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Paypal Shopping Cart - Update July 2020


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The cart project, required a few updates given the changes to PayPal since that course was created. Here are the details:

Videos impacted:

  • Composer Introduction & SDK Setup
  • PayPal Settings & Minor Changes
  • Steps to Submitting a Payment
  • Integrating PayPal Part 1
  • Integrating PayPal Part 2
  • Integrating PayPal Part 3
  • Integrating PayPal Part 4

On the whole the videos can be followed, but there are few red herrings on the way. And unnecessary distractions.

Composer Introduction & SDK Setup
Forget Composer, this is an unnecessary distraction and just confuses things, maybe mention Composer at the end of the tutorial as an alternative method for installing the SDK.

Get the SDK hosted on Github from here: https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-PHP-SDK/releases
I used the 1.13.0 zip (latest version) from this page and it works fine. To follow the videos you would rename the uncompressed SDK folder to 'vendor' and place it in the /app directory.

The 'samples' are slightly different. They are now hosted online here" https://paypal.github.io/PayPal-PHP-SDK/sample/

Only one sample is actually used in the tutorial, this one: https://paypal.github.io/PayPal-PHP-SDK/sample/doc/payments/CreatePaymentUsingPayPal.html
as you can see it looks virtually the same.

If you want to host the samples locally, you can still do that. Go to the main SDK repository on Github https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-PHP-SDK
you can see the samples directory is there. I did however have trouble downloading directly from here. For some reason when you hit the clone/download button and download from here the zip is missing files and directories you'd expect to be there, including the samples directory. I have no clue why this is. I managed to work around this problem by forking the repository and using the GitHub desktop app to clone my fork to my local drive. It was then fairly simple to drag the 'samples' directory out and host that with my MAMP/LAMP.

PayPal Settings & Minor Changes
Do the changes to init.php etc
Then the first step really is to goto https://developer.paypal.com/ log in and go to the dashboard (it all looks very different, but it's essentially doing the same job as before). Scroll down to REST API apps and create a new App. A client ID, secret and two test accounts (buyer and facilitator) are created automatically. Continue and make the changes to init.php, v_public_cart.php, success.php, v_public_success.php and m_payments.php etc. 

Steps to Submitting a Payment
This video is a bit confusing now, as the interactive guide is not the same. The vid really needs to be just a simple explanation of the steps used with paypal.

Integrating PayPal Part 1
Integrating PayPal Part 2
Integrating PayPal Part 3
Integrating PayPal Part 4
Once all the above is sorted you can follow these video's pretty much verbatim, only there are some subtle differences with the bootstrap.php file that you'll be copying from. It's easier to just look at my m_payments.php file:


    Payments Class
    Handle all tasks related to payments

require ('app/vendor/autoload.php');

use PayPal\Rest\ApiContext;
use PayPal\Auth\OAuthTokenCredential;

use PayPal\Api\Amount;
use PayPal\Api\Details;
use PayPal\Api\Item;
use PayPal\Api\ItemList;
use PayPal\Api\Payer;
use PayPal\Api\Payment;
use PayPal\Api\RedirectUrls;
use PayPal\Api\Transaction;
use PayPal\Api\PaymentExecution;

class Payments
    private $api_context;

    function __construct() 
        $this->api_context = $this->get_api_context();

        // echo '<pre>';
        // print_r($this->api_context);
        // echo '</pre>';
        // exit;


        Getters and Setters

    public function get_api_context()

        if (PAYPAL_MODE == "sandbox")
            $apiContext = new ApiContext(
                new OAuthTokenCredential
            $apiContext = new ApiContext(
                new OAuthTokenCredential

            'mode' => PAYPAL_MODE,
            'http.ConnectionTimeOut' => 30,
            'log.LogEnabled' => true,
            'log.FileName' => 'app/PayPal.log',
            'log.LogLevel' => 'FINE'

        return $apiContext;

     * Creates PayPal payment:
     * @access public
     * @param 
     * @return error string
    public function create_payment($items_array, $details_array)
        $payer = new Payer();

        // set items
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($items_array as $item) 
            $items[$i] = new Item();
                ->setSku("123123" . $i)


        $itemList = new ItemList();

        // set details
        $details = new Details();

        // set amount
        $amount = new Amount();

        // set transaction
        $transaction = new Transaction();
        // create urls
        $redirectUrls = new RedirectUrls();
            ->setReturnUrl(SITE_PATH . "success.php")
            ->setCancelUrl(SITE_PATH . "cart.php");

        // create payment
        $payment = new Payment();

        catch (Exception $ex) 
            // echo '<pre>';
            // print_r($ex->getData());
            // echo '</pre>';
            // exit;

            return $ex->getMessage();

        // get redirect url
        $approvalUrl = $payment->getApprovalLink();

        $_SESSION['payment_id'] = $payment->getId();
        if (isset($approvalUrl))
            header("Location: $approvalUrl");

     * Executes PayPal payment:
     * @access public
     * @param string, string
     * @return result object
    public function execute_payment($payer_id, $payment_id)
        $payment = Payment::get($payment_id, $this->api_context);

        $execution = new PaymentExecution();
        $result = $payment->execute($execution, $this->api_context);

        return $result;

As you can see it's almost the same, just some subtle difference at the bottom with the re-directs and the try/catch.

I did have to fix that bug that was a result of a comma being in the amount (see earlier post for the fix).

Anyway I think that was everything. 



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