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Posts posted by virtual

  1. <div class="left">77 FRONT STREET</div><div class="right">TO CLARK STREET</div>

    <div class="left">2ND FLOOR</div><div class="right">TO HIGH STREET</div>

    <div class="left">BROOKLYN, NY 11201</div><div class="right">TO YORK STREET</div>


    That should be

    <div class="left">


    <li>77 FRONT STREET</li>

    <li>2ND FLOOR</li>

    <li>BROOKLYN, NY 11201</li>




    <div class="right">


    <li>TO CLARK STREET</li>

    <li>TO HIGH STREET</li>

    <li>TO YORK STREET</li>




    Then as Ben explained, style the .left and .right, you may need to style the ul li tags depending on what is in your css file.

  2. I am trying to put a required field for the $children field into an email reservation form. However if I enter 0 in this field I get an error message, any other number or text is fine, but if the guests don't have kids, I don't want to show an error. How do I get the PHP script to accept 0 as a valid answer? Help will be much appreciated.


    Here is the script:




    $ip = $_POST['ip'];

    $httpref = $_POST['httpref'];

    $httpagent = $_POST['httpagent'];

    $visitor = $_POST['visitor'];

    $visitormail = $_POST['visitormail'];

    $adults = $_POST['adults'];

    $children = $_POST['children'];

    $age = $_POST['age'];

    $notes = $_POST['notes'];

    $attn = $_POST['attn'];



    if (eregi('http:', $notes)) {

    die ("Do NOT try that! ! ");


    if(!$visitormail == "" && (!strstr($visitormail,"@") || !strstr($visitormail,".")))


    echo "<h2>Please use browser Back button - Enter valid e-mail</h2>\n";

    $badinput = "<h2>Your email was NOT submitted</h2>\n";

    echo $badinput;

    die ();



    if(empty($visitor) || empty($visitormail) || empty($adults) || empty($children) || empty($notes )) {

    echo "<h2>Please use browser Back button - Fill in all fields</h2>\n";

    die ();



    $todayis = date("l, F j, Y, g:i a") ;


    $notes = stripcslashes($notes);


    $message = " $todayis [EST] \n

    Phone: $phone \n

    Message: $notes \n

    From: $visitor ($visitormail)\n

    Additional Info : IP = $ip \n

    Referral : $httpref \n




    $from = "From: $visitormail\r\n";



    mail("me@atmysite.com", $subject, $message, $from);




    <p align="center">

    Date: <?php echo $todayis ?>

    <br />

    Thank you <?php echo $visitor ?> for your message, we will contact you shortly.

    <br />


    <br />

    Message:<br />

    <?php $notesout = str_replace("\r", "<br/>", $notes);

    echo $notesout; ?>

    <br />

    <?php echo $ip ?>

  3. You have to specify a width for your table cells. You can do this easily in DW, click the top of your table in Design View and select each column then specify the width in the properties panel.

  4. Not really I think it was around $800 at Costco, but then there's Sales Tax and California Recycling Tax of $25 to add on. If you shop around you can find them a little cheaper.

  5. Oh wow, men and their toys.... :rolleyes:


    Just joking, I thought you were way up there with all the modern gadgets. You certainly do need a new TV if the old one is 17 years old.


    We just moved back so hubby bought a new TV too, a Sony Bravia 1080 46" with internet link. We haven't moved in yet so I haven't seen it work. :huh:

  6. From what I have gleaned it seems to be the extension used by a Community Website Builder (WisyWig) by BT and Recipero, cooperation between the two companies now being at an end. If you look at the coding it looks rather wierd, as does DW's WisyWig coding.

  7. Just write in uppercase, then maybe we'd have heard you... :lol:


    I know what it's like, I completely lost my voice for 3 days with the last cold/flu bug, no pain just no sound came out of my mouth and answering the phone was completely out of the question.

  8. I have a client who is requesting the possibility for his clients to make reservations online from his website. I have never done this before except through an email form which would then send back a confirmation. Is there any service out there that anyone can recommend?


    The only thing I found was reservationgenie.com which might be a little overkill as he only has a 10 page site.

  9. If you have Dreamweaver you could use the Snippet function which has a Title and Description area. I have Evernote too like Ben, but I don't like it, so for the time being I store everything as a draft in Gmail which is accessible wherever I am or whichever computer I'm using. I plan adding them at some time to my web site with live samples like Eric at visibilityinherit.com.

  10. position: fixed; is probably your solution.

    It generates an absolutely positioned element, positioned relative to the browser window. The element's position is specified with the "left", "top", "right", and "bottom" properties.

  11. On the PC running XP Home I tested in

    Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE8, IE7, IE6. The Flash is there but depending on the screen resolution and the size of the browser window the menu bar cover the links on the right and part of the Flash. This is because you have chosen an unusual place to put your menu and your layout is liquid. You cannot assume that everyone has the same screen resolution or is viewing the browser at full screen or has not zoomed in.


    On the MAC the z-index issue is covering your Flash completely and the menu bar problem as mentioned above persists.


    I suggest you move the menu to the top and remove the z-index on #portfolio_bg. Let me know when you have done that and I'll look at it again. :)

  12. The problem is not with Flash in Safari or Firefox which shows the same thing. The problem is with the way your site is coded. In IE on a PC too you have major problems.


    1 - The navigation is halfway down the page and is covered by the Flash animation which is visible on some pages.

    2 - You are using a liquid layout which is not the easiest way to start for a novice.

    3 - Flash is hiding behind this

    #portfolio_bg {
    background:transparent url(../img/portfolio_bg.gif) repeat scroll 0 0;

    Portfolio_bg.gif is a black picture with a z-index of 1 and it is covering the flash, if you remove the z-index the Flash appears, but the navigation is still covering it.


    You will need to go back and rework the way you have written your html and css.

  13. I use Dreamweaver and GoDaddy and don't have any problems connecting once you get used to the interface.


    Access: Choose FTP

    FTP host: is the domain name - just enter "sitename.com" no ftp or http

    Host directory: if there is one e.g. httpdocs/ otherwise leave blank

    Login and Password are evident.

    Leave all the other boxes blank

    You might like to check Synchronisation and if there are several people accessing the server and changing files, check Checking in/out files.


    If you still have problems, PM me and I will see if I can help out.

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