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Everything posted by williamrouse

  1. The error note helped me to resolved error 1 on PuTTY. The first tutorial I read on configuring the public and private files incomplete. I had the public key file in the wrong place. I found a second tutorial that filled in some of the missing parts. Here is the link: http://www.howtoforge.com/ssh_key_based_logins_putty Now to see if I can get HeidiSQL to work with/for me.
  2. When I created this post, there was an option to be notified via email when someone responds. This is great since I can see what suggestions someone made. But after the initial response to the note, or post, I am not getting email notifications and that "Option" is no longer available. Hope that makes sense. Any way I am back from work and I will take a look at the links that were suggested. I appreciate your help. WBR
  3. I will do both tomorrow and get back to you. On a related note I am not getting email notification of replies to notes. I see a check box on original notes but I don't see one on replies. Where is that set?
  4. I'm having a problem making a connection and I need some help in resolving a few issues as I work my way through this. Here is where I am at the moment and would like to move on. 3 questions 1) When I run PuTTY and log into my account I receive the error “Server refused our key” Is this an indication that the public, private key are not a match? I can still log onto the remote server. 2) On the Session manger dialog selecting the Settings tab, under Network type: I choose SSH tunnel. Are the credentials on this page for the database? 3) On the SSH tunnel tab are these credentials the same that I use to log into my remote server. Thanks for your assistance. WBR
  5. Anyone here user or have any experience using PuTTY and HeidiSQL to talk to a remote database? Thanks! WBR
  6. Stephan: Apparently I did not set email notification and I researched my question on the net for a long time today and found a solution. All in all I take your thoughts are appropriate for what I have in mind, especially for phone number. The email is more important in my case since that would be the primary method of contact and the notion of a confirmation email text box sounds like an adequate solution. At any rate here is a JavaScript solution for both email and phone. The phone as be minimally tested for validation of US phone numbers. // Test for a vaild email address var email_test = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9]+[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+[a-zA-Z0-9]+.[a-z]{2,4}$/; if ( !email_test(email)){ $('#statusBox').html('<div class="error">I think your email is wrong...</div>'); return false; } // Test for a vaild phone number var phone_test = /^(\+\d)*\s*(\(\d{3}\)\s*)*\d{3}(-{0,1}|\s{0,1})\d{2}(-{0,1}|\s{0,1})\d{2}$/; if (!phone_test.test(phone)) { $('#statusBox').html('<div class="error">I think your phone number is incorrect</div>'); return false; }
  7. From what I have read on the web I would think that these two chunks of code would work, but they don’t. Is this the general way you would define and test a RegExp object? Can you give me some ideas of how to test for phone numbers and email addresses? // Test for a vaild email address var email = $('input#email').val(); var email_test = new RegExp('\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b'); if (!email_test.test(email)) { $('#statusBox').html('<div class="error">I think your email is wrong...</div>'); return false; } // Test for a vaild phone number var phone = $('input#phone').val(); var phone_test = new RegExp('^([\(]{1}[0-9]{3}[\)]{1}[\.| |\-]{0,1}|^[0-9]{3}[\.|\-| ]?)?[0-9]{3}(\.|\-| )?[0-9]{4}$'); if (!phone_test.test(phone)) { $('#statusBox').html('<div class="error">I think your phone number is incorrect</div>'); return false; }
  8. I am looking for a correct way to test a JavaScript regular expression for phone number and email address. This includes the RegExp string and the syntax. First the syntax: I am confused about using the quote mark (“) in defing the RegExp. Is it var email_test = new RegExp(/^([a-z0-9_\.-]+)@([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})$/); or var email_test = new RegExp(“/^([a-z0-9_\.-]+)@([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})$/”); Secondly, what RegExp have you used that works well for phone and email. These are the ones I found for phone and email var email_test = new RegExp(/^([a-z0-9_\.-]+)@([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})$/); var phone_test = new RegExp(^([\(]{1}[0-9]{3}[\)]{1}[\.| |\-]{0,1}|^[0-9]{3}[\.|\-| ]?)?[0-9]{3}(\.|\-| )?[0-9]{4}$); Thanks!
  9. This is line caused the problem and is not need in my POST $('#rightContent').html(ajax_load);
  10. I thought I was done with this page but evidently I have introduced an error when I POST the request to what is the page to prelude the Authorization of the credit card payment. Whatever monetary choice of donation that is made, the POST does not work to send the values to the next page and the default value of $20.00 is registered. After looking at my code for a day I don?t see the error so I am hoping that someone else?s eyes can see it. Here is the code FURI Donation Contributions are tax deductible for residents of the United States and Jamaica. Yes, I want to become a contributor. Please accept my donation as indicated below. (Contributions in $US only; please check one): Donation Form $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $75 $100 Other Amount Amount $ Here is the test site. http://www.rouse.ws/furiTest/ For this test all menu choices goes to the Donation page. Thanks for any help. WBR
  11. After using the color plugin with this code it worked. // continual pulse fade function lowerLeftFadeIn() { $('#lowerLeft').animate({ backgroundColor: '#ffff99' }, 'slow'), lowerLeftFadeOut(); } function lowerLeftFadeOut() { $('#lowerLeft').animate({ backgroundColor: '#99ffff' }, 'slow'), lowerLeftFadeIn(); } $(document).ready(function(){ lowerLeftFadeIn(); });
  12. I have been working on this for a while and I guess a while longer. The question is how to isolate just the background of a DIV and get it to change color or fade in opacity. Here is simplified version where I have a DIV with some text. I want to change the background color in a continuous loop while the text remains visible. Below is the code that I wrote, but everything fades not just the background. How can I correct this? //continual fade function lowerLeftFadeIn() { $('#lowerLeft').fadeOut(10000).css('background-color' , '#ffff99'), lowerLeftFadeOut(); } function lowerLeftFadeOut() { $('#lowerLeft').fadeIn(10000).css('background-color' , '#ffff99'), lowerLeftFadeIn(); } $(document).ready(function(){ lowerLeftFadeIn(); });
  13. BeeDev: In the example code you wrote above. I don't understand what you are trying to show me. Could you flush it out more and/or show me more of some example code. Thanks!
  14. Mostly study and exploration since I got the task done I was asked to do. I spent over an hour yesterday with firebug looking at the returned object data structure and found out you are correct there is nothing in there to use.
  15. BeeDev: I'm not sure of your usage of "might" since it consistently works with the limited testing I have done. I wanted to ask though if you have been able to find your way through a returned object as I was trying to do too further understand JavaScript and jQuery. Here is what I mean more clearly, I hope: $chosen = $('mainMenu a').click(function(){ }); Have you ever used that construct and then grab the ID name and index from the returned object? Thanks now! WBR
  16. I should add that I am working on a phrase like this: $chosen = $('mainMenu a').click(function(){ }); And then get all the values from $chosen.
  17. Sorry about that! Given the above structure of the div: $(document).ready(function() { // put all your jQuery goodness in here. $('#mainMenu a').click(function(){ var $target = $(this).attr('id'); var $number = $(this).index('a'); $number++; $("#response").text("Menu choice '" + $target + "' was chosen, OK! " ); $('#response').append(' That is item "' + $number + '".'); }); });
  18. Home Mission Projects How to Help Donations Supporters News Contact
  19. How do you warn a website visitor that they need to enable JavaScript to enter a website? Are there any example sites or example code?
  20. I made a pass with the links you provided and stumbled on some others. Here is your list and some others that I stumbled on and will go through today and the next few days to get familiar with firebug and JavaScript objects. How to use Firebug for CSS http://www.kristarella.com/2009/02/how-to-use-firebug-for-css/ Debugging Ajax Applications with Firebug Firebug pages http:// http://michaelsync.net/2007/09/30/firebug-tutorial-script-tab-javascript-debugging http://happygiraffe.net/blog/2007/09/26/jquery-logging/ Firebug Tutorial ? Using Commandline API in Firebug http://michaelsync.net/2007/09/15/firebug-tutorial-commandline-api
  21. In an attempt to become more familiar with JavaScript and jQuery I started to write some simple code and wanted to look at the object in the firebug debugger to understand the layout of properties and values that come with the object. I am absolutely overwhelmed at what is provided when I try to inspect an object. Given the code: $boxVar = $('#box00'); Where in the world is the hierarchal path or tree structure that would lead me to see properties such as location, position, color and the like when I inspect a javaScript or in the above example, ?$boxVar? a jQuery object, in the watch window of firebug? Thanks!
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