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Help-Which Design Is Best To Make Google Happy?


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I have an online thrift store and am in the process of redesigning (using a template) because my ranking fell from Number one on page 1, to page 4 and now I'm back up to page 2. According to Google my site is dated and especially with the new algorithm. It is dated, but my customer's still like it!! Whatever.


gone-tomorrow . com



In the Google forum yesterday, I was told that my current design is hurting my ranking because I have saturated my pages with product (items) instead of having a Quick View or product view page for each item with all the info for the product and the shopping cart button.



In the new design each item includes a lightbox meant to show an enlarged photo of the item. I can also include the description of the item, which probably should be just a one liner. However, after learning about the quick view page theory, I used a short description on the front page and then placed the entire description of the item including the price in the title= area. (see typical description below) Now when you hover over the photo you can see the full description and of course when you click on the photo a screen pops up with the photo and description.



So in your opinion(s); is it really necessary to have the product view page or would my idea work for Google to be able to 'read' my site and therefore return the appropriate results for a Vintage Purple cut class bud vase?


(Vintage Purple cut glass bud vase, purple has been around in regal form for centuries, now it's back in our homes in a big way, this lovely vase is perfect for adding that splash of color to say a vignette or even in your bathroom, someplace where it be notice for its beauty-$9.00)


Thank you!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


[Edited: Due to the usual spam trying to slip addresses in, I have slightly modified the URL to be clear but remove any doubt about spam as I think it is a justified question. But we always have to be spam vigilant... unfortunately - LSW]

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I would not use the method you are doing now except to pop up a large image of the product. All your products' details should be on their own pages which is better for Google.


Go find a site that does this very thing you are trying to do. You will find a spec in the sand.


You should it this way:

www.acti vewearusa.com/store/pc/Women-s-Cycle-Gear-c466.htm (remove one space)


The best method is to does this dynamically. ZenCart, Product Cart, etc. are dynamically driven ecommerce software.

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I am not sure but part of what they mean by dated is your code. Maybe try updating to html5 or at least use divs instead of tables. And use id's and classes in an external style sheet. The style is kinda 90's. The site looks good but jsut saying this might be what they mean by dated. This might help I do not know but it is worth a try.

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