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Posts posted by SubhanUllah

  1. print("Now is the winter ",end ="") # no line feed 
    print("of our discontent") # yes Line Feed 
    print("Made glorious summer",end="") 
    print(" by this sun of York;") 
    print("And all the clouds that ",end="") 
    print("lour'd upon our house") 
    print("In the deep bosom of",end="") 
    print(" the ocean buried.")


    Now is the winter of our discontent 
    Made glorious summer by this sun of York; 
    And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house 
    In the deep bosom of the ocean buried. 


  2. // One of these things is not like the others. 
    // One of these things just doesn't belong. 
    String[] items = new String[] { 
    // Note that you CAN use a comma after the last item! 
    // This is a convenience if you need to re-order the items. 



    You can use media query CSS to make a website responsive without using any third party tools. Example code:

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    <div class="header"> 
    <div class="row"> 
      <div class="col-3 menu"> 
      <li>The Flight</li> 
      <li>The City</li> 
      <li>The Island</li> 
      <li>The Food</li> 
      <div class="col-6"> 
      <h1>The City</h1> 
      <p>Bangladesh is the capital of the Bangladesh region on the island of Crete. The city can be divided in two parts, the old town and the modern city.</p> 
      <div class="col-3 right"> 
      <div class="aside"> 
      <p>Bangladesh is a city on the island of Crete.</p> 
      <p>Crete is a Greek island in the Mediterranean Sea.</p> 
      <p>You can reach Bangladesh airport from all over Europe.</p> 
    <div class="footer"> 
      <p>Resize the browser window to see how the content respond to the resizing.</p> 


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