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Everything posted by CrimianVaid

  1. I am a big fan of the 'Add Layer Mask' if I am looking to taper things such as these. Masks are your friend.
  2. as an example in your header that hopefully is templated in the php: if your favicon is in a folder off root 'templates/images/' set the src = './templates/images/fav...' place that concept in your header file (header.html) for example. There is absolutely no reason you should be tweaking 3000 php pages to do this. That would rather defeat the purpose of php.
  3. Latecomer to this post, but something else to think about: I have scripts tightly locked in FF and I wasn't able to see any of the content except for the bottom links. I saw placeholders for the flash objects. Granted, I could temporarily allow these objects, but if I (or anyone) do will they take 2 days to load? Perhaps something to think about.
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