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Everything posted by StephenMBassett

  1. Thanks. I got it. Up until today, I didn't have the option to add my profile photo. Not sure what happened, but glad I was able to change it today.
  2. I don't have the option to change my profile photo on this platform. Is there an activity-level that is required before that functionality can become enabled on my account? FYI...I tried in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Thank You! Stephen
  3. I took the CSS course about 5 weeks ago, and I replicated all of the code while watching the videos, just like you're doing. Just keep doing what you are doing and it will all work out. I don't recall that there was any code which wasn't coded out in the videos. -Stephen
  4. Yup, Chrome. There are two popular Chrome extensions that make it easy to disable CSS styles: Web Developer Pendule You can find them in the Chrome Web Store. Peace, Stephen
  5. I had a difficult time solving this bug, and finally solved it. I'm posting it here to help others who might be struggling with the same situation. Code Source: This code is from the Simple PHP Login System, Lesson 17 & 18. My Setup: Machine: Windows 10 WAMP PHP version: 7.4.9 Code Editor: VS Code Here is my error notice: Notice: Only variables should be passed by reference in C:\wamp64\www\phplogin-parts17-18-projectfiles\register.php on line 144 I got that error message when I tried to register a member. The problem lies in LINE 144 SOLUTION: You need to create a new variable that represents... md5($input['pass'] . $config['salt']) Let's call that variable $salty.... $salty = md5($input['pass'] . $config['salt']); ...and then insert that new variable $salty into ... $stmt->bind_param(x, x, x, x, $salty); The code should look like this: if ($stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT members (username, email, type, password) VALUES (?,?,?,?)")) { $salty = md5($input['pass'] . $config['salt']); $stmt->bind_param("ssss", $input['user'], $input['email'], $input['type'], $salty); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->close(); Hope that helps! Stephen
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