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Hi all,


I'm new here so I hope I've put this in the right forum. I am a keen amateur designer, I run my own business and design my own sites for that business (the business is not web design BTW).


A couple of years ago I downloaded some free software that allowed me to design an online 'quiz'/personality test in HTML(this is in line with my business!). That software no longer seems to be available.


All of sudden, after about 18months of it working smoothly, it stopped working and I had to take it down. I don't know enough about HTML coding to work out where the hell it's gone wrong. I've attached the file if anyone wants to look at it.quiz.htm


What should happen is that you answer the questions, stick your email in and you get an instant read specific to your answers. You'll see all the code and answers in here but for some reason now when you do it, it simply loops back and blanks the quiz.


Can I also add, I didn't write any of this document! The software I downloaded did it all for you as you put in the questions and answers.


I've learned by doing things myself but this one has stumped me. Anyone any ideas? Or a better way to do it because I am well aware that this document looks well clunky and I've heard that you can use CSS to do it. A friend mentioned using php includes?


Thanks for any and all feedback and assistance.




I can't really tell you what changed... but the blank action attribute on this line:


<form action="" name="survey" onSubmit="javascript:return checkSurvey('survey');">


tells the page to submit to the same page if the form is submitted successfully. Javascript/HTML/CSS can't do the emailing functionality, so I would usually expect that action attribute to link to a PHP file to process the form and email the results.


I would usually expect that action attribute to link to a PHP file to process the form and email the results.


I'm wondering if the software/software installation had that php file and i've gone and deleted it when i've cleaned out the software.


I'm trying to remember if any of the installation files were uploaded onto my server or not or if it was just this.


One thing, that might help. Ever since trying it it never did email the results, the results would just load up on a new page. Dunno, if that makes a difference. Almost as if it was submitting the page again but now you got results rather than the 'quiz'.


Thanks for looking anyway, could be it's well and truly busted!




Use "<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script>" or host a copy of jquery on your web hosting.


Magic! Cheers guys, just did this alteration and it's working! Fantastic, thanks so much. That hottopic.dev link was where I got the original software and now seems to have disappeared!


Cheers for all your help. Brilliant Stuff!



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