print(f"{num} is not a positive Integer") 
        return num 
    a = 1 + get_pos_int("Please enter a number to add to one:")  
    print(f"result was {a}") 
    b = get_pos_int() 
    print (f"got {b} back") 
    python get_positive.py  
    Please enter a number to add to one:-12 
    -12 is not a positive Integer 
    Please enter a number to add to one:A 
    A was not an integer 
    Please enter a number to add to one:4 
    result was 5 
    Please enter a positive Integer:10 
    got 10 back 


  8. The calc() CSS function lets you perform calculations when specifying CSS property values. It can be used anywhere a <length>, <frequency>, <angle>, <time>, <percentage>, <number>, or <integer> is allowed.
    width: calc(100% - 80px); 
    width: calc(10px + 100px); 
    width: calc(100% - 30px); 
    width: calc(2em * 5); 
    width: calc(var(--variable-width) + 20px); 
    Usage with integers:
    .modal { 
      z-index: calc(3 / 2); 



    Try to parse it and catch any failure. There isn’t a more fool-proof way to check if JSON is valid than that. Something like this would work:

    function isValidJSON(s) { 
            try { 
                    return true; 
            catch (e) { 
            return false; 
    // Run a few test cases: 
    console.log(`isValidJSON("4") = ${isValidJSON("4")}`); // prints true 
    console.log(`isValidJSON("[4") = ${isValidJSON("[4")}`); // prints false 
    console.log(`isValidJSON("[4]") = ${isValidJSON("[4]")}`); // prints true 


  10. Here is the HTML & CSS code for curved text:

    <!DOCTYPE html> 
    <html lang="en"> 
        <!--Style to transform text in an arc --> 
        <style type=text/css> 
            /* Apply the translate and rotate transformation 
               for our text to look curved  */ 
            .Q { 
                transform: translate(20px, 85px) rotate(-30deg); 
            .u { 
                transform: translate(13px, 55px) rotate(-25deg); 
            .o { 
                transform: translate(6px, 35px) rotate(-20deg); 
            .r { 
                transform: translate(3px, 23px) rotate(-15deg); 
            .a { 
                transform: translate(2px, 14px) rotate(-10deg); 
            .A { 
                transform: translate(1px, 8px) rotate(-5deg); 
            .n { 
                transform: translate(0px, 5px) rotate(0deg); 
            .s { 
                transform: translate(-1px, 8px) rotate(5deg); 
            .w { 
                transform: translate(-2px, 14px) rotate(10deg); 
            .e { 
                transform: translate(-3px, 25px) rotate(15deg); 
            .e { 
                transform: translate(-6px, 30px) rotate(20deg); 
            .r1 { 
                transform: translate(-14px, 50px) rotate(25deg); 
            .s1 { 
                transform: translate(-24px, 68px) rotate(29deg); 
            /* An inline-block element is placed as an inline 
             element (on the same line as adjacent content),  
             but it behaves like a block element  */ 
            span { 
                display: inline-block; 
        <div style="text-align: center; padding-top: 250px; 
                    font-size: 55px; color: green;"> 
            <!-- Declare all the characters of text  
                one-by-one, inside span tags --> 
            <span class="Q">Q</span> 
            <span class="u">u</span> 
            <span class="o">o</span> 
            <span class="r">r</span> 
            <span class="a">a</span> 
            <span class="A">A</span> 
            <span class="n">n</span> 
            <span class="s">s</span> 
            <span class="w">w</span> 
            <span class="e">e</span> 
            <span class="r1">r</span> 
            <span class="s1">s</span> 


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