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Posts posted by virtual

  1. No prob.

    As Ben says Design View is notoriously bad in DW3 and before. As long as your page views correctly in different browsers then don't worry about it, and certainly don't use it to design with.


    I have one page in a site that doesn't even show up in DW design view.

  2. A very old fashioned looking design.

    I agree with JBall, lose the shadow, it is not consistent with the rest of the site. Neither is the blue footer.

    If you want to keep the shadow, I suggest adding one around the whole wrapper to make the page stand out from the grey background.

    The text is too big and I do not think mixing serif with sans serif fonts works well.

    I personally find the red in the header overly bright.

  3. I agree with Ben on all 3 points.


    Just a few extra comments:

    Your logo does not stand out enough from the rest of the page.

    I think the text should be smaller, definitely all one size and colour, unless it's a link and there should be more of it.

    I would lose the bubbles in the footer and put the footer links in a column on the side. It means scrolling to see them and some people don't like to do that, and might even miss them altogether.

  4. If you are not new to web design, I would suggest you learn CSS. For the moment you are using tables and mixing inline and external css.


    I do not work with tables as I find the code very messy and heavy in the html page. I suggest you check, especially if you are using DW, that you have set cellpadding and cellspacing to 0 in all your tables.

  5. Posting a link to your site would give a better idea what your problem is.


    You don't need a database to get feedback from your contact form. You can use something like this ready made PHP script which will send you the info by email.

    htt p:// formtoemail.c om (remove spaces)

  6. May I make a little design suggestion while you are still in the testing stage.


    It would look more balanced if the palette and its background colour in the header image lined up with the navigation column. For the moment they are offset. They could also both do with being a little wider. More like 1/3 - 2/3 ratio, I believe the optimal ratio is 3/8ths to 5/8ths for a 2 column layout.


    The navigation links could do with being a little larger and better spaced, they don't stand out enough and are smaller than the general text.

  7. I'm sure they understand English. I would also email the company whose products they are selling spector360 dot com and tell them about the problem, maybe they will have some influence. Although if you notice the links to spector from their product page does not work.


    How did you find out?

  8. As Thelma says, select your folder and click the PUT arrow, your whole folder will upload to the site.

    Just remember that to view it, your address will be different htt p://yoursitename.whatever/new_work/

    if your folder is named new_work. The trailing slash will tell the browser to look for your index or home file within that folder.


    I would also suggest that you download different browsers to your computer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera so that you can test your site on them locally through DW. You can get a stand alone version of IE6, if you are running IE7, at evolt dot org or tredosoft dot com. If you still have IE6 and upgrade to IE7 it wipes out IE6 which is why you need a standalone version to test backwards compatible. If you are not comfortable with that, you can check what your site looks like in different IE versions once they are online with ipinfo dot info/netrenderer/ I would not bother with IE5, just IE6, and even that is subject to debate, but in your case I think it might be wise to test in IE6.

  9. From a design point of view, it is not very exciting, very basic and certainly not flawless.


    As Newseed said, the green inline links don't look good, neither does the red and blue text. Your colour scheme is blue, grey and black, it would look much better if you stuck to this colour scheme. Likewise the yellow stars with purple around them don't match.


    I particularly do not like the mix of serif and sans serif fonts and capitals and lower case. The top of the page is all serif and capitals and the bottom sans serif and lowercase. It doesn't flow together.


    I think you would find it less work to mock up your design in Photoshop and get the design really down, before you even start coding it.

  10. If you put it on a pen drive, it will open up in whatever their default browser is. You can carry your whole site around on a pen drive and test it on different computers and browsers.


    To upload to your server.

    First you will need the access codes for your server. Then you need to define your site in DW,

    Local info - browse to your folder, HTTP address enter the name of your site.

    Remote info - enter your access codes and click Test.

    If you connect to the server, Click OK.

    Then go back to the file panel and click on the connect button (looks like a plug) then select your folder and click the blue Up arrow.

  11. Put the tool in the header with a blurb underneath explaining briefly what it does, then put the video underneath that if they need more info before they try it out. Your header is beautiful but it uses up a lot of space.


    My screen is 1280 x 768. With all the toolbars I have in my browser I can only see about 3/4 of that and consequently your button doesn't even show up on my screen unless I scroll.

  12. I only built one Flash site as part of a course I was taking. We used Shane Rebenschied's book for Flash 8 isbn# 0-321-29387-8.


    We used one master fla and swf as a container into which all the other swf files loaded. The ActionScript code that was used commonly throughout the site was also in the master swf, thus making a smaller file size as it is not repeated in the other swf's. Also makes maintenance easier and the possibility to add more pages easily.

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