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Posts posted by edoplaza

  1. Hello,


    My whole new site validates on strict HTML except for two Flash Videos embedded in the front page, which are becoming a real nightmare. Should I worry about them? I'm getting frustrated because I find it too hard and cumbersome to correct the errors I'm getting when trying to validate.


    Any suggestions? (and please don't tell me "get rid of the videos" :))





  2. Thanks again Eric,


    Try out the solution I found and let me know what you think about it.


    I just wanted to correct one issue I didn't see in my previous message. Where it says:



    (Spanish text is mine),


    There is a problem if you don't erase those two lines while pasting the whole script: you'll have twice the

    tag on the same page. So I opened the main template, changed the tag to this new tag, and updated the rest of the pages. Then, I erased the little script from the specific page. This piece of script just checks out whether the user has the Flash player installed or not, so I think it's not harmful to put it on the main template.
  3. Well, I think I've found a solution!


    I hope it will work for everybody.


    When adding a flash video, Dreamweaver automatically creates a script in 3 parts:


    a) Just under the






    B) Just after the (make sure you don't include this tag):



    c) Just where you placed the video:





    To sum up, the first code goes just under the

    tag , the second one just after the tag, and the third one goes embedded where you put the video in the first place. In my case, just after a

    tag, inside an editable region.


    So, if you paste the first and second parts (without the tag) of the code just before the third one, and create one big script, it will work, because all the information will be added on the "editable region".


    I proceeded this way: I opened a new blank page, detached from any template, added the flash video, copied all 3 parts, one by one, of the code, and pasted them in a specific place of the page attached to the template.


    I hope I am right about this, if not, my mistake!





  4. Thanks Eric,


    So, If I've got it right, I have two options:


    a) Get rid of templates

    B) Detach the specific page from the main template


    For option a), I don't know how to build a site with no templates. I know there is something called "includes", but I don't know how it works.

    For option B), Let's say I detach that page frome the main template. Then, if I have to change something on the main template, will I have to change it manually for that page? What if I have many pages with videos, as the client wants? That would be a pain in the neck!


    I read somewhere that it had something to do with the css file. I'll check it out.


    Anyway, I'm kind of hopeless, because the site is almost ready, and I've put a lot of work on the template files. I don't really want to think about starting from scratch just because those stupid templates. How can dreamweaver keep the same mistake over and over?

  5. You are right! It was a problem with the hosting. It is solved now. Thanks.


    Now I have a second question. I am trying to upoload a Flash video embedded in a page I already created time ago. Now, it seems that as the page is related to a template, it won't let me add some "script" I need for this video. How should I proceed? Should I add this script to the template page?


    The message says:


    "Making this change would require changing code that is locked by a template or translator. The change will be discarded."





  6. Hello,


    I'm trying to upload a small video to my site but it doesn't work.


    The log says:


    An FTP error occurred - cannot put LaserVerdeWeb.wmv. Access denied. The file may not exist, or there could be a permission problem. Make sure you have proper authorization on the server and the server is properly configured.


    The file does exist, so it's a permission problem. How can I fix it? Is it a Dreamweaver problem, or a hosting problem?





  7. Hi guys for your responses.


    When you say:


    "Use theme important keywords or key phrases in Headers"


    does it means SE look at header tags (H1, H2, etc.) first?


    So, what about navigation menus (I use UL - LI tags), will SE look for those tags at the first place too?

  8. Hi,


    Let's say I want to create a site for a company called: "redtoys", but someone has already bought that domain. So, I decide to add the name of the city where the company is located, something like: "redtoysnewyork". Now the domain is free, but I find that name too long. How advisable would be to have "www.redtoysnewyork.com" just for the URL, and use "redtoys" all over the site, for the logo, the banner, etc., etc., ? Is it legal?





  9. Thanks for answering,


    I'm interested in the second option. That would mean that I need to put the file in my DB? Do you have any tuts or scripts for that?


    I'd like to learn how to create a script with this result: "this file has been downloaded x times"






  10. Hello everybody,


    I have a general question here. I?ve been ?designing? web sites as a hobby for two years now. I started, of course, with an ?all table? site and then moved to divs. Then, little by little I?ve been learning css, php, etc., but I have no formal studies on graphic design at all. For someone like me, completely devoted to music (I?m a pianist and a musicologist) this ?visual? activity is becoming more and more exciting (so exciting that I can spend hours and hours searching and studying from tutorials, books, forums, etc.). The thing is that I feel I can now create ?ok? sites, not ugly, as I?ve been told, but I want to reach the next level. Lately, the more I look at my sites, the uglier I find them. For example, I wish I could create beautiful sites like this:


    http://w ww.operam age.com /


    But I know I?d probably need to be a graphic designer or a visual artist to create such a good site (in my opinion) with elegant colors, balance, typography, etc., and I have no time to start a new career.


    It?s so hard for me to just sit down and think about a whole concept after a client?s proposal! I just start playing with my computer and spend hours just to create a simple idea. Then I start asking everybody, my sister, my friends, etc., about my new ?creation?.


    For those who are mainly programmers and have no design background, how do you do? Do you just ?become? graphic designers after creating 20 sites?


    Are there any sites about web design (on how to balance colors, chose a good typography, display content, etc.?


    I?d hate the idea to hire someone just because I don?t know these simple (or not that simple...) rules.


    I hope I don?t sound too pessimistic :)





  11. Hi,


    I'd like to add an events calendar to a client's site. I already know Google calendar, and I like it very much, but this time I need to change the overall color and Google doesn't seem to allow that. So, basically I need an easy costumizable (not necessarily php) calendar where the client would be able to add the events by himself.


    Do you guys know anything like that?


    - Simple and customizable (mainly colors)

    - Easy to manage (the client will do it)

    - Free...





  12. Hello Sarah,


    Greetings from Venezuela...


    I'm not an expert, but I'll tell you what I think anyway.


    First of all, I love the choice of colors, especially the yellow tones. I like the simplicity of the whole layout too, which makes content clearer. Also, I like the fact that the language buttons are part of the design, and not simple small buttons you can hardly see.


    The only thing I'll add is a footer. Somehow, it gives a close ending to the page (but that's my personal opinion)





  13. Hello everybody,


    I'm designing a site for a friend of mine. He is a very famous cello player in my country and just wanted to have a personal site with his biography, repertoire, recordings, etc. This is actually a mockup (already coded but not uploaded yet). So, I give you a screenshot of the frontpage. Critics are the most welcomed. I'll show you the full working site in a short time (I hope so...)


    http://w ww.sdaco nsultores.com/mo ckupMarcano.jpg





  14. Well, I just replaced the index page with a new one, and it works now...but I don't know, if the hacker did this once, he could do it again...


    It was a "defacement" hack, which completely replaced my index page with a hideous one.


    This is an screenshot of the site when it was hacked:



    http://w ww.musica enclave.com/ha cked.jpg


    Lovely, isn't it?

  15. Hello,


    My personal site, w ww.musica enclave.c om was hacked today. It's a musical journal, very important in my country, so I'm a little desperated...everything works except the index page. Code is very bad and obsolete, so don't look at it.


    Any ideas on how to fix this?





  16. Well, thank you very much for the information.


    The suggested solutions are very interesting, but, as I said before, I need to improve my PHP skills to handle all those scripts properly. For now, I think I'll duplicate every file in both languages as the site is very small (it would be mainly the navigation bar, and probably a 3 or 4 other pages)






  17. As I'm not lazy, I'll translate both texts myself (or, better than that, I will ask the client to provide the English version of his texts). At least he is not a writer or something like that, with tons of text to translate.


    I was just wondering about the necessity of having every single file in two versions. Maybe, in a future, when I improve my php skills, I'll have both texts located in a DB and I'll just use a little function to switch between Spanish and English (Gosh, why didn't that Esperanto language work..., that would be easier then...)





  18. Hello,


    A client wants his new site to be bilingual, meaning that he wants a "magic" button at the top of the banner saying "English version" (the site is originally in Spanish") and viceversa which changes the content of the whole site automatically in just one click. What would be the best apporach to achieve this? Do I have to create everything twice, or create like a parallel site?





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