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ok I have a database doozy


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This totally will expose my naivete but the show must go on.


Is it ever possible for two applications on seperate server to access the same database.


Example: I own a store and recently purchased a competitors store. They both have essentially the same contents but they are on different servers. Let's say i want to have the two e-commerce apps share one database instead of managing two, is it an easy fix? would i be inviting security and performance issues?


A high level view i suppose would be:


MVC1---[Database(s) ]---MVC2



Oh and it gets better what if the conditions for store1 & store2 are php and asp respectively. I am assuming some kind of abstaction layer, but you guys are the experts.



THANK YOU for looking

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I don't proclaim to be a expert in this area but based on my understanding is that you can point 2 or more sites to the same database but IF the structure of the database itself does not match then you will have a problem. Meaning, site #1 may use one type of ecommerce software and site #2 uses a different software in which the odds are that they will not work together. Query strings could differ such as SKU number versus PART number, DESCRIPTION vs DETAILS, etc. Table structure more than likely will differ.


Exporting either one and then importing it over to the other site is the ideal solution.


Same may be true when it comes to connecting a php driven and asp driven ecommerce stores together.


I have been told that with some hacking it can be done but this will require you to have complete total access to everything on a host server. Most (if not all) will probably not allow this type of access due to security reason. If you do find one the chances are it will have to be a dedicated server. Otherwise, set up your own host using your own computer but then you will have to deal with all the headaches of upkeeping your server especially when it comes to security.


Now if both sites (or more) are running the same ecommerce software then you can point both of them to the same database. Just remember that if you edit site #1 contents then the changes will reflect for site #2 as well or vice versa.

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Yes you can. The issue is permissions.


Example: I had two web design sites, business and more private. All my images were on the original web site server. So I had to give my second site permission ie. place it in a list in the back panel of the first site that effectively says: This site is authorized to direct link to my images.


I have not done it with a database, but in the back panel (often "CPanel") you will have a database section. You can create a new user, then give that user access to the database (maybe just read, unless you want to make changes to the database from either one read & write). Then however the second web site accesses the database, you give it the newly created user ID.


I would not think it would effect performance per say, but it would increase you data traffic so be sure the web site has enough as the other site would be "downloading" the data.


Warning: This may be a bit simplistic, I am making it up in my head from what I remember from my old web sites. Best would be top run it by your host, they may be able to contact the other host and work something out.


Just be sure it is worth it. You can always just go into the registry for the other sites name (if they gave you the logon info or you buy the name), but you can just point the name at your web site. If I use gobblygook.com, it would send me to gobbleygeek.org. So rather than even maintaining two web sites, you can point their website at yours. Just add a notice for a year or so that the shops merged so customers do not get confused or irritated about why they go to your site.

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