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Posts posted by ashbullmanuk

  1. [ Project Mandate Form ]

    spacer.gif spacer.gif spacer.gif spacer.gif spacer.gif spacer.gif spacer.gif spacer.gif spacer.gif
    Home Website Design Logo Design Brand Image Concept Arts Portfolio Brochure Photography spacer.gif

    Welcome to the Kyu Images Project Mandate Form. Please use this form to take on our Corporate Identity services. After receipt of this mandate we will contact you within 24 hourse to book your Concept Arts Consultation.

    [ Tell Us ABout You And Your Business ]

    Use this section to tell us about you and your business

    Your name:

    Your business name:


    Your email:

    Your telephone number:

    1st Address line:

    2nd Address Line:




    Contact Back Time:

    Tell us about your business:

    And about your products and services:

    What are your target market demographics:

    Will you require our commercial photography services:



    [ Your Design Requirements ]

    Here we will collect information to help us create the designs and styles you want

    Here we will collect some preliminary details about what kind of styles and images you want for your designs.
    ( Please choose 1 main theme for your designs. )




    ( Now expand your theme by choosing 1 style from each sub category. )





















    Are there any colours/ themes we should use or avoid:

    Is there any current logo or artwork we should include/ develope:

    [ Kick Start ]

    Kick Start allows you to mix and match our services to get exactly what you need, with a discount on the total cost

    ( Please choose your Kick Start Package below, then choose from services below applicable to your package )






    ( If you need one of our services, simply select that service below to continue )

    [ Special Offers ]

    If you have a special offer discount reference, enter it here

    Special offer discount reference:


    [ Your Website Requirements ]

    From this information we will begin designing and constructing your site

    Which website design service level do you require:

    Choose level...
    Level 1
    Level 2
    Level 3
    Level 4

    Please list the 3 most important business goals for your website e.g. "Increase footfall".
    Please list 3 things you want your site to have the ability to do e.g. "Log clients in".

    Goal 1:

    The ability to:

    Goal 2:

    The ability to:

    Goal 3

    The ability to:

    What key features would you like to see your site have e.g. "Site searching".

    List 3 design elements you would most like to see e.g. "drop down menus".

    The feature:

    Design element 1:

    The feature:

    Design element 2:

    The feature:

    Design element 3:

    The URL of your site is it's address, i.e. www.kyu-images.com. What would be your prefered address:




    Would yo like us to register your URL (Domain Name):

    Yes Please

    No Thanks

    Would you like us to host your site for ?6pm

    Yes Please

    No Thanks

    Please list any additional features you want included:

    Please list any content for specific pages e.g. "3 product pages, and a contact page"

    [ Your Logo and Graphic Design ]

    This information will help us complete your Logos and Graphics


    Which Logo and Graphic Design service level will you require:

    Choose Level...
    Level 1
    Level 2
    Level 3
    Level 4


    Logos and graphics designed by us can used across our services for websites and brand imaging. If your package includes multiple concept designs, you can purchase the other design in addition to your chosen one for a small fee.


    Where will your logo or designs be used, e.g. shop front, business cards, stationery or billboards etc:

    Should your logo represent you, your business or a specific product/service:

    Are there any current logos or designs we should be aware of, use or expand upon:

    Will you want to purchase more than 1 Concept Design from your package:

    Yes, I do

    No thanks

    [ Your Brand Imaging and Product Identity ]

    Brand Imaging is all about getting your products and services out to clients and potential customers. All our service levels include Level 1 as standard


    Which Brand Image service level will you require:

    Choose Level...
    Level 1
    Level 2
    Level 3
    Level 4


    Are there any additional printing requirements to those supplied:

    For your designs, you can use your own designs, your Concept Arts from us, or we can create new ones

    I have my own for submission

    Use my existing Concept Designs

    Please create new designs

    Please specify the dimensions/pages of the poster, flier or brochure:

    Please specify the dimensions of the box/label to be branded:

    Please list what is to be advertised, e.g. a certain product or event:

    Please give as much detail about the listed items as you can:

    Please check box to confirm you have read and agree to our Terms Of Service as laid out in the [ Important Information ] article.

    I agree.
    Please tick to confirm.

  2. Hi,

    a few weeks ago i posted for some help with a form issue i had, where i needed to include or exclude form elements based on the user choices, and javascript was suggested.

    I eventually managed to get exactly what i needed to happen work using java, so thank you for your help there, unfortunately that has itself unravelled its own problems.


    The script only sends the email if the user chooses ALL the elements. If they dont, say they choose only 2 out of 3 services, and 1 stays hidden, i dont receive the email, but the script seems not to have a problem, because it doesn't return any kind of error, and passes the user to the sendmail outcome url - somewhere along the road, it just doesn't send it.


    One possible answer i think is maybe my host blocks the emails, but why would they!


    Here is the php code, would it help if i posted the html form code as well?




    /* Subject and Email Variables */


    $email_to = "conceptarts@kyu-images.com";

    $email_subject = "Online Project Mandate";

    $thankyou_url = "email_sent.html";



    /* Gathering Data Variables */


    $name = $_POST["name"];

    $business_name = $_POST["business_name"];

    $email_from = $_POST["email"];

    $phone = $_POST["phone"];

    $address_1 = $_POST["address_1"];

    $address_2 = $_POST["address_2"];

    $town = $_POST["town"];

    $county = $_POST["county"];

    $postcode = $_POST["postcode"];

    $contact_back = $_POST["contact_back"];

    $the_business = $_POST["the_business"];

    $the_products = $_POST["the_products"];

    $market_demographics = $_POST["market_demographics"];

    $commercial_photography = $_POST["commercial_photography"];

    $main_theme = $_POST["main_theme"];

    $sub_style_1 = $_POST["sub_style_1"];

    $sub_style_2 = $_POST["sub_style_2"];

    $sub_style_3 = $_POST["sub_style_3"];

    $sub_style_4 = $_POST["sub_style_4"];

    $use_avoid = $_POST["use_avoid"];

    $include_artwork = $_POST["include_artwork"];

    $kick_start = $_POST["kick_start"];

    $discount_reference = $_POST["discount_reference"];


    // The next few variables may not appear in the HTML form, as javascript hides these elements if the user does not choose this service

    $web_design_level = $_POST["web_design_level"];

    $goal_1 = $_POST["goal_1"];

    $goal_2 = $_POST["goal_2"];

    $goal_3 = $_POST["goal_3"];

    $ability_1 = $_POST["ability_1"];

    $ability_2 = $_POST["ability_2"];

    $ability_3 = $_POST["ability_3"];

    $feature_1 = $_POST["feature_1"];

    $feature_2 = $_POST["feature_2"];

    $feature_3 = $_POST["feature_3"];

    $design_1 = $_POST["design_1"];

    $design_2 = $_POST["design_2"];

    $design_3 = $_POST["design_3"];

    $prefered_url = $_POST["prefered_url"];

    $url_extension = $_POST["url_extension"];

    $register_domain = $_POST["register_domain"];

    $add_hosting = $_POST["add_hosting"];

    $additional_features = $_POST["additional_features"];

    $page_content = $_POST["page_content"];


    // The next few variables may not appear in the HTML form, as javascript hides these elements if the user does not choose this service

    $logo_design_level = $_POST["logo_design_level"];

    $logo_used_where = $_POST["logo_used_where"];

    $logo_represents = $_POST["logo_represents"];

    $current_logos = $_POST["current_logos"];

    $purchase_other_concepts = $_POST["purchase_other_concepts"];


    // The next few variables may not appear in the HTML form, as javascript hides these elements if the user does not choose this service

    $brand_image_service_level = $_POST["brand_image_service_level"];

    $additonal_printing = $_POST["additonal_printing"];

    $art_work_supply = $_POST["art_work_supply"];

    $poster_brochure_layout = $_POST["poster_brochure_layout"];

    $box_label_dimensions = $_POST["box_label_dimensions"];

    $to_advertise = $_POST["to_advertise"];

    $advertising_details = $_POST["advertising_details"];


    // The last variable. Always appears on form. Spry validation to ensure box is checked.

    $termsagreed = $_POST["termsagreed"];

    // End of variables


    // Sendmail headers

    $headers = "From: $email_from . \r\n";

    $headers .= "Reply-To: $email_from . \r\n";

    $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n";


    // the email to be sent

    $message = <<

    Online Project Mandate



    Personal Information

    Client Name: $name


    Business Name: $business_name


    Email: $email_from


    Telephone: $phone


    First Address Line: $address_1


    Second Address Line: $address_2


    Address Town: $town


    Postcode: $postcode




    Business Information

    About Their Business: $the_business


    About Their Service/Products: $the_products


    About Their Target Market: $market_demographics


    Add Commercial Photography: $commercial_photography




    Design Themes

    Main Design Theme: $main_theme


    Sub Style: $sub_style_1


    Sub Style: $sub_style_2


    Sub Style: $sub_style_3


    Sub Style: $sub_style_4


    Use\avoid: $use_avoid


    Include artwork: $include_artwork




    Kick Start Package: $kick_start




    Special discount reference: $discount_reference





    // Service option one. HTML form section may or may not be completed based on user choices


    Website Design

    Web design level: $web_design_level


    Business Goal_1: $goal_1


    Business Goal_2: $goal_2


    Business Goal_3: $goal_3


    Site Ability_1: $ability_1


    Site Ability_2: $ability_2


    Site Ability_3: $ability_3


    Site Feature_1: $feature_1


    Site Feature_2: $feature_2


    Site Feature_3: $feature_3


    Site Design_1: $design_1


    Site Design_2: $design_2


    Site Design_3: $design_3


    Prefered URL: $prefered_url


    URL Extension: $url_extension


    Register Domain: $register_domain


    Add Hosting: $add_hosting


    Additional Features: $additional_features


    Page Content: $page_content





    // Service option two. HTML form section may or may not be completed based on user choices


    Logo And Graphic Design

    Logo Design Level: $logo_design_level


    Logo Used Where: $logo_used_where


    Logo Represents: $logo_represents


    Current Logos: $current_logos


    Purchase Other Concept Designs: $purchase_other_concepts





    // Service option three. HTML form section may or may not be completed based on user choices


    Brand Image

    Brand Image Level: $brand_image_service_level


    Additional Printing: $additonal_printing


    Artwork Supply: $art_work_supply


    Poster, Flier, Brochure Dimensions: $poster_brochure_layout


    Box, Label Dimensions: $box_label_dimensions


    To Be Advertised: $to_advertise


    Advertising Details: $advertising_details




    Terms Agreed: $termsagreed






    ini_set("sendmail_from", $email_from); //Code required by hosting company

    $sent = mail($email_to, $email_subject, $message, $headers, "-f" . $email_from);



    /*Results Rendered As HTML */


    if($sent) {

    header("Location: " . $thankyou_url); // Redirect customer to thankyou page

    } else {

    // The mail didn't send, display an error.

    echo "There has been an error sending your message. Please try later.";







    Thanks for all and any ideas!

  3. i checked out the link, but what i need is that when a user checks a box a whole new section of form appears, with text fields and areas etc.


    I dont know much about JS either, so if anyone knows where i might help or a tutorial on this or with PHP would be very much appreciated.


    I found a source with what looked like it could do what i want, but the page threw a 500 internal server error when loading the it. the new code if anyone maybe able to shed some light is:



    //Defining checkbox variable

    $kick_start = 'unchecked';


    if(isset($_POST['continue'])) // the continue button to execute the following


    if ?(isset($_POST['kick_start']))


    $kick_start = $_POST['kick_start'];

    if ($kick_start == 'yes')

    { include("kick_start_form.html");






    Many thanks everyone

  4. Hi everyone,


    I am trying to add a conditional if statement to a checkbox in an html form, so that when the user checks the box, the a new set of form elements appear below it.


    I created the new form elements in a seperate file, and planned on using the include command, so something like:


    If ('kick start' == "yes"

    { include ('kickstart.html');}


    the html check box code is

    Kick Start


    nothing happens though when i click the checkbox.


    Any thoughts?

  5. Incidently the EOD is a way that allows free text within PHP

    The PHP heredoc string syntax allows free form text to be used without having to worry about escaping special characters such as quotes and backslashes. The content of the heredoc string is wrapped with <<


    The only rules are that the closing EOD; must be at the beginning of the last line, and the only content on that line, as follows:




    $myString = <<

    This is some free form text. It can span mutliple

    lines and can contain otherwise troublesome characters like

    \ and " and ' without causing any problems.






    So this shouldn't be the issue either, and my host have emailed me to say that as the email actually sends, it isn't an issue with them, however a script issue that is causing an error witin the server!!!


    I feel i have experience in banging my head against a concrete wall!!

  6. I dont think the comments format ahould make much difference, its just weird that the page only redirects if all the fields are filled in on the form. it sends the email either way, its just the redirection that seems to be a problem. sveral people have looked at it for me and seem to think the code is sound, and that it must be a host issue, preventing it somehow, though i'm not entirely sure why or how!

  7. Quite right!! the code for the php is:




    /* Subject and Email Variables */


    $email_to = "enquiries@kyu-images.com";

    $email_subject = "General Enquiry";

    $thankyou_url = "http://www.kyu-images.com/contact-us/email_sent.html";



    /* Gathering Data Variables */


    $nameField = $_POST["name"];

    $email_from = $_POST["email"];

    $address1Field = $_POST["address1"];

    $address2Field = $_POST["address2"];

    $townField = $_POST["town"];

    $postcodeField = $_POST["postcode"];

    $phoneField = $_POST["phone"];

    $serviceField = $_POST["service"];

    $brochureField = $_POST["brochure"];

    $aboutusField = $_POST["aboutus"];

    $oursiteField = $_POST["oursite"];

    $commentsField = $_POST["comments"];


    $headers = "From: $email_from . \r\n";

    $headers .= "Reply-To: $email_from . \r\n";

    $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n";


    $message = <<



    Name: $nameField


    Email: $email_from


    First Address Line: $address1Field


    Second Address Line: $address2Field


    Address Town: $townField


    Postcode: $postcodeField


    Telephone: $phoneField


    Service Enquiry: $serviceField


    Send Brochure: $brochureField


    How Did They Find Us: $aboutusField


    Did They Like Our Site: $oursiteField


    Client Comments: $commentsField






    ini_set("sendmail_from", $email_from);

    $sent = mail($email_to, $email_subject, $message, $headers, "-f" . $email_from);



    /*Results Rendered As HTML */


    if($sent) {

    header("Location: " . $thankyou_url); // Redirect customer to thankyou page

    } else {

    // The mail didn't send, display an error.

    echo "There has been an error sending your message. Please try later.";





  8. Hi, I am am trying to set up a web site and on the site I have a couple of forms I created in DW, and a PHP script to send the data via email. Easy enough!


    However I have an issue, the PHP script will only divert to the success url if the user enters data into all the form elements. However, there are no required fields in the form, the script does send the email irrespective of data input into the form, it just doesn't divert to the success URL.



    Can anyone please give me some advice on this????


    Thanks in advance!

  9. Hi, there, I recently posted a topic about my php script not working. That turned out to be a server issue after all - I had to add "ini_set()" and a -f parameter.

    However I have now run across another issue. The php script will only divert to the success url, if all the form fields have been entered. If they haven't, the script will still send the email, however it wont divert to the success url. This problem I first noticed when I added the second the form to my website.

    This is where it gets a little more confusing. I copied the exact code for the second php processing script, changed the form variables appropriately, changed the email address to post to, and the success page to a different url. Seemed simple enough?

    Well it sends the form, but doesn't divert to the success url. I just get that damned 500 - internal error message!

    Evan more weirdly (well to me) when I tried to resolve the issue, it prevented the first form from diverting altogether - despite being completely different files, variables and success urls.

    So my question is, how does one allow the script to process fully, and divert without needing all the form elements to be filled? And any idea why the second form does not divert at all. I am not sure what the relationship is between the form elements and the scripts ability to divert the to the success page, yet still send the email even without all the form elements being completed!!!!!!


    Any help is much appreciated!

    The script code for the second form is:



    /* Subject and Email Variables */


    $email_to = "conceptarts@kyu-images.com";

    $email_subject = "Project Mandate";

    $thankyou_url = "http://www.kyu-images.com/contact-us/concept_arts_mandate_form_sent.html";



    /* Gathering Data Variables */


    $clientnameField = $_POST["clientname"];

    $businessnameField = $_POST["businessname"];

    $email_from = $_POST["email"];

    $phoneField = $_POST["phone"];

    $address1Field = $_POST["address1"];

    $address2Field = $_POST["address2"];

    $townField = $_POST["town"];

    $postcodeField = $_POST["postcode"];

    $businessField = $_POST["business"];

    $productsField = $_POST["products"];

    $marketField = $_POST["market"];

    $kickstartField = $_POST["kickstart"];

    $photographyField = $_POST["photography"];

    $termsField = $_POST["terms"];

    $webdesignField = $_POST["webdesign"];

    $logodesignField = $_POST["logodesign"];

    $brandimageField = $_POST["brandimage"];

    $mainthemeField = $_POST["maintheme"];

    $styles1Field = $_POST["styles1"];

    $styles2Field = $_POST["styles2"];

    $styles3Field = $_POST["styles3"];

    $styles4Field = $_POST["styles14"];

    $registerField = $_POST["register"];

    $hostingField = $_POST["hosting"];

    $pagesField = $_POST["pages"];

    $pagenumberField = $_POST["pagenumber"];

    $galleryField = $_POST["gallery"];

    $gallerynumberField = $_POST["gallerynumber"];

    $formsField = $_POST["forms"];

    $formnumberField = $_POST["formnumber"];

    $filesField = $_POST["files"];

    $filenumberField = $_POST["filenumber"];

    $regionsField = $_POST["regions"];

    $regionnumberField = $_POST["regionnumber"];

    $animantionsField = $_POST["animantions"];

    $describeField = $_POST["describe"];

    $ActivEditingField = $_POST["ActivEditing"];

    $databaseField = $_POST["database"];

    $detailsField = $_POST["details"];

    $usedwhereField = $_POST["usedwhere"];

    $addtoField = $_POST["addto"];

    $buildonField = $_POST["buildon"];

    $purchaseothersField = $_POST["purchaseothers"];

    $addprintingField = $_POST["addprinting"];

    $graphicsField = $_POST["graphics"];

    $dimensionsField = $_POST["dimensions"];

    $boxlabeldimensionField = $_POST["boxlabeldimension"];


    $headers = "From: $email_from . \r\n";

    $headers .= "Reply-To: $email_from . \r\n";

    $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n";


    $message = <<



    Client Name: $clientnameField


    Business Name: $businessnameField


    Email: $email_from


    Telephone: $phoneField


    First Address Line: $address1Field


    Second Address Line: $address2Field


    Address Town: $townField


    Postcode: $postcodeField




    About Their Business: $businessField


    About Their Service/Products: $productsField


    About Their Target Market: $marketField


    Package For Kick Start Users: $kickstartField


    Shoot For Commercial Photography: $photographyField




    Terms Agreed: $termsField




    Web Design Level: $webdesignField


    Logo Design Level: $logodesignField


    Brand Image Level: $brandimageField




    Main Design Theme: $mainthemeField


    Sub Style: $styles1Field


    Sub Style: $styles2Field


    Sub Style: $styles3Field


    Sub Style: $styles4Field




    Register Their Site: $registerField


    Host Their Site: $hostingField


    Add Pages: $pagesField


    How Many: $pagenumberField


    Add Image Galleries: $galleryField


    How Many: $gallerynumberField


    Add Online Forms: $formsField


    How Many: $formnumberField


    Add Downloadable Files: $filesField


    How Many: $filenumberField


    Add Editable Regions: $regionsField


    How Many: $regionnumberField


    Add Animations: $animantionsField


    What Kind: $describeField


    Subscribe To ActivEditing: $ActivEditingField


    Create Database: $databaseField


    List Of Page Contents: $detailsField




    Where Will The Logo Be Used: $usedwhereField


    Add designs to Which Services: $addtoField


    Build On Existing Designs: $buildonField


    Purchase other Concept Designs: $purchaseothersField




    Additional Printing Requirements: $addprintingField


    What Graphics For Branding: $graphicsField


    Flyer, Poster Or Borchure Dimensions And Pages: $dimensionsField


    Box Or Label Dimensions: $boxlabeldimensionField







    ini_set("sendmail_from", $email_from);

    $sent = mail($email_to, $email_subject, $message, $headers, "-f" . $email_from);



    /*Results Rendered As HTML */


    if($sent) {

    header("Location: " . $thankyou_url); // Redirect customer to thankyou page

    } else {

    // The mail didn't send, display an error.

    echo "There has been an error sending your message. Please try later.";





  10. Ok I found a script on the net that should send data from any form without knowing much about it, kind of a generic handler. I copied and uploaded, set the form action to follow it, and tested it.


    It returned a failed to send message. (the message is coded in the PHP for failure to send the message).


    So to it looks more likely an external problem????? The script I tried is:




    // In testing, if you get an Bad referer error

    // comment out or remove the next three lines

    if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])>7 ||


    die("Bad referer");

    $msg="Values submitted by the user:\n";

    foreach($_POST as $key => $val){

    if (is_array($val)){

    $msg.="Item: $key\n";

    foreach($val as $v){

    $v = stripslashes($v);

    $msg.=" $v\n";


    } else {

    $val = stripslashes($val);

    $msg.="$key: $val\n";




    $subject="General Web Enquiry";


    if (mail($recipient, $subject, $msg)){

    echo "

    Thank you

    Message successfully sent:


    echo nl2br($input);

    } else

    echo "An error occurred and the message could not be sent.";

    } else

    echo "Bad request method";


  11. [ Contact Us ]

    Thank your email, it has been successfully sent. We shall soon receive it and will respond as soon as possible.

    If your query requires an urgent reply, or you already have a project underway with us, you can email directly to the relevent person:

    Concept Arts : conceptarts@kyu-images.com

    Web Concepts : webconcepts@kyu-images.com

    Photography : photography@kyu-images.com

    Enquiries : enquiries@kyu-images.com


    Or telephone : 01502 281284 between 09:00 - 18:00 Monday to Friday, and 10:00 - 15:00 Saturday.

    Please choose where to go next:

    [ Home ]

    [ About Us ]

    [ Web Design ]

    [ Logo Design ]

    [ Brand Imaging ]

    [ Photography ]

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