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Questions about ColdFusion


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Hey Guys,


I'm starting to take an interest in Cold Fusion but I am uncertain about a few things.


I have been told CF is similar to php but easier to learn, is this true? What are a few upsides of both?


I started a .cfm file to try the following basic example.


<cfset name = "test">






But it does not return the value of the name variable, leaving me confused.

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I can't really help with your ColdFusion question, unfortunately, since I know very little about it. PHP is super easy to get started with though, especially since there are packages such as WAMP or MAMP which will setup the server/database for you.


That said, do keep in mind that the popularity of a language will influence how easy it is to find jobs. If you are wanting to make money of your knowledge, I'd really encourage you to look at PHP or Ruby/Ruby on Rails instead, since they are significantly more popular. You're going to have a lot easier time finding PHP or Rails jobs than ColdFusion jobs.


For example, look at this list of popular languages based on job postings: http://jobstractor.com/monthly-stats or http://www.tiobe.com/index.php/content/paperinfo/tpci/index.html. Coldfusion isn't even listed. In short... I'm not saying that ColdFusion is bad to learn... but if you are trying to earn money by programming, you'll find a lot more jobs by looking at a different language like PHP.

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