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I would use a function But you can just put the code anywhere

def get_pos_int(prompt='Please enter a positive Integer:'): 
    while True: 
        inp = input(prompt) 
            num = int(inp) 
        except ValueError: 
            print(f"{inp} was not an Integer") 
            if num < 0: 
                print(f"{num} is not a positive Integer") 
    return num 
a = 1 + get_pos_int("Please enter a number to add to one:")  
print(f"result was {a}") 
b = get_pos_int() 
print (f"got {b} back") 

python get_positive.py  
Please enter a number to add to one:-12 
-12 is not a positive Integer 
Please enter a number to add to one:A 
A was not an integer 
Please enter a number to add to one:4 
result was 5 
Please enter a positive Integer:10 
got 10 back 


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