Hi everyone! I am conducting a research about styles of typing.
I have asked some great programmers and experienced ones like Larry Wall (creator of Perl), Robert C. Martin aka Uncle Bob, college professors about styles of typing.
I saw in one video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5S9LIT-hdc) Linus Torvalds touch typing but with his own style.
I do myself touch type but with my style, and I have nice speed and everything. Speed and accuracy is something that you build only by practice, practice and more practice. But one question concerns me, should we type in some particular style so we dont get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, repetitive strain injury or any other health problem ?
And thats when I decided to conduct research, to get answers from people who coded all their life and from people who are experienced. I will post my research on my website when I launch it.
I would like if you guys want to be part of my research, as this can only benefit and help others, so we can improve ourself and also take care of ourselves.
So here it goes:
Do you touch type?
If you touch type, do you do with your own style or you use 10 finger system?
Have you had any problems with your body(hands mostly or neck because of hunt and peck) while typing?
Thanks, Your input will mean to me and others!