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Width of website


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A client wants to make some changes to thier website.


I did not create the site. They want to have the site go to the width of the screen or at least closer than it is.


The template that was used is a .dwt file. I can make changes to it but it seems pretty static when it comes to width changes.


Is there a fast way of doing this?


See link below.





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I recommend width of 990px. Trying to read website on a 1600px screen can be difficult. It's easier to read content at 990 vs 1600 because you don't have to read long lines of text.


As for widening, it looks like most of your width settings are within tables: width="801" Just change that to 990 throughout. Then you will need to replace all those images must of which are sized at 801px;


So it's not hard but I would never do a fluid site unless it has 3 or more columns. Fluid sites are just not that common but it's possible to make it work but not without making some changes on how images were used on this site.

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