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Where I've been trying out various ideas, testing forms etc I have a number of 'dummy' sites on my desktop eg, Contact Form, Spry Menu Bar etc. None of these are live. I want to keep them for reference, but want to tidy up my desktop. I was going to put them all into one file on the desktop called something original like 'Test Sites'!!


The first one worked ok. However, after that I get a message saying that I already have a site in the folder and that it could cause problems with sychronisation etc.


How do you organise your desktop? All comments and advice much appreciated!


If you have several files called homepage.html or index.html and several stylesheets called style.css, the best thing to do is to set up sub-folders inside your test folder called test1, test2 etc. or name the sub-folders by date test2feb, test3feb etc. then you keep the correcrt stylesheet with the correct index or home page. If you have them all in the same test folder you will be duplicating some filenames and get the wrong stylesheet operating with them.


Thanks, Wickham.


All the 'sites' are already in their own folders with titles like LightboxTest, ContactTest etc but do have some common names within the individual folders such as index.html, but I still get the message re potential synchronisation problems.


Do I go ahead and put them into the Test Sites folder anyway, or is there some other way of having several 'sites' in one place?


if you keep everything in the folders with titles inside the test folder there shouldn't be a problem.


Thanks, Benjamin.


I've just tried it again, and get the same message. Perhaps my process is wrong. Here's what I do:


- go to Site > Manage Sites

- click on the 'dummy' site which I want to move into my Test Sites folder, eg LightboxTest > Edit

- in Site Setup for LightboxTest I leave the Site Name as is and click on the browse folder

- select Desktop > Test Sites > Save. Then I get the message:

"The root folder you have chosen is the same as the folder for site 'ContactTest'. This may cause some operations, such as synchronization, to work incorrectly. Proceed anyway?


Will the sites still work if I OK this?

Posted (edited)

Something has just gone terribly wrong!!


I decided to give it a go with a dummy site that doesn't matter too much. I OK'd the message re synchronization. However, when I tried the site, nothing worked.


I tried to move it back out to the desktop and I got the following message:

"The cache will now be recreated because the name, root folder, HTTP address of cloaking settings of the site have been changed."

I had the same message with the first dummy site I moved. I ok'd it. Suddenly, it was doing something to 300+ files and wouldn't stop.


When I've just re-opened the dummy site in DW, all my desktop links are files inside it including all my dummy sites which are sub folders . If I delete the links, they are removed from the desktop.


Can someone please help me!?

Edited by Lulu

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