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Everything posted by fazlionline

  1. yes this is my code is there anything wrong in the ocde?
  2. yes this is my code is there anything wrong in the ocde?
  3. yes virtual but after the include function, i am unable to edit any contenet of my page.!!!
  4. Thanks Thelma I have WAMP server installed on my PC PHP works on my PC, but when I Edit and php page which has include function, that gives error. All functions are working good except the include one
  5. what is the link to you site, let's know and trace....
  6. And when I upload that disordered file to the server, it is looking good, But the problem is in DreamWeaver only, in WYSIWUG or design view.
  7. Hell all I am using DreamWeaver, and work in PHP. Everything is going fantastic, but when I want to include a file, my whole page is disordered and I cannot see it as WYSIWUG. My include code is : <?php include "menu_province_eng.php" ?> Can anyone tell me what the problem is?
  8. ok thanks but how to hide the second livel by default?
  9. i mean what is the code for that
  10. fazlionline

    list vertical

    home download mobile tunes mobile wallpapers mobile contact
  11. I get the following error: I am not using wamp, I have my files on server! http://www.fazlionline.com/help/email_jlhaslip3.html
  12. Hi all I have a simple form and php script which sends user information (form form) to my email. When I user enter his name, email and message in the form and press the send button, he get the error and no email go to my inbox PHP Code: <?php $to = myemail@yahoo.com'; $name = '$_POST[urname]'; $message = '$_POST[urmessage]'; $headers = 'From: webmaster@example.com' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: webmaster@example.com' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); mail($to, $name, $message, $headers); ?> Is anything wrong with the script? Thanks
  13. i do not have PHPmyadmin on my site
  14. Ok Now, I have three fields, Name, Email and Message Can anyone write a simple & fresh code for me? See my page here: http://www.fazlionline.com/help/sendemail01.html
  15. I tried all the above codes, but an error occurs on every code Now let?s start from beginning and make a new file
  16. fazlionline

    Skype Menu

    hi Wickham i know about a CSS menu wich is rounded corners woth NO images and NO Javascript. see it here: http://www.visibilityinherit.com/code/nav19.php i need same menu like Skype with no images and no javascript.
  17. Email notification after new record Is there any method or script that if any new record is entered to that database,an email should be sent to me? Thanks
  18. fazlionline

    Skype Menu

    Thanks Wickham can any one tell me about CSS Rounded Corners with out Images & Java?
  19. fazlionline

    Skype Menu

    Hi all Can anyone tell me how to make such menu: http://www.skype.com/intl/en/download/skype/windows/ I want such menu without images. Can anyone help me?
  20. is there any PHP code to see my table fields?
  21. Hi everyone I made a database before a month. Now I want to insert the record in that, which includes user name, email and comments. When I post form to INSERT data in mysql, and error appears: Unknown column 'comments' in 'field list' I think that the field 'comments' may be named different in the database table. Now I want to see names of fields, is his possible through PHP? If yes, how can I do it?
  22. fazlionline

    Opera Menu

    Thank Eric , this is a good menu. I liked it. Hi Did you not one thing? If you HOVER mouse on the OPERA menu, http://my.opera.com/community/ , it will immediately change the color, and when you HOVER on my menu, http://www.fazlionline.com/opera/opera%2001.html , it takes time! Does anyone know why this happens?
  23. fazlionline

    Opera Menu

    Thanks Wickham I browsed your links, but I did not find any code there. I extract the code with the help of ?CSS Validate?! And applied that code to a menu: (http://www.fazlionline.com/opera/opera%2001.html ). Will anyone tell me how to make it perfect as that of opera?
  24. The second post on this page, solve the problem of updating one field but your last code of updating multi fields is not working. I also read about it in http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_update.asp as you told me, but I was unable to find updating in MySQL through PHP with taking values from FORM. Thanks
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