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Everything posted by Shad76

  1. This is the error I keep getting when clicking the add to cart button on the product of choice. Fatal error: Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings in C:\xampp\htdocs\phpcartoopmvc-projectfiles\app\models\m_products.php:172 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\phpcartoopmvc-projectfiles\app\models\m_cart.php(162): Products->get_prices(Array) #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\phpcartoopmvc-projectfiles\app\init.php(51): Cart->get_total_cost() #2 C:\xampp\htdocs\phpcartoopmvc-projectfiles\index.php(3): include('C:\\xampp\\htdocs...') #3 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\phpcartoopmvc-projectfiles\app\models\m_products.php on line 172 could the constants I have set be part of the problem?
  2. What is the Best way to create a shopping cart for my website project? I have a project my landlord would like me to create and I have the landing page but what would the best way to create a shopping cart for his products be?
  3. How can I use view.php on my hosting account so it is live?
  4. newlanding.thumb.png.404b5ea593b3049e3fdd3776def89812.png

     New landing page? DeHartsWebDesign.com let me know what you think and what I should do to improve.


  5. I have taken the foundational courses in studioweb.com...What should I do now and how to implament the skills I have learned for layout and design? Because i am not sure what to do with php and mysqli?
  6. I am thinking I should do a blog about Standing Rock since I have a lot of images I captured when I was there in 2016 what do you all think about this idea? 


  7. cagedillusions.com this is the first website I have ever created I realize the layout is not up to par but it is my first what do you all think?

    Screenshot 2021-05-14 184420.png

  8. Images of my first websites ever..

    Screenshot 2021-05-15 103731.png



  9. Image of my first blog I wrote all the code for...

    Screenshot 2021-05-15 083023.png

  10. I've been working on creating my first websites and webdesigns let me know what I need to work on and please don't pull any punches I learn best by getting in the ring with others who are better. DeHartsWebDesign.com, Cagedillusions.com, Tekagephp.com. plus my new blogs Dehartswebdesign.com and Tekagephp.wordpress.com😎thanks Shad DeHart🤓

    Screenshot 2021-05-14 221248.png

  11. Can I get some feed back positive negative either way but I have noticed when I get negative feedback is when I learn the most so please do not pull your punches... Needing to learn where I should focus my energy the most. cagedillusion.com, dehartswebdesign.com, tekagephp.com or should I start a wordpress blog to implement there themes until I learn how to create the themes myself...I have started a couple different wordpress blogs just to try and learn how wordpress works and to see if I should use it for my blog instead of creating my own blog theme. dehartswebdesign.wordpress.com let me know what you all think and like I said please do not pull your punches lol thank you for your time Shad DeHart.Plus how do you all like my logo I think it goes really well with my last name but should I be using my name at all let me know.
  12. Can I get some feed back positive negative either way but I have noticed when I get negative feedback is when I learn the most so please do not pull your punches... Needing to learn where I should focus my energy the most. cagedillusion.com, dehartswebdesign.com, tekagephp.com or should I start a wordpress blog to implement there themes until I learn how to create the themes myself...I have started a couple different wordpress blogs just to try and learn how wordpress works and to see if I should use it for my blog instead of creating my own blog theme. dehartswebdesign.wordpress.com let me know what you all think and like I said please do not pull your punches lol thank you for your time Shad DeHart.Plus how do you all like my logo I think it goes really well with my last name but should I be using my name at all let me know.
  13. I have an opportunity to build a webpage for someone else I am going to build it for free its my first offer to do a professional page. Am I allowed to build him a page and put it on my website? This is some of his work he won first place at an art show....
  14. Does anyone have any suggestions for somthing like photoshop that doesn't cost 600 dollars. I am wanting to use it for the creating a theme from scratch, WordPress course he recommends photoshop C6s but I can not afford that any ideas.Thank you....
  15. Shad76


    On the making wordpress themes from scratch video, is there another option than the photoshop Cs6 that is used in the video?
  16. Will the latest AI Kill programming jobs? I’ve heard many people say recently that artificial intelligence (AI) will make programming jobs obsolete in the future.
  17. Will the latest AI Kill programming jobs?
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