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Posts posted by Drew2

  1. Hello Jim,

    I understand your frustration.

    I was able to get through and understand the CRUD basics course.

    Yeah, 2 months is a pretty rough response time.

    I assume you've repeated the CRUD course a few times. 

    If you haven't tried this already, I'd put your code in difchecker (https://www.diffchecker.com/) alongside the code you can download from the course.  What I do is find a section that is probably giving trouble - it may be small.  I'll copy the code I've written, and then copy the correct course code and paste it alongside one another.  I tend to do this only after I've conceptually understood the concepts - but something just isn't working right in code.  What usually happens is that I've missed a quotation mark or a paranthesis.  Difchecker finds where the difference is.

    If there are no differences in your code (and this happened to me before), I find that my database connection may be to blame (the database password may be different for some users depending on what computer they use: mac or pc.  my password is 'root' - others' password is just this: ''.)

    • Like 1
  2. So here seems to be the stages leading up to $_SESSION['cart'] being set:

    First, someone clicks a link generated by m_products 'cart.php? id=' . $product['id'] 

    Second, cart.php sees the product id in the url (generated by someone clicking the above link), and calls this function in m_cart.php to add a product: $Cart->add($_GET['id']);

    Third, m_cart.php starts this function: 

    public function add($id, $num = 1)
        public function add($id, $num = 1)
            //setup or retrieve cart
            $cart = array();
                $cart = $_SESSION['cart'];
            //check to see if item is already in cart
            if (isset($cart[$id]))
                //if item is in cart
                $cart[$id] = $cart[$id] + $num;
                // if item is not in cart
                $cart[$id] = $num;
            $_SESSION['cart'] = $cart;

    The section of code above that I have highlighted is where $_SESSION['cart'] is initially set.  I was having trouble before, because I hadn't cleared the cart before running the public function add.  As a result, every time I tested this line of code, I did so assuming the $_SESSION['cart'] was empty.  But when I tested the code the first conditional kept resolving to true, as if the cart had already been set (even though I thought it hadn't been).

    At any rate, here is how $_SESSION['cart'] is set.  The first two conditionals in public function add resolve to false: $_SESSION['cart'] has not been set yet (provided no previous items were added to the cart).  And, if $_SESSION['cart'] hasn't been set yet, there won't be a key of $id in the variable $cart -  as $cart is just a blank array.  So, that means the last piece of code will fire: a previously blank array ($cart) will be given a key ([$id]) and a value of $num (which is just 1).  Then, the information in variable $cart is assigned (given) to $_SESSION['cart'].

    • Like 1
  3. Hello you wonderful coders you.

    I've been staring at this line of code (line 74 highlighted below) for a while in m_template.php, and want to share what it's doing.  

    function getAlerts()
            $data = '';
            foreach($this->alertTypes as $alert)
                if (isset($_SESSION[$alert]))
                    foreach($_SESSION[$alert] as $value)
                        $data .= '<li class="'. $alert .'">' . $value . '</li>';
            return $data;

    The unset is here so that the next time a user clicks the submit button, the $_SESSION variable will have a clean slate (at least as far as alerts are concerned).  Otherwise, a user might click the submit button when they've entered valid information, and receive an error message in the members page. 

    I just commented out the unset line and ran the code.  First I entered wrong information and clicked submit.  So $_SESSION now has this in it "you entered an invalid username or password."  Then, I entered valid information (so now $_SESSION should also have this in it "You successfully logged in to the members page").  When I did that, I was redirected to the members page.  At the top were the alerts.  There was an alert saying "You successfully logged in to the members page" and then the error: "you entered an invalid username or password."

    Just thought others may have been confused like me about why that line of code is in there at all.

    • Like 1
  4. I'm on the PHP Logic with OOP section, and have what I think may be a pretty simple question.

    In v_login.php, where I see the login form, line 27 for example has this code:

    <input type="password" name="password" value="<?php echo $this->getData('input_pass'); ?>"> - This line of code takes the user input, and spits it into the form for the user to see.

    Then, in login.php, there is this code on line 30:

    $_SESSION['username'] = $Template->getData('input_user'); - this line of code adds to the $_SESSION variable.

    As v_login.php is included in login.php, why are there two different ways of calling the getData function?  Shouldn't there just be one way to call the function, given v_login.php is included in login.php?



  5. Hello fellow coder fra168nk.  I may have just figured out myself how include works.  

    Imagine one document with the function of bouncing a ball. (D1)

    Then you have a second document with the request to actually bounce a ball (D2)

    For D2 to actually bounce a ball, it will need the help of D1.  D1 is the tool with which D2 can bounce a ball.

    By writing, for example, include(D1) in D2, D2 now has access to the bouncing ball function in D1.  D1 and D2 have become one document in a sense (in terms of one benefitting from the other).

    Although the documents are now one, in a sense, D1's location (as far as referencing CSS is concerned) is now wherever D2 is located.  So, whenever a reference is made in D1 to CSS, it should be made as though D1's location is the same as D2's.  It took me a while to figure that one out.  



  6. Hello,

    I'm working through the login System using OOP in Stef's course.  In the file m_template.php, there is this line of code:

    (Line 58)

    function setAlert($value, $type = null)
            if ($type == '') { $type = $this->alertTypes[0]; }
            $_SESSION[$type][] = $value;

    I'm trying to see how the highlighted section of code is working.

    Ben explains this, but I don't quite understand yet.

    First of all, I want to check that my concept of the session variable $_SESSION is correct:

    If I unpack a hypothetical $_SESSION variable, it could look something like this:

    $_SESSION [

    'success' => ['you are logged in']

    'warning' =>[ ]

    'error' => []

    user => 'John'


    So, $_SESSION is a variable holding an array.  Within that array is another array which could have a key of either success, warning, or error.

    $_SESSION might also have other elements in the array like user.

    When I write the code $_SESSION[$type][] = $value; I could think of it in this example:

    $_SESSION['success'][] = 'you are logged in';

    This line of code means that I will be adding to the nested array with the key of 'success'.

    So if $_SESSION looked like this instead:

    $_SESSION [

    'success' => ['logging in is awesome', 'You are so bomb for logging in', 'High Five!', ]

    'warning' =>[ ]

    'error' => []

    user => 'John'


    I would be tacking on 'you are logged in' like so:

    'success' => ['logging in is awesome', 'You are so bomb for logging in', 'High Five!',  'you are logged in']

    However, if I left out the brackets like so:

    $_SESSION['success'] = 'you are logged in';

    then I would over-write the array with the key of 'success' and create this:

    'success' => 'you are logged in'

    Am I thinking about all of this correctly?

    Update: Nov 11, 2020

    I wonder if it is a bit unnecessary to have this line of code:

    $_SESSION[$type][] = $value (m_template.php, line 58)

    rather than this:

    $_SESSION[$type]= $value

    There doesn't seem to be any circumstance where there is more than one value per key at any given time.



  7. I am pouring over the "simple" php login system code for Ben Falk's tutorial.  There is one line of code that I cannot make sense of.  After reading several sources online about prepared statements, I *only* ever see them with parameters (e.g. ?).  Yet, in Ben's tutorial, there is a prepared statement without parameters in file register.php:

    // create select options
        $select = '<option value="">Select an option</option>';
        $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT id, name FROM permissions");
        $stmt->bind_result($id, $name); // for more information, see http://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqli-stmt.bind-result.php
        while ($stmt->fetch())
            $select .= "<option value='" . $id . "'";
            if ($input['type'] == $id) { $select .= "selected='selected'"; }
            $select .= ">" . $name . "</option>";

    Why aren't there parameters (e.g. ? ?) in the prepare statement?  Isn't that dangerous?



    Edit: 10.23.2020 - The more I look at the code and think about it, I think it is actually harmless.  The drop-down box does not allow users to enter in information, only select it.  So, the information being passed to the database couldn't be (for the drop-down box) anything but what is already in the box.  Yet, I still find it curious why we are using the prepare statement at all.  Why not just mysqli_query(.....)?

  8. In the course, we are asked to copy and paste code that validates a US phone number.  I was unable to find the exact page used in the course.

    However, I found another page with code that produces the same result.  Here is the page: https://jqueryvalidation.org/phoneUS-method/

    Here is the code that makes it all work (the bold portions are what I copy and pasted in):

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
            <title>Validation Example</title>
            <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
            <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>  
            <script type="text/javascript" src="validate.js"></script>  
            <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/jquery.validation/1.16.0/additional-methods.min.js"></script>
            <script type="text/javascript">
                    debug: true,
                    success: "valid"
                    $( "#phone" ).validate({
                    rules: {
                        field: {
                        required: true,
                        phoneUS: true


  9. Adding PHP Validation: Chapter 1 lesson 3

    minutes: 2:30 -nutshell:  If I understand Ben, he adds the php to the input tags in form.php so that when I enter my information in the form and hit submit, my information won't disappear.  But, when I take all of the php out that Ben seems to use to keep my information from disappearing, I get the same result: my information stays there.  Am I missing something?

    I have deleted temporarily all of the php echoes in the input tags in form.php (e.g. I deleted <?php echo $error['name'] ?> ).  After I saved the page, I then refreshed the web page with the form.  I entered incorrect login information in the form, and clicked submit.  My incorrect login information was *still there.  As such, I don't yet see the point of adding the php echoes.





  10. https://developers.google.com/fonts/faq - found that.  It says "The page load time indicator, located in the upper-right of the selection drawer, shows an estimation of how your selection will affect the overall load time (ex: slow, moderate, fast) of your page based on the number of families, styles, and scripts you’ve chosen in the “Customize” tab."

    It all sounds great, until I look for it.  I've clicked on everything I can think of in the top right, and no mention of the page load time indicator is to be found.




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