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Center Vertical Positioning


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"The vertical-align property sets the vertical alignment of an element".... http://www.w3schools.com/Css/pr_pos_vertical-align.asp


eg. vertical-align:middle;


or, It seems to me that you could give each link a class such as one_line and two_lines. Set the line-height and then use padding to adjust each class? Just my two cents, but I'm still very new to this. I'm sure others will have a more concrete solution, but the vertical-align property came straight from w3schools.com.



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I don't think I've ever used vertical-align: middle except as a test and I don't remember seeing it used in other websites either. I prefer to use margin-top or padding-top with a class.


w3schools says that vertical-align is used relative to a baseline:-

Align the baseline of the element with the baseline of the parent element. This is default


what this usually means is that if you have a image inline with text, the image will align its bottom with the bottom of the text so that it "sticks up" but if you use vertical-align: middle, the image will align its middle with the middle of the line of text.

See http://www.wickham43.net/generaladvice.php#textalignvert


This might not work where you use it just for one line of text, but you could try.

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Thanks Eric, but that does not solve the problem for the lines of text that have 2 lines, right?


no, your right, it doesn't. Did you get it centered though? It looks like you did! There is also the floating an extra container above the text method, like I did here... http://www.visibilityinherit.com/code/body-scroller-demo.php


But, it seems like you need a method which will cater for a varible height. Paul, has a demo somewhere explaining that. May want to try googling "pmob varible height vertical centering".

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