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  1. Thanks so much! It seems to be working perfectly! I think I tried it without success b4 but the thing I missed to do then was not to define div#contentarea a#link:link <-- So detailed I did the mistake to write; a#link {} a#visited {} a#hover {} a#active {} Think my head got so fed up on all the codes that I didn't even realize that i missed the :commands Appreciate your help then Very good and helpful idd ;D
  2. Aktuellt Norra Guldheden S?dra Guldheden Vad kan du g?ra? L?nkar Om Oss Hjälp med hemsidan Göteborgs Stad nämndhandlingar Brf Norra Guldheden Nr 1 Änggårdskolonins hemsida Älvsborgs EgnahemsFörening Föreningen Rädda Skansberget! God bebyggd miljö ur Sveriges miljömål Stadsbyggnadkontorets webbplats © Föreningen Bevara Guldheden 2010 {} Bankgiro: 5870-6664 {} Epost: BevaraGuldheden[at]hotmail.com {} Webbdesign av Cyber-Fox.net
  3. Hey GOOD NEWS! I'm Really Greatful for your tip, it is working in IE now!!! Haha and all I did was erase the extra comment tag, and erase the unnecessary Javascript Codes! I can't find words or anything for how thankful I am that you helped me, don't know if I could have found it otherwise... Both the validator in Dreamweaver and W3 said the code was fine when I checked but now when everything is working I'd be glad to redirect and recommend people to ask you for advice etc! Your Dearest; Zinoxxx
  4. Btw, now when I get to think about it... Everything was working fine with the layout until i pasted the menuarea and it's containing elements... But I just couldn't identify any misstypings or anything there, maybe you got better perception
  5. Well I can make it myself, it's just saving quite some time doing it with photoshop... + I've tried to create my own layout without PSD HTML file... Didn't work very well neither im afraid.. I'll try to upload to internet and check for errors there.. But the thing is I was thinking of making the first page work first, the index file, which i pasted into this forum, since i can thereafter use it to copy and create new menualternatives etc for the whole website :/ I had an idea b4 that it might have something to do with CDATA codes that is excluded in this file, think it would make any diff?
  6. Aktuellt Norra Guldheden S?dra Guldheden Vad kan du g?ra? L?nkar Om Oss
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