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Everything posted by SubhanUllah

  1. In C the result for the variable is the same after the instruction. The difference is where you put the ++; in front or behind the variable. so a=0 a++ ++a a+=1 make a = 3 a = 0 b = a++ // c is assigned first and is 0, then a becomes 1 c = ++a // a becomes 2 then c is assigned the 2 a += 1 // a becomes 3 Make a = 3 but b = 0 and c = 2 , When the ++ is last, the assignment is done first then the value of ‘a’ is bumped by one. Without the equal sign they are all the same; ‘a’ goes up by one.
  2. For numbers its pretty easy. Addition is reversible. For other types of data, not to much: #include <cstdio> int main() { int a = 123; int b = 44; float c = -2.234; float d = 4.456; printf("%-18s %11s %14s\n"," ","a <-> b","c <-> d"); printf("%-15s %7d\t%7d\t%7.3f\t%7.3f\n","Starting values",a,b,c,d); a = a + b; // a has both numbers c = c + d; // c now is both numbers printf("%-15s %7d\t%7d\t%7.3f\t%7.3f\n","a = a + b",a,b,c,d); b = a - b; // b now has a d = c - d; // d now has c printf("%-15s %7d\t%7d\t%7.3f\t%7.3f\n","b = a - b",a,b,c,d); a = a - b; // a now has b c = c - d; // c now had d printf("%-15s %7d\t%7d\t%7.3f\t%7.3f\n","a = a - b",a,b,c,d); } Output: a <-> b c <-> d Starting values 123 44 -2.234 4.456 a = a + b 167 44 2.222 4.456 b = a - b 167 123 2.222 -2.234 a = a - b 44 123 4.456 -2.234
  3. #include <stdio.h> int a, b, c; void fun(int i){ a = i*i; b = i+77; c = 3*i; } int main(){ fun(5); printf("%d: %d, %d, %d\n", 5, a, b, c); fun(9); printf("%d: %d, %d, %d\n", 9, a, b, c); }
  4. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link href="style1.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="style2.css" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> </body> </html>
  5. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <style> .responsive { width: 100%; height: auto; } </style> </head> <body> <h2>Responsive Images</h2> <p>If you want the image to scale both up and down on responsiveness, set the CSS width property to 100% and height to auto.</p> <p>Resize the browser window to see the effect.</p> <img src="img_nature.jpg" alt="Nature" class="responsive" width="600" height="400"> </body> </html>
  6. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> div.a { line-height: normal; } div.b { line-height: 1.6; } div.c { line-height: 80%; } div.d { line-height: 200%; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>The line-height Property</h1> <h2>line-height: normal (default):</h2> <div class="a">This is a paragraph with a standard line-height.<br> The standard line height in most browsers is about 110% to 120%.</div> <h2>line-height: 1.6 (recommended):</h2> <div class="b">This is a paragraph with the recommended line-height.<br> The line height is here set to 1.6. This is a unitless value;<br> meaning that the line height will be relative to the font size.</div> <h2>line-height: 80%:</h2> <div class="c">This is a paragraph with a smaller line-height.<br> The line height is here set to 80%.</div> <h2>line-height: 200%:</h2> <div class="d">This is a paragraph with a bigger line-height.<br> The line height is here set to 200%.</div> </body> </html>
  7. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> body { background-color: linen; } h1 { color: maroon; margin-left: 40px; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>This is a heading</h1> <p>This is a paragraph.</p> </body> </html>
  8. #include <stdio.h> int main(){ printf("%f\n", 123.456); // 123.456000 printf("%e\n", 123.456); // 1.234560e+02 printf("%g\n", 123.456); // 123.456 }
  9. import os full_path = '/home/User/Documents/file.txt' head_tail = os.path.split(full_path) print (f"The full path is '{full_path}’") print (f"The path is '{head_tail[0]}'") print(f"and the file name is '{head_tail[1]}’ ") output: The full path is '/home/User/Documents/file.txt’ The path is '/home/User/Documents' and the file name is 'file.txt’
  10. #include <stdio.h> int main(){ int a = 13, b = 9; printf("%d\n", a % b); // 4, remainder of a/b printf("%%\n"); // prints a single % }
  11. #include <stdio.h> int main(){ int i = 123; printf("%d\n", i>>1); // 61, div by 2 printf("%d\n", i<<3); // 984, mult by 8 }
  12. In C : char string[100]; ... string[27] = 'A'; In C++ vector<char> string; ... string.put(27, 'A'); In Java: char string[100]; ... string[27] = 'A';
  13. int n[] = {3, 4, 7}; #include <stdio.h> int a(int a, int s) { if (--a < 0) return s; return s + n[a]; } int b() { return a(3, 0); } int main() { printf("Sum: %d", b()); }
  14. #include <iostream> #define r { #define b int #define g = #define m >> #define q for #define f , #define h ; #define n :: #define s cout #define p std #define i } #define j main #define k ( #define l << #define t cin #define o ) b j k o r b a f c f e g 0 h q k a g 1 h h c g 3 o r p n t m a h e g e + a h p n s l "\123\x75\155\x3a\40" l e l "\12" h i i
  15. #include <stdio.h> int main(){ char s[] = "This Is A String With Up And Lo"; char result[100], c; int i = 0; do{ c = s[i]; if(c > ' ') c ^= 'a'-'A'; result[i++] = c; }while(c); printf("%s\n", result); }
  16. #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main(){ char s1[100] = "first part, "; char s2[] = "2nd part."; int i, l = strlen(s1); for(i = 0; i<=strlen(s2); i++) s1[l + i] = s2[i]; printf("%s\n", s1); }
  17. Yes, possible by including , here is the sample code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <?php include 'header.php';?> <h1>Welcome to my home page!</h1> <p>Some text.</p> <?php include 'body.php';?> <p>Some more text.</p> <?php include 'footer.php';?> </body> </html>
  18. Check the block, in which the variable is declared. When the block ends, the scope ends, and the variable is not valid any more. Example: if (1) { int a; // scope starts if (1) { } // scope ends }
  19. class thing { public: int x; int y; thing(int x, int y) { this->x = x; this->y = y; } } thing whatever(int p) { return thing(p, p); } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { thing result; result = whatever(0); ... }
  20. new_string = '' index = len(string) while index: index -= 1 new_string += string[index]
  21. #include <stdio.h> int main(){ printf("%d, %d\n", sizeof(float), sizeof(long)); // to show they are both 4 bytes union uni{float f; long i;} u; u.f = 123.456; printf("%lX\n", u.i); // show bits in hex int i; for(i = 0; i<32; i++){ // all bits, reversed: putchar('0' + (u.i & 1)); u.i >>= 1; } }
  22. This program returns 11. Now what could that mean? #include <stdio.h> int main(){ int r = printf("Hello World"); printf("\n%d\n", r); }
  23. #include <stdio.h> int pritst(int n){ int prm = 0, d = 1; if(n<=3) return 1; else if(!(n&1)) return 0; // even do{ d += 2; prm = n%d; }while((d * d)<n && prm); return prm; } int main(){ int i; for(i = 1; i<300; i++) if(pritst(i)) printf("%5d",i); }
  24. #include <stdio.h> int main(){ int x = 10; printf("%d\n", x++); printf("%d\n", x); printf("%d\n", ++x); printf("%d\n", x); printf("%d\n", x--); printf("%d\n", x); printf("%d\n", --x); printf("%d\n", x); }
  25. The answer may vary. This is what my computer thinks: #include <stdio.h> int main(){ printf("%d\n", sizeof(int)); // 4 printf("%d\n", sizeof(long)); // 4 printf("%d\n", sizeof(long long)); // 8 }
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