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Posts posted by fazlionline

  1. I will appreciate if MySql is added to this forum but not as a sub-category!!!


    Let MySql have its own category & let PHP have its own.


    The question which I have, for which I request for MySql category, is not related to PHP, there for, if MySql category is not a separate like other categories, me and other users like me will be confused!!!


    | The | Choice | is | Yours |



  2. Hi all

    As you know that many software companies have to arrange a test/exam for the users, and when any user passes that test/exam, he is called ?Certified? in that program.


    Same is arranged by Adobe, if someone gives the exam, he is called ?Adobe Certified Expert?.


    Now, I want to join this exam but have a problem that from where can I download videos of Dreamweaver to see them and when I learnt, I will appear for this exam.


    From where I can download Dreamweaver training videos for free


    Can any one help me?

  3. Hi All


    As you know that the Killer Site [dot] com team is working fantastic.


    I appreciate all it does and I am so thankful to them that I have leant more and more.


    As you know that the forum contain PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML and more, I think there is an important thing missing, and that is MySql.


    As you know that the MySql works with PHP side by side, there for I request the killer Site team to make section for MySql too.


    I will appreciate it




  4. Thanks to all

    The redirect may be useless but I tried to learn how it works.

    I have finally found this on Google search?


    It is very simple to redirect a page from one to other.

    i donot know why no one was able to help me



    Just past the code before everything on page, even before , do not leave even a blank line; put it on the most top.

    The code is:


    header( 'Location: http://www.fazlionline.com/wordpress/' ) ;



  5. Hello all


    I have a link on my site for a blog.

    when that page opens it have a redirect script for a blog in other website

    but when i clik on blog linke the page opens but do not redirect to other page and give this error:



    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at d:\Customers\user1092190\www\v2\blog\blog.php:9) in d:\Customers\user1092190\www\v2\blog\blog.php on line 10



    my script is this


    header( 'Location: http://www.fazlionline.com/wordpress/' ) ;




    note: i have past this script in the main body tag


    is there any rule to put the redirect in a special place?



  6. Dear Thelma


    my menu looks like stairs, which i do not want.

    first of all i want the submenu hidden by default, and should apear on mouse over.


    when i solved this problem, then i will learn how to make it horizantal.

    (i also want to learn the ocde for vertical, but later)




  7. Hello all


    i have made my page with .php format (index.php)


    i have upload it to server.


    "Error on page" apears at bottom left . status bar.


    details says:


    Line: 338

    Char: 1

    Error: Object Expected



    and when i try in editor to go my index.php page , to find line 338.

    the last line of my document is 195.


    any help please.

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