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Everything posted by cmtrig

  1. Understood, I was just trying to get out the word - I am here to help.
  2. There is one rule in web design right? Content is King! Well, that's a great thing to say, but it really isn't that helpful. What are the elements that attract both search engines and human beings? What makes a visitor want to buy something? How do I create killer copy? After a decade of building websites, I have come up with an answer or two. In my website, ht tp://ww w.psycholog yofwebdesign.com [remove spaces], I explore how to find the right Market, present the right Offer, and generate the right Traffic for your website, whether it's yours or you're doing it as a profession, this information is invaluable - and it's free! Let's create a discussion about how to push the buttons of your visitors that will include writing, images, typography, layout and SEO. I'm here to help!
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