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How WordPress Deals with Posts Video Tutorial – Killersites Web Design Magazine

How WordPress Deals with Posts Video Tutorial

In this video from our course WordPress Themes From Scratch, we learn how WordPress deals with older and newer entries.

To find more courses on WordPress, check them out in the KillerSites University!
Note that all of our videos are in a higher quality when purchased or found in the Killersites University!



2 responses to “How WordPress Deals with Posts Video Tutorial”

  1. Hi
    I purchased your WordPress video course and must say that it is absolutely the best for making the principles clear!
    The only part that is lacking is the following: in the first video, you show several website projects that you completed using this process. However, the video course ends before you get there. It would be tremendously helpful to take the course one step further and show how to format an actual project, complete with styling,background and other images, etc. Then the course would not only be excellent, it would be brilliant.