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Welcome to The Complete Entrepreneur!


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When you sign up, you will immediately have access to the The Complete Entrepreneur forum, with the exclusive videos, audio and support. 


I started my first company when I was 18, with no money and no connections. I was able to reach financial independence after a YUGE amount of trial and error. This course will help you avoid common mistakes, and reach your goals in a fraction of the time. 

The 3 elements of business success:

There are 3 basic skillsets you need, to be a successful entrepreneur:

  1. Core business skills
  2. Money management and financial skills
  3. Psychological skills

If you understand and follow these lessons, it’s almost guaranteed you will achieve a level of success that will probably surprise your friends, pets and family members. 

Course structure:

Lessons come in video and mp3 format, so you can learn the way you want. I’ve also included a PDF outline of the lessons. Watch or listen to chapters in any order. The lessons follow the following structure for fast learning:

  1. Lesson summary
  2. The details and story behind the lesson
  3. Action plan (when it makes sense) - how to use the lesson in the real world


  1. The categories of business
  2. 10 business ideas
  3. How to pick your business
  4. Finding your niche
  5. How most rich people get rich
  6. Bootstrapped business vs raising money
  7. Stef’s Top 3 Business Truths
  8. Partners or no partners?
  9. Working at home vs working at an office
  10. Hiring people to work for you
  11. Buying equipment for your business
  12. Developing business workflows to increase profits and reduce headaches
  13. Long term money management
  14. How to bill clients, how to get paid
  15. Psychology of an entrepreneur
  16. Business Myths
  17. Principles of FYM


Stefan Mischook

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