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Posts posted by altergothen

  1. Hi there



    Please can someone point me in the right direction, where in the documentation can I read up on the following notation?...


    I am trying to figure out what the purpose of the braces around the variable are? $this->{$spec}

    if (is_string($spec)) {

    $subForm = $this->{$spec};


  2. IS there an easier way to get a single result from a PDO query than having to run a foreach when I already know that there should only be a single record or value being returned?

    I tried using $myresult = $dbh->exec($sql); ...but only returns a 1



    $dbh = new PDO("$Driver1:host=$Server1;dbname=$db1", $User1, $Password1);

    try {


    $sql = "SELECT FileVersion FROM FileVersion WHERE GroupID = $GroupID ORDER BY FileVersion Desc";

    foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $myrow)


    $FileVersion = $myrow['FileVersion'];



    $dbh = null;


    catch(PDOException $e)


    echo $e->getMessage();


  3. Variable Variables???


    I am used to concatenating variables like this when doing procedural PHP like this ....



    ${"varnumber_$i"} = 'This variable should be called varnumber_5';


    How do I make a variable variable in a PHP5 class ?

    How do I achieve the following without resorting to Case Statements?


    .... here is my event handler in my class :


    public function handleAction( $i ){




    public function handleEvent_1 () {

    echo "Handling Event1";



    public function handleEvent_2 () {

    echo "Handling Event1";


    public function handleEvent_3 () {

    echo "Handling Event1";


  4. Hi there


    How do I concatenate variable variables from instance vars?

    Thanks...much appreciated



    class myClass {

    var $testme1 = "one";

    var $testme2 = "two";

    var $testme3 = "Three";


    function __construct(){

    echo "

    Concat test







    $myInstance = new myClass();


    for ( $i=1; $i <= 4; $i++) {

    $testme = ${"testme"."$i"};

    $myVar = ${"testme"."$i"};

    echo $this->$myVar; //???????????????????????????????????????????


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