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Posts posted by Ladan

  1. Hi all. I've been long looking into a solution to my jQuery/JS code, but to no avail. I want to be able to scroll to the searched term when I type it in. It will do this now, but then if I search for a word that's at the top, I don't have anything for it to scroll up to it. Here is my code:

    $(function() {
        $('.searchTerm').bind('keyup change', function(ev) {
            // pull in the new value
            var searchTerm = $(this).val();
            // remove any old highlighted terms
            // disable highlighting if empty
            if ( searchTerm ) {
                // highlight the new term
                $('body').highlight( searchTerm );
                $('html, body').delay(1500).animate({
            scrollTop: $('#results').offset().top
        }, 475);

    Is there something missing, or am I using the wrong code? I don't know what to do.

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