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A smarter way of doing this?


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On THIS web-page I floated-left the thumbnail links at the top in a <ul> so as to display them in line. But then the "I" in the first paragraph below (I remember...) floated right up with the thumbnails! I solved it by adding margin-right to the <li> until it was pushed down to where it belongs.


I first tried to add clear: left; to the paragraph CSS, but that screwed everything up beyond recognition!


I know there must be a smarter way to fix this!


As always - thanks! Alfie

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@ Andrea: I never thought I would have to correct YOU!! It is clear: both; and it did not work either anyway.


@ akurtula: Thanks and I shall investigate the "overflow" property. That sounds interesting!


What I do not understand properly is the "display: inline;" CSS property. Would that put the thumbnails "All-In-A-Row"? (or is that in-line ?)


Thanks for looking!



Edited by daddyalfie
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the inline does the same thing you did with the thumbnails - it will display them horizontally. So saying

ul li{float:left;}

is the same as

ul li{display:inline;}


But I never used the inline (I am used to the floating way) so I am not 100% sure whether it's a good idea or not


use this to quickly test any css you are not sure off http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/tryit.asp?filename=trycss_display_inline

Edited by akurtula
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@ Andrea: I never thought I would have to correct YOU!! It is clear: both; and it did not work either anyway.

I don't think that falls under the definition of correction :D


The reason things fell apart on you with the clear; both is that the div the text is in is as wide as your wrapper and clearing the p throws it under your floated nav division. I don't think your layout is wrong - it works, but I'd have added the background images to a wrapper/header/footer and would have my content div separate next to the nav.


You're still mixing lower and upper case - next time something isn't working, see if that's not the problem :P

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