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Everything posted by jbwebdesign

  1. Hello everyone, i have a question..... this might sound like a dumb question but i am working on a wordpress theme and i want to concatenate using the following.... <?php bloginfo('url'); ?> i want this to do this but it's not working..... <?php $path = 'test/test_path/file.php'; include(bloginfo('url') . $path); ?> can someone please help me
  2. hello everyone....i was wondering if someone can help me out with this..... i am trying to create a search query but it doesn't seem to be working properly..... i want it to search all of the columns in the database for something LIKE the posted search data. here is my code.... $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_NEW_SEARCH . " WHERE name LIKE '%$search%' OR first_name LIKE '%$search%' OR last_name LIKE '%$search%' OR city LIKE '%$search%' OR province LIKE '%$search%' OR country LIKE '%$search%' OR industry LIKE '%$search%' OR pro_des LIKE '%$search%' OR about LIKE '%$search%' OR strengths LIKE '%$search%' OR orgs LIKE '%$search%' OR my_website LIKE '%$search%' OR about_my_company LIKE '%$search%' OR program LIKE '%$search%' ORDER BY paid_membership DESC LIMIT $start, $limit"; for some reason this doesn't do what i'm looking for. can anyone help me with this? all i want to do is find a good way to search all the fields for something similar to the typed in phrase.
  3. jbwebdesign

    MVC help!

    well how would i pass an array through in this example? if i do.... $this->{$boom[0]}($boom = array()); it will only return "array"
  4. Do you have an MVC framework that you are using?? you can easily create your own models depending on what you need. below is a little sample of what you would want to do.... <?php class Model{ public function user_info() { //this is dummy information but it simulates info that you pull from the db return array( 'id' => '1', 'name' => 'John Doe', ); } } ?>
  5. jbwebdesign

    MVC help!

    Hello, I am working on my own lightweight MVC framework. I ran into a little situation when determining what page i am on. below is my Controller..... The problem i have is when checking if the method exists.... $this->{$boom[0]}(); how do i pass unlimited parameters inside this function? basically what i am trying to do is explode everything by a / and the first array is the method, anything after that will be parameters... <?php class Controller{ public $load; public $model; function __construct() { $this->load = new Load; $this->model = new Model; //determine page were on... if(isset($_GET['url'])): //blow up the url by / $boom = explode('/', $_GET['url']); if(method_exists(__CLASS__,$boom[0])): $this->{$boom[0]}(); else: $this->error_page(); //method doesn't exist so we can show error page or default page. endif; else: //default page to show... $this->home(); endif; }//end constructor function home() { $data = $this->model->user_info(); $this->load->view('myview.php',$data); } function error_page() { $data = $this->model->user_info(); $this->load->view('error.php',$data); } } ?>
  6. Hello, I have a question for any developers out there...... As I build my experience in web development, I am noticing that there are many clients that are CHEAP and want everything for FREE or a little bit of money. I started working for very little in the beginning of my career..... I used to take full website projects for about $300. I then started gaining more experience and learned how to price out each job and break it down hourly. I am now thinking of Setting a BASE RATE of $1,400 on a Contractual Basis with all of my projects. Does anyone have any opinion on this? Is this a good idea?
  7. that can't be the issue because it doesn't work on chrome or firefox now......this is a tricky problem hmmmm
  8. I looked over the code and noticed the tags are displaying incorrectly the way that i had it. how ever, now that the markup is looking fine, the menu doesn't display at all for some reason. here is the php code..... <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <head profile="http://gmpg.org/xfn/11"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="<?php bloginfo('html_type'); ?>; charset=<?php bloginfo('charset'); ?>"> <title><?php wp_title('«', true, 'right'); ?> <?php bloginfo('name'); ?></title> <link href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?> RSS Feed" href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>" /> <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?> Atom Feed" href="<?php bloginfo('atom_url'); ?>" /> <link rel="pingback" href="<?php bloginfo('pingback_url'); ?>" /> <!--FOR CUFON--> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/js/jquery-1.2.1.min.js"></script> <script src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/js/cufon-yui.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/js/Myriad_Pro.font.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/js/myriad-pro.cufonfonts.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/js/html5.js"></script> <script src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/js/cufon_edited.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <!--[if gte IE 9]> <script type="text/javascript"> Cufon.set('engine', 'canvas'); </script> <![endif]--> <!--[if lt IE 7]> <script src="http://ie7-js.googlecode.com/svn/version/2.1(beta4)/IE7.js"></script> <![endif]--> <!--[if lt IE 7.]> <script defer type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/js/pngfix.js"></script> <![endif]--> <?php wp_head(); ?> </head> <body> <!--BEGIN WRAPER PART--> <div id="wraper"> <!--BEGIN HEADER PART--> <header> <div id="logo"> <h1><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>"><?php wp_title('«', true, 'right'); ?> <?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1> </div> <div id="headerRight"> <div class="right"> <a href="#" class="newslink"><b>Join the Newsletter</b></a><a href="#" class="clientlink"><b>Client Area</b></a> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <nav> <?php wp_page_menu('show_home=0&sort_column=menu_order, post_title');?> <!--<li class="lastchild"><a href="#">Contact Us </a></li>--> <div class="clear"></div> </nav> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </header> <!--END HEADER PART--> <?php if(is_home()) : ?> <!--BEGIN BANNER PART--> <div id="banner"> <div id="bannerText"> <h2>Pet Grooming System</h2> <p> is a unique system that allows you to control your whole entire Pet Grooming Company directly from your computer or any computer in the world with internet access! </p> <a href="demo.php">TRY DEMO NOW</a> </div> <div id="bannerVideoPart"> <!--<span></span>--> <div id="videoBox"> <iframe width="395" height="242" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/80D0ylOqPJ8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <!--END BANNER PART--> <!--BEGIN MIDDLE CONTENT--> <section style="margin:0;"> <ul class="midPart"> <?php $page_num = $paged; if ($pagenum='') $pagenum =1; query_posts('showposts=3&paged='.$page_num.'&orderby=date&order=ASC'); ?> <?php if (have_posts()) : ?> <?php $postnum = 1; ?> <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <li <?php if ($postnum ==3) { echo 'class="nobdr"'; }?>> <div <?php post_class() ?> id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>"> <div class="left"> <?php //if post 1 show this, if post 2 show that, if post 3 show that switch($postnum){ case 1: ?> <img src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/icon1.gif" width="58" height="57" alt="icon"> <?php break; case 2: ?> <img src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/icon2.gif" width="58" height="57" alt="icon"> <?php break; case 3: ?> <img src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/icon3.gif" width="58" height="57" alt="icon"> <?php break; ?> <?php }//end switch ?> </div> <div class="sectionRight"> <h3 class="blue"><?php the_title(); ?></h3> <p><?php the_content(''); ?></p> <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>">+Read more</a> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </li> <?php $postnum++; ?> <?php endwhile;endif; ?> </ul> <div class="clear"></div> </section> <!--END MIDDLE CONTENT--> <!--BEGIN BOTTOM CONTENT--> <section> <ul class="botPart"> <li> <h6 class="white">Quick Links</h6> <ul> <li><a href="#">Demo</a></li> <li><a href="#">Purchase</a></li> <li><a href="#">Features</a></li> <li><a href="#">F.A.Q</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> <h6 class="white">About Us</h6> <p> Pet Grooming System is a unique system that allows you to control your whole entire Pet Grooming Company directly from your computer or any computer in the world with internet access! </p> </li> <li> <h6 class="white">How it works</h6> <p> Pet grooming System works by being installed on your own virtual server. This means that you will need to purchase a domain name (www.mywebsite.com) in order for the software to be installed on the domain. </p> </li> <li class="nobdr"> <h6 class="white">GET IN TOUCH</h6> <ul> <li><span class="white">Tel: +222 222 12 12 12</span></li> <li> <span class="white">Email:</span><br /> <a href="#" class="splink">info@petgroomingsystem.com</a> </li> <li><a class="facebook" href="#">FACEBOOK</a><a class="twiter" href="#">TWITER</a> <div class="clear"></div> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <div class="clear"></div> </section> <!--END BOTTOM CONTENT--> <?php endif; ?> </div> <!--END WRAPER PART-->
  9. I'm the one Who Designed the website and converted it into HTML/CSS and I am also the one integrating it with wordpress. so i created the template lol. I just can't seem to figure out where the code has an error. I am not using any plugins I am not sure what is going on with cufon. hmmmmm........... maybe there is a javascript error somewhere
  10. i don't have problems with the original HTML but for some reason, wordpress only adds the <LI> tags inside of the <li> <a> </a> </li> on IE. on firefox and chrome it works fine. i also noticed that the CUFON Javascript file isn't working on IE. Maybe this has something to do with it?
  11. hello everyone, I am working on my first wordpress website and i am having some trouble with the navigation on IE 9, not really sure about other versions of IE. the site looks fine on Chrome and Firefox but not sure how to fix this. Can anyone help me please? Here is the Site
  12. hello, i'm having trouble returning a PHP array into Jquery. I have tried using json_encode but i'm not sure i'm using it correctly. When i use it, i get the following: {"id":"1","cid":"3","collection":"collection 1"}{"id":"3","cid":"3","collection":"Testing"} can someone please tell me if i'm doing something wrong? Here is my PHP code: <?php //lets connect to the database and get some info require("../../../includes/db/config.inc.php"); require("../../../includes/db/Database.class.php"); require('../../../includes/upload/upload.class.php'); //This will include the Upload Class $db = new Database(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_DATABASE); $db->connect(); //Ajax to get sub sub categories $id = $_POST['cat_id']; //this is the id of that category if(isset($_GET['collection'])){ $id = 3; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_COLLECTIONS . " WHERE cid='$id'"; $query = $db->query($sql); while($info = $db->fetch_array($query)){ //lets grab the entire array of info and send it back to jquery echo json_encode($info); } } ?> Here is my Jquery code: <!-- LETS USE AJAX TO GET THE PROPER INFO --> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#pcat").change(function(){ var id = $(this).val(); //when the select changes, lets use ajax to get some info $.post("modules/products/ajax.php?collection=1", { cat_id: id}, function(data) { alert("Data Loaded: " + data[0].collection); }); },'json'); }); </script>
  13. I did store it into a database now, i was just trying to do things in a new way from how i normally do it..... I never really use arrays so this is why i wanted to try it for the first time it turns out that it's best for me to code it using a database like you said and that's what i ended up doing.
  14. hello, i am working on a script and i am confused i need help to pull the array data into my table......... What i am trying to do is access the array inside of the array inside of the array etc. here is my array code..... <?php //lets create an array of all the content $section = array( //The section 'Inside IWLA' => array( //the sub section "Mission" => '<h2>Our <span>Mission</span></h2> <h3><strong>MISSION STATEMENT</strong></h3> <p>It is the dream, the passion, the commitment - and the challenge – of The International Women\'s Leadership Association to provide useful, meaningful, resources to every mother, daughter, sister, and friend that enhance every woman\'s opportunity to reach her greatest level of personal and professional development; and in so doing make it possible for every women to realize her own goals, her own potential, her own dreams.</p> <h3><strong>POSITION STATEMENT of TheIWLA</strong></h3> <p>We have become a global community no longer defined by borders. Technology makes possible the opportunity to connect with any one, any where at any time. Where limits were, options are. No longer defined by the accomplishments of our past, we are encouraged by our dreams for the future. It is in coming together that we leverage our time and our talent, move forward faster, sharing the journey with others. Replacing frustration with fruition, doubt with dreams fulfilled, abandon with action, and competition with cooperation are the rights of every women; they are also her responsibility. </p> <ul> <li><a href="landing_page/welcome.php" target="_blank">Join Us</a></li> <li><a href="landing_page/nominate.php" class="nominate">Nominate Other Leaders!</a></li> </ul>', 'Your Team' => array( //2nd sub section 'Who We Are' => '<h2>Who <span>We Are</span></h2> <p>TheIWLA is a collage of individual women willingly coming together to serve and be served and in so doing form relationships we may otherwise never have the opportunity to begin; let alone to grow, to thrive.</p> <p>We are women – just like you – who acknowledge we have much to share and much to gain through an open exchange of new and valuable information; information that empowers you; information that profoundly effects you, your family, your workplace, your neighborhood.</p> <p>We are women who are committed to helping you meet your goals; when we have done that, we will have met our own.</p> <ul> <li><a href="landing_page/welcome.php">Join Us</a></li> <li><a href="landing_page/nominate.php" class="nominate">Nominate Other Leaders!</a></li> </ul>', 'What We Do' => '<h2>What <span>We Do</span></h2> <p>TheIWLA provides you with a unique, dynamic, comprehensive collection of benefits and privileges that make TheIWLA the only resource you\'ll ever need to stay up to date on issues that matter most to women of today.</p> <p>TheIWLA opens doors for those who choose to take forward action on personal and professional development. We connect you to up-to-the minute information as it happens around the globe.</p> <p>We connect leaders with leaders; today\'s leaders with tomorrow\'s leaders, making it possible for you to conveniently accomplish more each day.</p> <p>TheIWLA acknowledges who you are, what you do and appreciates you for making a difference. </p> <ul> <li><a href="landing_page/welcome.php">Join Us</a></li> <li><a href="landing_page/nominate.php" class="nominate">Nominate Other Leaders!</a></li> </ul>', 'Why We Do It' => '<h2>Why <span>We Do It</span></h2> <p>That\'s simple…we do it for you. We do it because we believe it and we believe in the possibility, in fact the need, for women to come together to make an exponential difference.</p> <p>Women are born to lead. Women lead at home, at work, and in society. Women of leadership deserve to be recognized and encouraged to continue to look forward, to keep moving, to speak and be heard, to be valued for their strength, their courage, their accomplishments.</p> <p>We do it because women from all walks of life, at all levels of education, and at all stages of life need a platform of their very own. It\'s time women realize their greatest resource is other women and that what unites us will always outweigh what divides us.</p> <p>We do it because the world needs women of leadership to step up, declare their place, create their legacy, and encourage other women to do the same.</p> <ul> <li><a href="landing_page/welcome.php">Join Us</a></li> <li><a href="landing_page/nominate.php" class="nominate">Nominate Other Leaders!</a></li> </ul>', ),//end your_team 'Charities' => '<h2>Charities<span></span></h2> <p>TheIWLA supports a number of outstanding charities dedicated to women\'s issues around the world, including</p> <ul class="list"> <li><a href="http://www.cancer.org/" target="_blank">The American Cancer Society</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.aicr.org/" target="_blank">The American Institute of Cancer Research</a></li> <li><a href="http://ww5.komen.org" target="_blank">Susan G. Komen Foundation</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.redcross.org/" target="_blank">The International Red Cross</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.stjude.org/" target="_blank">St. Jude\'s Children\'s Hospital</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.invisiblechildren.org/" target="_blank">Invisible Children</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.dressforsuccess.org/" target="_blank">Dress for Success</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.ncadv.org/" target="_blank">National Coalition Against Domestic Violence</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.testaverdefund.org/" target="_blank">Testeverde Fund</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.ffawn.org/" target="_blank">FFAWN</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.wingsworldquest.org/" target="_blank">Worlds Wingsquest</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.unitedway.org/" target="_blank">The United Way</a></li> </ul>' ),//end insideIWLA section 'Our Community' => array( 'Follow The Leaders' => array( 'Whos Who' => '<h2>Who\'s <span>Who</span></h2> <p>Every woman is a who\'s who and everyone has a story worthy of being shared. TheIWLA links you to other accomplished members you may otherwise never have the opportunity to know. Each new connection has the potential to foster new opportunities, new growth, new perspectives.</p> <p>TheIWLA introduces you to the who\'s who from around the world and across the United States. The women of TheIWLA invite you to know more about them, to introduce yourself to them and to expect that you may hear from them, as well.</p> <p>Simply search by a name, a title, or any keyword that helps you define exactly who you\'re looking for.</p> <ul> <li><a href="#" class="search_pop">Search</a></li> </ul>', 'Whos Where' => '<h2>Who\'s <span>Where</span></h2> <p>Women who exemplify leadership are everywhere…and where they actually are really doesn\'t matter. You can find whoever you are looking for - wherever they are.</p> <p>By simply entering a geographical parameter (city, state, province, etc.) you receive a list of all those who match that criteria. You can go from a broad search to a narrow one or from narrow to broad.</p> <p>Connecting by location fosters additional opportunities for attending events together, working on common community causes, truly coming together in a cooperative exchange that benefits all connected parties.</p> <p>But please don\'t let the miles between you and other members discourage you form reaching out. Exchanging information, comparing best practices, and collaborating with others from different venues are often among your most meaningful networking experiences.</p> <p>Let TheIWLA introduce you to the who\'s who - WHEREVER they may be.</p> <ul> <li><a href="#" class="search_pop">Search</a></li> </ul>', 'Whats What' => '<h2>What\'s <span>What</span></h2> <p>We live in busy, challenging times. Keeping up with what\'s what is critical to leveraging your time and talent, to reaching your personal potential, and to achieve your professional goals</p> <p>International, National (USA), even your local news is delivered to you as it happens. Keeping your finger on the pulse of top stories from around the world or around the corner has never been easier.</p> <ul> </ul>', ), ),//end our community 'Member Benefits' => array( 'Networking' => '<h2>Networking<span></span></h2> <p class="right_txt">the sharing of information among people who have common interests </p> <p>Networking is today\'s way of communicating. Whether for business or for social purposes, we\'ve all wished we could meet people who could impact our lives, help us accomplish more, achieve more in less time and with better results.</p> <p>We used to say, "It\'s all about who you know." Today, it\'s all about who knows you – and how many more people can you be introduced to.</p> <p>TheIWLA is your direct line and shortest path to effective, result-oriented networking that adds value and benefits to your personal and professional goals.</p> <p>THAT\'S NETWORKING – NETWORKING AT ITS BEST!</p> <ul> <li><a href="#" class="search_pop">Search</a></li> </ul>', 'Mentorship' => '<h2>Mentorship<span></span></h2> <p class="right_txt">a personal development relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps a less experienced or less knowledgeable person; helping others succeed.</p> <p>When asked what one attributes her success to, we most often hear it\'s the influence of a beloved teacher, a neighbor held in high esteem, a coach, a parent. The truth is that those who achieve much have had great Mentors.</p> <p>So, who\'s yours? Do you have one? Are you one?</p> <p>TheIWLA wants you to answer "yes" to all of these questions and experience the win-win-win of Mentorship. The good news is that it\'s never too late to find one; to be one. The time is now. The place is right here at TheIWLA</p> <p>Simply search other women of leadership by whatever keyword you wish to use as a common denominator. Most frequent searches are based on industry or profession, job title, education, personal interests.</p> <p>In addition to direct searches TheIWLA constantly provides participation in meaningful seminars and webinars that connect you with experts on a variety of subjects and professions. They are posted at our schedule of Events</p> <ul> <li><a href="#" class="search_pop">Search</a></li> <li><a href="#">TheIWLA Events</a></li> </ul>', 'Collaboration' => '<h2>Collaboration<span></span></h2> <p class="right_txt">to work with one another; cooperate willingly</p> <p>We\'ve all heard the saying, "There\'s power in numbers". Well, that\'s true. Collaboration fosters validation and validation strengthens resolve to keep moving forward.</p> <p>There is no short-cut to success and it is not uncommon to arrive at a fork in the road, a stop sign, even a dead end. TheIWLA shares the resources you need to make your journey a well-mapped one; one with direction and the greatest assurance of actually reaching your goals</p> <ul> <li><a href="landing_page/nominate.php" class="nominate">Nominate Other Leaders!</a></li> </ul>', 'Info Exchange' => array( 'Link Website' => '<h2>Link <span>Website</span></h2> <p>Linking the website of your choice makes available a wealth of information about you and others. Perhaps it is a personal site or that of your employer, a professional association, or one that is particularly meaningful to you. As that site is managed and updated, you are assured of always having the most recent information available in your profile. This serves you and others by contributing up to date, relevant information.</p> <p>If you have not yet created this link and are ready to do so now you may proceed directly to your profile and edit it. (This requires a username and password)</p>', 'Contact Members' => '<h2>Contact <span>Members</span></h2> <p>TheIWLA has created an instant communication connection for you to contact other members instantly, grow your own contact list,and to share information with others – even those outside TheIWLA - without ever leaving TheIWLA site. Connect while staying connected!</p> <p>TheIWLA also makes it possible to bridge your networking directly to social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and Linked in, keeping you in the forefront of your social networks, sharing your activities and promoting your interests.</p> <ul> <li><a href="landing_page/nominate.php" class="nominate">Nominate Other Leaders!</a></li> </ul>', 'Share' => '<h2>Share<span> With Others</span></h2> <h3><strong>Recognize Others</strong></h3> <p>TheIWLA is for you and about you. What you think and how you feel matters, so you have the opportunity to recognize those you believe are also deserving of recognition. Who do you know who you feel will contribute to and benefit by connecting with other women of leadership?</p> <ul> <li><a href="landing_page/nominate.php" class="nominate">Nominate Other Leaders!</a></li> </ul>', 'Post Events' => '<h2>Post <span>Events</span></h2> <p>Nothing lends more to the success of an event than spreading the word..</p> <p>TheIWLA invites all properly registered participants to submit events they are hosting, facilitating, or otherwise participating in for consideration to be promoted on TheIWLA site. Accepted events will be added to our list of events, lending promotional support to all visitors to the site.</p> <p>To propose an event, please go to "CONTACT" on the navigation bar and send your info to post <a href="mailto: events@theiwla.com">events@theiwla.com</a></p> <ul> <li><a href="?m=contact&selected=event">Propose An Event</a></li> </ul>', ), 'Daily Updates' => '<h2>Daily <span>Updates</span></h2> <p>Keeping up to date on important events from around world or around the corner has never been easier. Every single day, TheIWLA links you to international, national, and local news – all at one simple, easy to access source. Just go to "NEWS and EVENTS" on the navigation bar and keep your finger on the pulse of all you need to know every single day. Never be left out of an important conversation again!</p> <p>In addition, TheIWLA makes up-to-the-minute news available on what matters most to women - right on the homepage. Whether you\'re looking for reliable information on "family", "health", "wealth", "career", "education", "community", or "consumer" issues - it\'s all right there – and it\'s updated every single day. Having the right source of information begins and ends right here at TheIWLA.</p>', 'Manage Calendar' => '<h2>Manage <span>Your Calendar</span></h2> <p>We all think we need more time every day; maybe we just need help managing the time we have. TheIWLA has created a tool to make it feel like you have more time each day. A customizable calendar – you even choose the color - organizes your personal AND professional time all on one timeline that you manage. Whether it\'s getting the kids to the dentist, picking up the dry cleaning or attending a webinar, seminar or office meeting…you have a better chance of getting it all done – and on time – if you\'ve properly scheduled it. Refer to just one calendar each day and never miss a commitment again. More details are available for properly registered participants right at MANAGE MY CALENDAR above the navigation bar. You\'ll wonder how you lived without this important time management tool. </p>', 'Discounts' => '<h2>Discounts <span></span></h2> <p>Who doesn\'t appreciate daily savings and month-to-month incentives to enjoy family experiences at extraordinary savings? TheIWLA brings you added buying power each and every day that makes it possible for you to enjoy more time with friends and family – with less stress. This makes it possible for you to think about dining out, relaxing on long weekend get-aways, even taking the vacation of your dreams.</p> <ul> <li><a href="?m=home">View daily savings directly on the Home Page at the Consumer Section</a></li> </ul>', 'Incentives' => '<h2>Awards/Incentives<span></span></h2> <p>Continued participation in TheIWLA gets better and better! Every month new and exciting incentives are delivered to you right through TheIWLA site; incentives that reward you – and your family or friends to enjoy long get-away weekends, cruises, and vacations you may never have considered possible. The incentives change every month and you may reserve your right to participate with a simple registration; you then have up to one full year to actually complete the travel. Thinking about a trip is now possible thanks to TheIWLA.</p>', 'Affiliates' => '<h2>AFFILIATIONS<span></span></h2> <p>TheIWLA is proud to partner with renowned organizations and companies to give dynamic, cutting edge opportunities to you to work and grow with well respected subject matter experts from around the world. These events are moderated and facilitated by leaders in their fields. Qualified participants may attend live webinars, seminars, participate in open discussions on a full range of relevant topics that are designed to put you in to immediate action for personal and professional development. TheIWLA is committed to creating new, exciting, life and career enhancing experiences for a lifetime.</p> <ul> <li><a href="#">TheIWLA Events</a></li> </ul>', ),//end member benefits 'Articles' => array( 'Get Published' => '<h2>Get <span>Published</span></h2> <p>If being a published author is on YOUR bucket list, TheIWLA can help make that dream come true, too…</p> <p>If you have written an article, a book, an e-book, a self improvement program; anything at all, submit your work for consideration and you may be published right on TheIWLA site. Thousands will have immediate access to your work. Properly registered participants may submit their work at <a href="mailto: articles@theiwla.com">articles@theiwla.com</a></p> <ul> <li><a href="?m=contact&selected=get_published">Get Published</a></li> </ul>', ),//end articles 'News And Events' => array( 'Calendar Of Events' => array( 'TheIWLA' => '<h2>The <span>IWLA</span></h2> <p>TheIWLA is proud to partner with renowned organizations and companies to give dynamic, cutting edge opportunities to you to work and grow with well respected subject matter experts from around the world. These events are moderated and facilitated by leaders in their fields. Qualified participants may attend live webinars, seminars, participate in open discussions on a full range of relevant topics that are designed to put you in to immediate action for personal and professional development. TheIWLA is committed to creating new, exciting, life and career enhancing experiences for a lifetime.</p> <ul> <li><a href="#">IWLA EVENTS</a></li> </ul>', ), ),//end news and events 'Contact' => array( 'Contact' => array( 'top' => '<h2>Contact <span>Us</span></h2> <p>It is always a pleasure to hear from those women who deserve recognition for their contribution to family, career, and community. Based on the information or help you need, please select from among the following departments.</p> <p>', 'bottom' => '<p>The International Women\'s Leadership Association<br />60 E Industry Court Deer Park, N.Y. 11729<br />1 888 WELCOME<br />1 888 935 2663</p>', ), 'Instructions' => '<h2>TheIWLA <span>Instructions</span></h2> <h3><strong>SETTING YOUR PASSWORD</strong></h3> <p>Your Welcome package includes your membership card which displays your Username. For security purposes, it is necessary to create your Personal Password, which, for further security, will be encrypted in the system. TheIWLA will not have access to your Password. The combination of your Username and Password will give you access to the database. Do not share either one or grant access to your files to other parties.</p> <h3><strong>EDITING YOUR PROFILE</strong></h3> <p>We urge you to keep your personal profile relevant at all times; it servers you and others best that way. As information becomes outdated, you wish to add new information, or make edits to existing information, go to "Edit My File" from the Homepage. Choose the fields you wish to edit and go ahead and make your edits and submit. All edits will be reviewed and should post within the next two business days. Of course, the Support Staff at TheIWLA is always happy to assist you during normal working hours.</p> <h3><strong>ADDING YOUR PHOTO</strong></h3> <p>We encourage you to add a photo to your profile; it adds value for you. Go to "Edit My Profile" from the Home Page and go to "Browse". This will open a field from which you locate where your pictures are (i.e. Desktop, Documents…). Select your desired photo. You will see it "populate" in the profile section on your profile. Scroll down to the bottom of the profile page and press UPDATE. It\'s that easy. (If you do not see you photo instantly, simply log out and log-in again and return to "MY PROFILE.)</p> <h3><strong>REFERRING OTHERS</strong></h3> <p>An important feature of TheIWLA is the privilege granted all members to nominate other women they feel will add to the value of the Association and benefit from it, as well. To nominate other women of leadership, go to "Member Benefits" on the navigation bar. Go to the "InfoExchange" section and then to "Share". Access the referral program by linking to Recognizing Other Leaders. Use this feature to help make the day of other deserving women.</p> <h3><strong>SEARCHING</strong></h3> <p>Right from the Home Page, you can do a "short search" by any keyword. Just type who, or what you\'re searching for right in the search field at the top right. When you wish to do Advance Searches, you will need to log in using your Username and Password. You can log in right from the Home Page or at any page displaying short search results.</p> <h3><strong>MANAGING YOUR CALENDAR</strong></h3> <p>TheIWLA is proud to deliver a comprehensive time management tool you can manage right from the Home Page. Never miss an event or an appointment again. Additional – and easy to follow instructions - are posted right at "Manage My Calendar".</p> <h3><strong>SHARING</strong></h3> <p>TheIWLA is committed to serving the needs of as many women as possible through personal and professional development. Don\'t hesitate to share information from TheIWLA with others. From any search result page, you may share information just by going to the "Share" option. TheIWLA thanks you for it; so will those you are sharing with.</p>', ),//end contact 'Above Navigation' => array( 'Welcome' => '<h2>WELCOME TO <span>THE IWLA</span></h2> <p><h3><strong>Welcome</strong></h3> to The International Women\'s Leadership Association. TheIWLA is THE networking platform for women of today. Women who deserve to be recognized for who they are and for what they do; women who have earned their place among other such women.</p> <p><h3><strong>Welcome</strong></h3> to a unique perspective on efficient, effective services busy women demand and are entitled to. Finally, there is a trusted, reliable source of programs, products, services…opportunities that, day by day, provide personal and professional development options for busy women of today.</p> <!--<p class="right_txt">"Nunc mattis luctus augue ac aliquet. Vivamus quis cursus suscipit justo eget nunc maris non aliquet. "</p>--> <p><h3><strong>Welcome</strong></h3> to a whole new dimension of what it means – and why it\'s so important – to have a go-to source for meaningful networking – networking that can move you forward with less obstacles, fewer dead ends, and better use of your most valuable asset – your time.</p> <p><h3><strong>Welcome</strong></h3> to a resource designed to help you grow each and every time you visit TheIWLA site. Up-to-the-minute updates offer unique experiences every day.</p> <p><h3><strong>Welcome</strong></h3> to TheIWLA; where you will always have a place.</p> <ul> <li><a href="landing_page/welcome.php" target="_blank">Join</a></li> <li><a href="landing_page/nominate.php" class="nominate">Nominate Other Leaders!</a></li> <li><a href="?m=whoweare">Who We Are</a></li> <li><a href="?m=whatwedo">What We Do</a></li> <li><a href="?m=whywedoit">Why We Do It</a></li> </ul> ', ),//end above_nav 'Footer' => array( 'Privacy' => '<h2>Privacy <span>Policy</span></h2> <p>TheIWLA will never share, sell, distribute, or otherwise make available any information provided by you to any third party outside TheIWLA.</p>', 'Terms' => '<h2>Terms and Conditions of Use <span>of TheIWLA Web Site</span></h2> <p>Before using TheIWLA web site and/or any of the services associated with TheIWLA, please read through the Terms and Conditions of Use. Using the services of TheIWLA site and/or any associated services indicates your acceptance of the Terms.<br> <em>These terms apply to TheIWLA site, associated services, all sub pages, search result pages, direct links through TheIWLA, third party associates, affiliates, sub domains, member database, and events hosted or promoted by TheIWLA. Use of these services indicates you have read and understand the terms, agree to the terms, and acknowledge them as binding and enforceable. Terms may be amended from time to time in which case they will be posted in the Terms and Conditions section on the site. Continuing to use the site acknowledges acceptance of the changes. </em></p> <ul> <li>Non Affiliation</li> </ul> <p>The International Women\'s Leadership Association (TheIWLA) is neither associated with, nor part of, any other association unless specifically identified as such by TheIWLA. Should representation of association by any party, other than TheIWLA, be stated or implied, you are asked to notify TheIWLA at </strong><a href="mailto:membersupport@theiwla.com">membersupport@theiwla.com</a></p> <ul> <li>Benefits of Membership</li> </ul> <p>TheIWLA is dedicated to serving a wide assortment of need of today\'s women of leadership through comprehensive and ever-evolving services designed to promote personal and professional development.<br> Registering for inclusion in TheIWLA is without charge. Proactive participation in the full services and support of TheIWLA is reserved for those who choose to participate at that level and who decide to put to use the full benefits and privileges of membership and bear a reasonable fee for such services. The benefits and privileges make TheIWLA a valuable set of tools for those seeking personal and professional development. They include, but are not limited to, total access to all other members at all times, the biggest discounts, first rights to any and all events available on a first-come-first-serve basis, new benefits that will be offered from time to time, and all other membership privileges reserved for qualified members.</p> <p> </p> <ul> <li>Use of Services and TheIWLA</li> </ul> <p>All content contained within TheIWLA site is the intellectual and proprietary property of TheIWLA and made available solely for the benefit and use of visitors to TheIWLA and paid members. Content is protected by U.S. and International copyright, trademark, and intellectual property law. The logo, the domain and the site are also intellectual property owned by TheIWLA. Content outside this scope is attributed to its proper source. Improper use of the intellectual property of TheIWLA may result in civil and/or criminal charges against the user.<br> Services provided exclusively for paid members constitute a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license between TheIWLA and the user, which may change from time to time at the discretion of TheIWLA when deemed to provide additional benefits and/or enhanced delivery of services. Services renew annually for $39 making all then existing programs, products, benefits, and services available to members. Said renewal will transact on the fifteenth of the month prior to the month of initial membership in each subsequent year. Notification to not renew must be in writing and received prior to the renewal date, as herein defined. An e-mail to support@theiwla would be acceptable.<br> TheIWLA, in an effort to continue to enhance the services and experiences of its users , may, from time to time, add, delete, or edit its content without prior notice to the users. TheIWLA may rely on information provided by the users about the users and should such information contain an error, TheIWLA shall bear no liability. Interruptions in service may occur for an assortment of reasons outside the control of TheIWLA and TheIWLA shall bear no liability in such cases. User acknowledges that, while these circumstances are possible, the benefits, privileges, and services provided for users exceed such circumstances.<br> Users agree not to engage in any of the following:</p> <ul class="list"> <li>Reproduce any content, images, services, or intellectual property of TheIWLA without express written consent of TheIWLA</li> <li>The transfer, distribution, modification, or republishing of any or all intellectual, proprietary property without written consent of TheIWLA.</li> <li>Remove or tamper with any copyrighted, trademarked, and /or other registered marks without written consent of TheIWLA</li> <li>Share membership rights with any third party without written consent of TheIWLA</li> <li>Cause any interruption of the use of TheIWLA services by other members.</li> <li>Corrupt the content, product, or services in any way</li> <li>Violate any of the Terms and Conditions of Use</li> <li>Assume ownership rights to any of the intellectual, proprietary property of TheIWLA</li> </ul> <p>At the sole discretion of TheIWLA, members found to be in violation of any of the Terms and Conditions of Use of TheIWLA site, may have their membership rights revoked, shall not be due any prorated refund, and TheIWLA maintains its right to pursue any other applicable remedy(ies).</p> <p>4. CONFIDENTIALITY<br> All users of TheIWLA site recognize that the information provided through the services of TheIWLA is confidential and made available solely for the use and benefit of qualified users. Violation of the proprietary status of the information is considered to be violation of trade secrets as the products, programs and other benefits and privileges of TheIWLA have been created at the expense of TheIWLA and may not otherwise be known outside of the scope of the use of TheIWLA site. Disregard of the proprietary nature of the property of TheIWLA may result in significant loss to TheIWLA and countless authorized users. Therefore, TheIWLA will pursue the protection of the Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Section 757 of the Restatement of Torts.</p> <p>5. ACCEPTABLE USE<br> TheIWLA exists for the benefit of qualified users and proudly provides products, programs, services, and various information deemed to assist in users personal and professional development. The spirit of TheIWLA is one of like-mindedness with an open exchange of information between various parties and from time to time.<br> TheIWLA will remain true to its mission and use of TheIWLA site is acceptance and agreement of the mission. Defamatory remarks, statements, implications, etc, made against TheIWLA, individual members, and/or certain combinations of members would be to contradict the very reason for the existence of TheIWLA and such remarks are defined as inappropriate.<br> TheIWLA permits and encourages qualified users to avail themselves of the ongoing oppor- tunity to edit their personal profiles. In the interest of the overall quality of the site and in consideration of its intended use, TheIWLA will have the right to remove inappropriate information, use of unacceptable language, and defamatory statement made against other members and or TheIWLA. Persistent use of the site for such purposes may result in loss of benefits and privileges. Should the removal of any such information bear a cost to TheIWLA, said cost will be passed-on to the user who has caused such expense to be incurred.</p> <p>6. LIABILITY LIMITATION<br> Under the terms of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, TheIWLA is defined as a service provider and makes available all information without liability as to accuracy and makes no specific or implied warrants as to what results from the user of the information, products, programs, benefits, and privileges associated with TheIWLA.<br> Users agree to indemnify and hold TheIWLA harmless and without liability from any loss, damages, claims, demands or obligation that may arise out of the breach of the Terms and Conditions of Use of TheIWLA.<br> The maximum liability and only remedy of users for any cause, whatsoever, is limited to the value of the membership fee(s) paid by the user, as applicable based on venue.</p> <p>7. JURISDICTION<br> Any and all disputes shall be governed by the State of New York and by arbitration of a panel of three neutral Arbitrators and in Suffolk County, according to the U.S. Arbitration Act. Any such arbitration found to the benefit of the user will not include any consequential, exemplary, special, or punitive damages unless non-waivable as defined by applicable statutes. Users agree that any such determination shall remain confidential and will be subject to the entry of a non-disclosure order.</p> This is the full and complete Terms and Conditions of Use. In addition to the Privacy Policy, these terms constitute the complete agreement between TheIWLA and it users. </p>', ), ); ?> Here is my code that i am trying to run in order to access the array inside of the arrays etc. <!-- Begin Table to select written content --> <table class="normal tablesorter fullwidth"> <thead> <tr> <th>Section</th> <th>Sub Section</th> <th>2nd Sub Section</th> <th>Actions</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach($section as $key => $value){ ?> <tr class="odd"> <td><?php echo $key; ?></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td> <a href="#" title="Edit this page" class="tooltip table_icon"><img src="assets/icons/actions_small/Pencil.png" alt="" /></a> <!-- <a href="#" title="Delete this page" class="tooltip table_icon"><img src="assets/icons/actions_small/Trash.png" alt="" /></a> --> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <!-- End Table to select written content -->
  15. Hello, I am working on a website and i have a problem with the onclick event. It only seems to work once Can someone please tell me what's causing it? Here is a live link to the website...Website Link When the Search Link Is clicked, it only works once, when you click it again it doesn't work.
  16. jbwebdesign

    admin area

    I'm not sure i understand what you mean, please explain it better. do you have a link to see the website live?
  17. jbwebdesign

    admin area

    look at the controller class public function loginLink() { return "<a href='?view=login'</a>Login"; } } this should be: public function loginLink() { return "<a href='?view=login'>Login</a>"; } }
  18. jbwebdesign

    admin area

    what exactly are you trying to accomplish? What kind of web app are you making?
  19. Hello, I am having a problem pulling a record from mysql.....this is very strange to me and i don't understand why there is nothing being returned. can someone please tell me if i am doing something wrong? This code doesn't even return an error, it just doesn't work! <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_CONTACTS . " WHERE account_num='$acn'"; $rows = $db->query($sql); while($rec2 = $db->fetch_array($rows)){ $friend[] = $rec2["friend"]; } foreach($friend as $key){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_SEARCH . " WHERE account_num='$key'"; $rows = $db->query($sql); while($rec2 = $db->fetch_array($rows)){ $u = unserialize($rec2["search_field"]); print_r($u); } } ?>
  20. I figured out a good way of doing it here is what a i did...... I created a different table called search. the table contains 2 fields ( id, search_field ) I created a big array for example: $u["first_name"] = ""; $u["last_name"] = ""; //etc. Then after I created this big array with all of the fields that i wanted to search for, i did this: serialize($u); And now my Search query is simple: $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_SEARCH . " WHERE search_field LIKE '%$search%'; This did the trick
  21. Here is my REAL query for the script that I am working on. SELECT users.account_num, users.username, personal.account_num, personal.first_name, personal.middle_initials, personal.last_name, personal.birthday, personal.city, personal.province, personal.postal, personal.country, profile.account_num, profile.pro_des, profile.title, profile.company_name, profile.industry, profile.contact_address, profile.contact_email, profile.about, profile.career_path, profile.career_prep, profile.challenge, profile.strengths, profile.accomplishments, profile.change_working_condition, profile.pro_goals, profile.inspired_me, profile.known, profile.orgs, profile.honors, profile.i_support, profile.hobbies, favorites.account_num, favorites.author, favorites.book, favorites.movie, favorites.tv_show, favorites.song, favorites.color, favorites.vacation_destination FROM users,personal,profile,favorites WHERE users.account_num LIKE '%%' OR users.username LIKE '%%' OR personal.first_name LIKE '%%' OR personal.middle_initials LIKE '%%' OR personal.last_name LIKE '%%' OR personal.birthday LIKE '%%' OR personal.city LIKE '%%' OR personal.province LIKE '%%' OR personal.postal LIKE '%%' OR personal.country LIKE '%%' OR profile.pro_des LIKE '%%' OR profile.title LIKE '%%' OR profile.company_name LIKE '%%' OR profile.industry LIKE '%%' OR profile.contact_address LIKE '%%' OR profile.contact_email LIKE '%%' OR profile.career_path LIKE '%%' OR profile.challenge LIKE '%%' OR profile.strengths LIKE '%%' OR profile.accomplishments LIKE '%%' OR profile.change_working_condition LIKE '%%' OR profile.pro_goals LIKE '%%' OR profile.inspired_me LIKE '%%' OR profile.known LIKE '%%' OR profile.orgs LIKE '%%' OR profile.honors LIKE '%%' OR profile.i_support LIKE '%%' OR profile.hobbies LIKE '%%' OR favorites.author LIKE '%%' OR favorites.book LIKE '%%' OR favorites.movie LIKE '%%' OR favorites.tv_show LIKE '%%' OR favorites.song LIKE '%%' OR favorites.color LIKE '%%' OR favorites.vacation_destination LIKE '%%' AND users.account_num=personal.account_num AND profile.account_num=favorites.account_num
  22. When i do the OR clause in the query, it returns tons of results for the same user. it keeps looping for each match instead of just returning 1 result
  23. I have a question about a search query..... any help will be appreciated i have a table and i want to search it with a search query. here is mine: $search = $_GET['search']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM profile WHERE username LIKE '%$search%'"; Can someone tell me how to search for more than 1 field in the same table? //here is an example of what i think should work but doesnt $search = $_GET['search']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM profile WHERE username, first_name LIKE '%$search%'";
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